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Chapter Three

• Understand the concept pointers, declaration
and access.
• Use pointers to pass arguments to functions
by reference.
• Explain the close relationships between
pointers and arrays.
• Use arrays of pointers.
• Demonstrate basic pointer-based string
• Use pointers to functions
• Variables are memory cells that can access by an
• variables are stored in concrete places of the computer
• the computer memory is only a succession of 1 byte cells
(the minimum size for a datum), each one with a unique
• A pointer is a variable which stores the address of another
• The only difference between pointer variable and
regular variable is the data they hold.
?????? Explain the concept of pointer in C++
There are two pointer operators in C++:
– & the address of operator
– * the dereference operator
• The & literally mean “address of” always produces the memory
address of whatever it precedes.
• The * operator, when used with pointers, either declares a
pointer or dereferences the pointer’s value.
• The dereference operator can be literally translated to
"value pointed by" .
• A pointer is simply the address of an object in memory.
• Generally, objects can be accessed in two ways:
– directly by their symbolic name, or
– indirectly through a pointer.
• The act of getting to an object via a pointer to it, is called
dereferencing the pointer.
• Pointer variables are defined to point to objects of a specific
type so that when the pointer is dereferenced, a typed object
is obtained.
• We generally do not decide where the variable is to be
placed – it is done automatically done by the compiler and
the operating system on runtime.
• But there are some cases in which we may be interested in
knowing where the variable is stored.
• Solution??? preceding the variable identifier by an
ampersand sign (&) "address of”.
– For example: ptr= &var;
• This would assign to variable ptr the address of variable var
, since when preceding the name of the variable var with the
ampersand ( & ) character we are no longer talking about
the content of the variable, but about its address in memory.
• We are going to suppose that var has
been placed in the memory address 1776
and that we write the following:
int var=25;
int x=var;
int * ptr = &var;
• The result will be the one shown in the
following diagram:
• The variable that stores the address of
another variable (like ptr in the previous
example) is what we call a pointer.
Declaring Pointers:
• Is reserving a memory location for a pointer
variable in the heap.
• Syntax: type * pointer_name ;
• ???declare a pointer variable called p_age:
int * p_age;
• Whenever the dereference operator, *,
appears in a variable declariation, the
variable being declared is always a pointer
Assigning values to pointers:
• p_age is an integer pointer. The type of a pointer is
very important.
• p_age can point only to integer values, never to
floating-point or other types.
• To assign p_age the address of a variable:
int age = 26; int * p_age; p_age = &age;
int age = 26; int * p_age = & age;
• Two ways to print the value of age:
cout<<age;//prints value of age
cout<<*p_age;//dereferences p_age;
• The dereference operator produces a value that
tells the pointer where to point.
• cout<<p_age, would print an address(address of
• You can assign a different value to age:
age = 13; //assigns a new value to age
*p_age = 13;
//assigns 13 as a value to the memory p_age points
• N.B: the * appears before a pointer variable in only
two places:
– when you declare a pointer variable and when you
dereference a pointer variable (to find the data it points
//more about pointers and the pointer operators, & and *
int main()
int num = 123; // a regular integer variable
int *p_num; //declares an integer pointer
cout<< “num is ”<<num<<endl;
cout<< “the address of num is ”<<&num<<endl;
p_num = &num;// assign address of num in p_num;
cout<< “*p_num: ”<<*p_num<<endl; //prints value of num
cout<< “p_num: ”<<p_num<<endl; //prints value of P_num

return 0;
Pointer to void
• note that we can’t assign the address of a float
type variable to an integer pointer variable and
similarly the address of an integer variable can
not be stored in a float or character pointer.
• flaot y;
• int x;
• int *ip;
• float *fp;
• ip = &y; //illegal statement
• fp = &x; //illegal statement
• That means, if a variable type and pointer to type is
same, then only we can assign the address of variable to
pointer variable. And if both are different type then we
can’t assign the address of variable to pointer variable
but this is also possible in C++ by declaring pointer
variable as a void as follows:
void *p;
int x;
float y;
p = &x; //valid assignment
p = &y; //valid assignment
• The difficulty on void pointers is that, void pointers
can not be dereferenced. They are aimed only to store
address and the dereference operator is not allowed for
void pointers.
Arrays of Pointers
• If you have to reserve many pointers for many
different values, you might want to declare an array
of pointers.
int *iptr[10]; //reserves an array of 10
integer pointers
• The above statement will create the following
structure in RAM
iptr[4] = &age;// makes iptr[4] point to
address of age.
Pointer and arrays
• The concept of array goes very bound to the one of pointer. In fact, the
identifier of an array is equivalent to the address of its first element, like a
pointer is equivalent to the address of the first element that it points to, so in
fact they are the same thing.
• For example, supposing these two declarations:

int Numbers[20];
int * p;
• the following allocation would be valid:

p = numbers; //why?????
• At this point p and numbers are equivalent and they have the same
properties, with the only difference that we could assign another value to the
pointer p whereas numbers will always point to the first of the 20 integer
numbers of type int with which it was defined.
• Therefore, although the previous expression was valid, the following allocation
is not:

numbers = p;//??????
• Because numbers is an array (constant pointer),
and no values can be assigned to constant
• N.B: An array name is just a pointer, nothing more.
The array name always points to the first element
stored in the array.
int ara[5] = {10,20,30,40,50};
cout<< *(ara + 2); //prints ara[2];
• The expression *(ara+2) is not vague at all if you
remember that an array name is just a pointer that
always points to the array’s first element.
• Consider the following character array:
char name[] = “C++ Programming”;
char name[] = “C++ Programming”;
• What output do the following cout
statements produce?
• cout<<name[0]; // ____C__
• cout<<*name; // _____C__
• cout<<*(name+3); //_________
• cout<<*(name+0); //____C____
• What is the two uses of * operator?
• Name its use???
Pointer Advantage
• You can’t change the value of an array name,
because you can’t change constants. This
explains why you can’t assign an array a new
value during a program’s execution:
• eg: if Cname is array of characters then:
Cname = “Football”; //invalid array
• Unlike arrays, you can change a pointer
variable. By changing pointers, you can make
them point to different values in memory.
• Have a look at the following code:
int main()
{ float v1 = 679.54;
float v2 = 900.18;
float * p_v;
p_v = &v1;
cout<< “\nthe first value is ”<<*p_v;
p_v = &v2;
cout<< “\nthe second value is ”<<*p_v;
return 0;
• You can use pointer notation and reference pointers as arrays with
array notation. The inner workings of arrays and pointer notation.
int main()
int ctr;
int iara[5] = {10,20,30,40,50};
int *iptr;
iptr = iara; //makes iprt point to array’s first element. Or iprt = &iara[0]
cout<< “using array subscripts:\n”
cout<< “iara\tiptr\n”;
cout<<iara[ctr]<< “\t”<< iptr[ctr]<< “\n”;
cout<< “\nUsing pointer notation\n”;
cout<< *(iara+ctr) << “\t” << *(iptr+ctr)<< “\n”;
return 0;
• Suppose that you want to store a persons name
and print it. Rather than using arrays, you can
use a character pointer.
int main()

char *c = “Meseret Belete”;

cout<< “your name is : ”<<c;
return 0;
• Suppose that you must change a string pointed to by a
character pointer, if the persons name in the above code is
changed to Meseter Alemu: look at the following code:
int main()
char *c = “Meseret Belete”;
cout<< “youe name is : ”<<c;
c = “Meseret Alemu”;
cout<< “\nnew person name is : ”<<c;
return 0;
• If c were a character array, you could never assign it
directly because an array name can’t be changed.
Pointer Arithmetic
• To conduct arithmetical operations on pointers is a little
different than to conduct them on other integer data types.
• To begin, only addition and subtraction operations are
allowed to be conducted, the others make no sense in the
world of pointers.
• But both addition and subtraction have a different behavior
with pointers according to the size of the data type to
which they point to.
• When we see the different data types that exist, we saw
that some occupy more or less space than others in the
memory. For example, in the case of integer numbers,
char occupies 1 byte, short occupies 2 bytes and long
occupies 4.
• Let's suppose that we have 3 pointers:
char *mychar;
short *myshort;
long *mylong;
• And that we know that they point to memory locations 1000 , 2000
and 3000 respectively. So if we write:
• mychar , as you may expect, would contain the value 1001.
Nevertheless, myshort would contain the value 2002 , and mylong
would contain 3004 . The reason is that when adding 1 to a pointer
we are making it to point to the following element of the same type
with which it has been defined, and therefore the size in bytes of
the type pointed is added to the pointer.
• This is applicable both when adding and subtracting any number to a
• It is important to warn you that both increase ( ++ ) and decrease ( -- )
operators have a greater priority than the reference operator asterisk (
* ), therefore the following expressions may lead to confusion:
*p++; // *(p++)
*p++ = *q++;  *p=*q; p++;q++;
• The first one is equivalent to *(p++) and what it does is to increase p
(the address where it points to - not the value that contains).
The second, because both increase operators ( ++ ) are after the
expressions to be evaluated and not before, first the value of *q is
assigned to *p and then they are both q and p increased by one. It is
equivalent to:
*p = *q;
• Now let us have a look at a code that shows increments
through an integer array:
int main()
int iara[] = {10,20,30,40,50};
int * ip = iara;
Pointer and String
• If you declare a character table with 5
rows and 20 columns, each row would
contain the same number of characters.
• You can define the table as:
Char names[5]
[20]={“George”,“Mesfin”,“John” ,“Kim”,“Barbar
The above statement will create the
following table in memory:

G e o r g e \0

M e s f i n \0

J o h n \0

K i m \0

B a r b a r a \0
• Notice that much of the table is wasted space.
Each row takes 20 characters, even though the
data in each row takes far fewer characters.
• To fix the memory-wasting problem of fully
justified tables, you should declare a single-
dimensional array of character pointers.
• Each pointer points to a string in memory and
the strings do not have to be the same length.
• Here is the definition for such an array:
char *name [5] = {“George”,“Mesfin”,“John”,
• This array is a single-dimension array. The
asterisk before names makes this array an array
of pointers. Each string takes only as much
memory as is needed by the string and its
terminating zero.
• To print the first string, we should use:
cout<<*names; //prints George.
• To print the second use:
cout<< *(names+1); //prints Michael
• Whenever you dereference any pointer element
with the * dereferencing operator, you access one
of the strings in the array.
Pointer to pointer:
• As the memory address where integer, float or character is stored in can be
stored into a pointer variable, the address of a pointer can also be stored in
another pointer. This pointer is said to be pointer to a pointer.
• An array of pointer is conceptually same as pointer to pointer type. The
pointer to pointer type is declared as follows:
Data_type ** pointer_name;
• Note that the asterisk is double here.
int **p; //p is a pointer which holds the address of another pointer.
– E.g.:
char a;
char * b;
char ** c;
a = 'z';
b = &a;
c = &b;
• supposing the randomly chosen memory
locations of 7230 , 8092 and 10502 , could
be described thus:
Have a look at the following code:
int main()
int data;
int *p1;
int **p2;
data = 15;
cout<< “data = ”<<data<<endl;
p1 = &data;
p2 = &p1;
cout<< “data through p1 = ”<<*p1<<endl;
cout<< “data through p2 = ”<< **p2<<endl;

Dynamic memory:
• Until now, in our programs, we have only had as much memory as
we have requested in declarations of variables, arrays and other
objects that we included, having the size of all of them to be fixed
before the execution of the program.
• But, What if we need a variable amount of memory that can only be
determined during the program execution (runtime)? For example,
in case that we need a user input to determine the necessary
amount of space.
• The answer is dynamic memory, for which C++ integrates the
operators new and delete.
• Pointers are useful for creating dynamic objects during program
execution. Unlike normal (global and local) objects which are
allocated storage on the runtime stack, a dynamic object is
allocated memory from a different storage area called the heap.
Dynamic objects do not obey the normal scope rules. Their scope
is explicitly controlled by the programmer.
The New Operator
• In C++ new operator can create space dynamically i.e at run time, and
similarly delete operator is also available which releases the memory
taken by a variable and return memory to the operating system.
• When the space is created for a variable at compile time this approach is
called static. If space is created at run time for a variable, this approach
is called dynamic. See the following two lines:

int a[10];//creation of static array

int *a;
a = new int[10];//creation of dynamic array
• Lets have another example:
int * ptr3;
ptr3 = new int [5];
• In this case, the operating system has assigned
space for 5 elements of type int in the heap and
it has returned a pointer to its beginning that has
been assigned to ptr3 . Therefore, now, ptr3
points to a valid block of memory with space for
5 int elements.
• You could ask what is the difference between declaring a normal array
and assigning memory to a pointer as we have just done.
• The most important one is that the size of an array must be a constant
value, which limits its size to what we decide at the moment of
designing the program before its execution, whereas the dynamic
memory allocation allows assigning memory during the execution of
the program using any variable, constant or combination of both as
• The dynamic memory is generally managed by the operating system,
and in the multi-task interfaces can be shared between several
applications, so there is a possibility that the memory exhausts.
• If this happens and the operating system cannot assign the
memory that we request with the operator new , a null pointer will
be returned. For that reason it is recommendable to always verify
if after a call to instruction new the returned pointer is null:
int * ptr3;
ptr3 = new int [5];
if (ptr3 == NULL) {
// error assigning memory. Take
• if ptr3 is NULL, it means that there is no
enough memory location in the heap to be
given for ptr3.
Operator delete
• Since the necessity of dynamic memory is usually limited to
concrete moments within a program, once this one is no longer
needed it shall be freed so that it become available for future
requests of dynamic memory. For this exists the operator delete ,
whose form is:
delete pointer ;
delete [] pointer ;
• The first expression should be used to delete memory allocated
for a single element, and the second one for memory allocated
for multiple elements (arrays).
• In most compilers both expressions are equivalent and can be
used without distinction, although indeed they are two different
operators and so must be considered for operator overloading.
• In the following simple example, a
program that memorizes numbers, does
not have a limited amount of numbers that
can be introduced, thanks to the concept
and power of pointer that we request to
the system as much space as it is
necessary to store all the numbers that the
user wishes to introduce.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main ()
char input [100];
int i,n;
long * num;// total = 0;
cout << "How many numbers do you want
to type in? ";
cin.getline (input,100);
i=atoi (input);
num= new long[i];
if (num == NULL)
cout<<"\nno enough memory!";
exit (1);
for (n=0; n<i; n++)
cout << "Enter number: ";
cin.getline (input,100);
num[n]=atol (input);
cout << "You have entered: ";
for (n=0; n<i; n++)
cout << num[n] << ", ";
delete[] num;
return 0;
• NULL is a constant value defined in C++
libraries specially designed to indicate null
• In case that this constant is not defined
you can do it yourself by defining it to 0:
End of Pointer!!!

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