Dr. Rheecha Joshi
• supporting blood gas exchange using a membrane oxygenator
• Venous blood is pumped through the oxygenator, where gas exchange occurs,
and is actively re-warmed before being pumped to the patient, via either the
venous or arterial circulation
• Respiratory failure remained the primary indication for ECMO until the late
• With growing experience, cardiac ECMO has begun to make the transition
from “rescue” therapy, to “therapeutic” and even “preventive” therapy
Respiratory ECMO in adults
• VV ECMO for CO2 removal and oxygenation, and a lung protective ventilatory strategy
inorder to “rest” the lungs and provide optimal conditions for recovery of lung function
• only patients with acute and potentially reversible processes are candidates.Chronic and
irreversible pathology, such as malignancy, systemic or interstitial diseases affecting the
lungs, are not suitable for management with ECMO
• Duration of ventilation – prolonged ventilation with high airway pressures and/or high
inspired oxygen concentrations (FiO 2 ) may pose a contraindication to ECMO as the
likelihood of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) becoming irreversible injury ( increases
with the duration of mechanical ventilation)
Cardiac ECMI in adults
• Cardiac ECMO, conducted as VA ECMO, involves passive drainage of blood via the
venous cannula, which is then pumped through the oxygenator into the arterial
• Cardiac:
cardiac arrest, failure to wean from CPB, fulminant myocarditis, cardiac trauma,
cardiogenic shock, pulmonary edema, pulmonary embolism, Hypothermia, VAD
placement, pulmonary embolectomy
veno-venous (VV) ECMO , in which blood is returned to the patient via
a vein
• only provides gas exchange
Centrifugal pump:
• are totally nonocclusive and afterload-dependent
• An increase in downstream resistance, such as significant hypertension, will
decrease forward flow to the body
• a flowmeter is incorporated in the arterial outflow to quantitate the actual
pump output
• If the pump outflow become occluded, the pump will not generate excessive
pressure and will not rupture the arterial line.
• Similarly, the pump will not generate significant negative pressure if the inflow
becomes occluded. This protects against cavitation and microembolus formation
CentriMag (Levitronix), RotaFlow (Maquet) and BioConsole 550 (Medtronic
Roller pumps –
• are positive displacement devices that compress the plastic tubing and physically push
blood forwards. Venous drainage is passive
• Excessive negative pressure and cavitation can occur
• Servoregulator
Heat exchanger –
• warms the blood before it is returned to the heart, thus allowing patient temperature
regulation through the ECMO circuit. Most adult oxygenators have an integral heat
• the transfer of energy occurs by circulating nonsterile water in a countercurrent fashion
against the circulating blood
• “membrane lungs” as their function is gas exchange. Three types of oxygenators
are commonly used: - silicone spiral coil oxygenators; polypropylene oxygenators;
and poly-methyl pentene (PMP) oxygenators
• three principles involved:
i) The membrane of the oxygenator must be thin enough to allow easy exchange of
oxygen, carbon dioxide and moisture.
ii) The surface area of the membrane must be sufficiently large to allow adequate
gas exchange to the patient’s blood volume in a reasonable time.
iii) The gas flow to the membrane will run in an opposite direction to the flow of
blood. This counter-current mechanism maximise the contact of the blood with a
high oxygen tension at the other side of the membrane.
Hollow-fiber membrane oxygenator with an
integrated heat-exchange system
• The microporous membrane provides the necessary gas-transfer via
the micropores where there is direct blood-gas interface with minimal
resistance to diffusion
• Increasing the total gas flow rate increases CO2 removal (increasing
the “sweep”) by reducing the gas-phase CO2 partial pressure and
promoting diffusion
• Isolation of the patient from the circuit may be required during circuit
maintenance, or during a trial of weaning from VA ECMO.
• When not in use the bridge is either not inserted or kept clamped and
flushed every 10–15 minutes
Anticoagulation –
• ACT is usually maintained in the 160–180 seconds range and the rate
of heparin infusion is titrated accordingly
• The catheters are brought through the chest wall through separate
stab wounds, and after bleeding is secured, the chest is covered, but
not closed, over mediastinal drainage tubes
• An alternative central cannulation site is the axillary artery
• The cannula then is place in the graft and tied securely with several
circumferential umbilical tapes.
Peripheral cannulation
• Seldinger’s technique
• A stab incision is made in the skin with a no. 11 blade knife, a needle is
inserted through the stab incision into the vessel, and a guidewire is
advanced gently. Dilators then are passed sequentially to gently dilate the
tract and the insertion point in the vessel
• The cannulas then are inserted, the guidewire is removed, and a clamp is
applied. For venous drainage, a long two-stage cannula (Fem-Flex II,
Research Medical, Inc., Midvale, UT) is directed into the femoral vein to
thelevel of the right atrium under TEE guidance.
To minimize limb complications from
• 10F perfusion cannula is placed in the superficial femoral artery distal to the primary
arterial inflow cannula to perfuse the leg .
• This cannula is connected to a tubing circuit that is spliced into the arterial circuit with a
Y-connector. The distal cannula directs continuous flow into the leg and significantly
reduces problems with leg ischemia
• An alternative strategy is to completely mobilize the common femoral artery and sew a
6 or 8 mm short Dacron graft to its anterior surface as a “chimney.” The graft serves as
the conduit for the arterial cannula, and no obstruction to distal flow exists
• Physiologically, ECLS - unload the right ventricle
but will not unload the ejecting left ventricle, though LV preload is
• ECLS as an RVAD (with outflow to the pulmonary artery via the right
ventricular outflow tract) may be used only in patients with good function of
the left ventricle
• In normal LVEF:
the marked reduction in preload and small increase in afterload produced by
the arterial inflow reduces wall stress and produces smaller end-diastolic
left ventricular volumes because the heart is able to eject the blood it receives
If the heart is dilated and poorly contracting
• the marked increase in afterload offsets any change in end-diastolic left
ventricular volume produced by bypassing the heart
• heart remains dilated because the left ventricle cannot eject sufficient
volume against the increased afterload to reduce either end-diastolic or
end-systolic volume
• conduct hourly checks for loose connections, bleeding from cannulation sites
and clots within the circuit
• Circuit blood flow and sweep gas are adjusted to maintain the desired blood
gas parameters.
• Total oxygen delivery (each minute) = Haemoglobin concentration x
1.35 x (Arterial saturation - Mixed Venous Saturation) x FLOW
• Leakage of plasma across the membrane from the blood phase to the gas
phase gradually decreasing the efficiency of the oxygenator and increasing
resistance to flow , necessitating oxygenator exchanges
• ECLS flows of 4 to 6 L/min are possible at pump speeds of 3000 to 3200 rpm
• If the patient is extubated within the first 14 days, they are advanced to day 15
of therapy and then tapered off according to the schedule
Transfusion –
• to maintain a platelet count above 80 000 and hematocrit between 40
and 45%.
• Coagulation is optimized by transfusion of fresh frozen plasma and
cryoprecipitate as indicated by clotting study results
• ECMO flow is gradually reduced; once it is down to approximately 1 l/minute, a “trial off
ECMO” is attempted.
• This involves increasing the ventilatory support and disconnecting the ECMO sweep gas flow.
• Pa O2 of >8.0 kPa , Pa CO 2 of 4.5–6.5 kPa during the “trial off ECMO” with ventilator
settings while keeping the FiO 2 <60% and respiratory rate <15 breaths/minute indicate
sufficiently good gas exchange to allow decannulation.
• Achieving a mean blood pressure of 60 mmHg without using excessive amounts of
inotropes and evidence of adequate tissue perfusion, using indices such as blood
gases, acid–base status, serum lactate and SvO2 , on 1 l/minute of ECMO fl ow, is
adequate to begin a “trial off ECMO.”