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Slot 6,7,8,9,10 JDBC

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Lecture 05

JDBC Database Access

JDBC- Java Database Connectivity
( 5 slots)

• Java-Tutorials/tutorial-2015/jdbc/index.html
• Java Documentation, the java.sql package
Why should you study this lecture?

In almost all large applications. Data are

organized and stored in databases which are
managed by database management systems
(DBMS) such as MS Access, MS SQL Server,
Oracle, My SQL,…
Do you want to create Java applications which
can connect to DBMSs?
Database programming is a skill which can not be
missed for programmers.

Introduction to databases
Relational Database Overview
JDBC and JDBC Drivers
Steps to develop a JDBC application.

1- Database and DBMS

2- Relational Database Overview
3- JDBC and JDBC Drivers
4- Steps to develop a JDBC Application
5- A Demonstration
1- Database and DBMS
Database is a collection of related data which are
stored in secondary mass storage and are used by
some processes concurrently.
Databases are organized in some ways in order to
reduce redundancies.
DBMS: Database management system is a software
which manages some databases. It supports ways to
users/processes for creating, updating, manipulating
on databases and security mechanisms are
supported also.
DBMS libraries (C/C++ codes are usually used)
support APIs for user programs to manipulate
2- Relational Database Overview
 Common databases are designed and implemented based
on relational algebra (set theory).
 Relational database is one that presents information in
tables with rows and columns.
 A table is referred to as a relation in the sense that it is a
collection of objects of the same type (rows).
 A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)-
such as MS Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle- handles the
way data is stored, maintained, and retrieved.
Structure Query Language (SQL)
Data Definition Language (DDL):

CREATE…/ ALTER…/ DROP… 3 languages:

Data Manipulating
Language (DML):

Data Control Language (DCL):


Common DML queries:

SELECT columns FROM tables WHERE condition

UPDATE table SET column=value,… Where condition
DELETE FROM table WHERE condition
INSERT INTO table Values ( val1, val2,…)
INSERT INTO table (col1, col2,…) Values ( val1, val2,…)
3-JDBC and JDBC Driver

The JDBC™ API was designed to keep simple

things simple. This means that the JDBC makes
everyday database tasks easy. This trail walks
you through examples of using JDBC to execute
common SQL statements, and perform other
objectives common to database applications.
The JDBC API is a Java API that can access any
kind of tabular data, especially data stored in a
Relational Database.
JDBC and JDBC Driver…
JDBC APIs has 02 parts in the java.sql package.

Part Details Purposes

JDBC DriverManager Java.lang.Class.forName(DriverClass) will

Driver class dynamically load the concrete driver class,
provided by a specific provider for a specific
database. This class implemented methods
declared in JDBC interfaces.
The class DriverManager will get a connection to
database based on the specific driver class loaded.
JDBC API Interfaces:
Connection, For creating a connection to a DBMS
Statement For executing SQL statements
ResultSet For storing result data set and achieving columns
DatabaseMetadata For getting database metadata
ResultSetMetadata For getting resultset metadata
Refer to the java.sql package for more details in Java documentation
JDBC and JDBC Driver…
Java App.
Connection con Statement stmt ResultSet rs

DriverManager executeQuery()

Process rs
Specific JDBC Driver
implement interfaces
(loaded dynamically
by java.lang.Class)

Model of a JDBC App.

JDBC and JDBC Driver…
DBMS provider/developer will supply a package in
which specific classes implementing standard JDBC
driver (free).
Based on characteristics of DBMSs, four types of
JDBC drivers are:
Type 1: JDBC ODBC
Type 2: Native API
Type 3: Network Protocol
Type 4: Native Protocol
• Type 1 and Type 4 are populated.
Type 1-Driver : JDBC-ODBC Bridge

Java Application Microsoft

Type I JDBC-
ODBC Bridge

SQL Command Result Set Mapping

<Datasource name, Data file>
MS ODBC Driver

MS Access Driver MS Excel Driver MS SQL Srv Driver Oracle Driver …

Database Database Database Database

Type 1-Driver : JDBC-ODBC…

 This package is in the JDK as default.

 Translates JDBC APIs to ODBC APIs
 Enables the Java applications to interact with any database
supported by Microsoft.
 Provides platform dependence, as JDBC ODBC bridge driver
uses ODBC
 JDBC-ODBC bridge is useful when Java driver is not
available for a database but it is supported by Microsoft.
 Disadvantages
 Platform dependence (Microsoft)
 The performance is comparatively slower than other drivers
 Require the ODBC driver and the client DB to be on the server.
 Usage: DSN is registered to use connecting DB (a data source is
declared in Control Panel/ODBC Data sources)
Type 2-Driver: Native API
 Provides access to the database
through C/C++ codes. Application
 Developed using native code Java Application
 Native code libraries provide
access to the database, and Type II JDBC
improve the performance Driver
 Java application sends a
request for database SQL Command Result Set
connectivity as a normal JDBC
call to the Native API driver Native Database
 Establishes the call, and Library
translates the call to the Proprietary Protocol
particular database protocol
that is forwarded to the
database Database
Type 3-Driver: Network Protocol
Use a pure Java client and
Java Application
communicate with a
middleware server using a
database-independent Type III JDBC
protocol. Driver
The middleware server then
Result Set
communicates the client’s
requests to the data source JDBC
Manages multiple Java
applications connecting to
different databases Database
Type 4-Driver: Native Protocol

 Communicates directly with the
database using Java sockets Java Application
 Improves the performance as
translation is not required
 Converts JDBC queries into native
calls used by the particular
 The driver library is required when
SQL command Result Set
it is used and attached with the
deployed application (sqlserver
2000: mssqlserver.jar, msutil.jar, use Proprietary protocol
msbase.jar; sqlserver 2005:
sqljdbc.jar; jtds: jtds.jar …) Database
 Independent platform
Download Type 4 SQL Server JDBC

Google : Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver

MS SQL Server 2008

MS SQL Server 2005
Configure Ports, Protocols for SQL Server

Enable Server protocols and port

Attention: Disable VIA

Enable client protocols and port

Configure Ports, Protocols for SQL Server…

Stop then restart SQL Server and SQL Server Agent for settings are affected.

4-Steps to Develop a JDBC Application

Step Description Use ( java.sql package) Methods

1 Load JDBC Java.lang.Class forName(…)

2 Establish a DB java.sql.Connection
connection java.sql.DriverManager DriverManager
getConnection(…) 
3 Create & java.sql.Statement không có execute(…)
execute SQL tham số executeQuery(…)  SELECT
statements java.sql.PrepareStatement executeUpdate(…) 
java.sql.CallableStatement TE
chỉ thực thi store proceduce
4 Process the java.sql.ResultSet first(), last(), next(), previous()
results getXXX(..)
5 Close ResultSet, Statement, close()
Step 1: Register JDBC Driver
Step 2: Establish a connection to DB
Driver Class
Driver Type 1 with Data Source Name registered in ODBC

Attention to the syntax of URL

Step 1: Register JDBC Driver
Step 2: Establish a connection to DB
Driver type

Driver Class

Attention to the syntax of URL

Step 3: Create &Execute a SQL statement

String sql1 = “SELECT columns FROM table1, table2, … WHERE condition”;

String sql2 = “UPDATE table SET column = value, … WHERE condition”;
String sql3 = “INSERT INTO table VALUES ( val1, val2, … )” ;
String sql4 = “INSERT INTO table (col1, col2, col3) VALUES ( val1, val2, val3)” ;
String sql5 = “UPDATE table SET col1 = ?, col2=? WHERE condition”;

// Connection con was created

Statement stmt= con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs= stmt.executeQuery(sql1);
int numOfInfectedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(sql2);
int numOfInfectedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(sql3);
int numOfInfectedRows = stmt.executeUpdate(sql4);

PreparedStatement pStmt = con.preparedStatement(sql5);

pStmt.setXXX (index, val); // from 1
int numOfInfectedRows = pStmt.executeUpdate(); // no argument
Step 4: Process the results

BOF Move the current row:

boolean next(), previous(), first(), last()
Record 1
Default: Result set moves forward only.
Record 2

Record 3 Get data in columns of the current row:

TYPE getTYPE ( int columnIndex) // begin from 1
TYPE getTYPE ( String columnLabel)

….. SELECT desc AS description FROM T_employee

Column name: desc
Column Label: description

At a time, resultset maintains a current position. When the resultset is

initialized, the position is the BOF position. An exception is thrown when
the current position is out of its scope.
Step 5: Close the connection
Opening Order: Connection Statement ResultSet

Closing Order: ResultSet Statement Connection

At a time, a connection can be bound with ONLY ONE result set.
An exception will be thrown if we try binding a connection with another result
String sql1 =“SELECT…”;
String sql2 =“SELECT…”;
ResultSet rs1= stmt.executeQuery(sql1);
ResultSet rs2= stmt.executeQuery(sql2);  EXCEPTION
You should close the rs1 before trying get the rs2 result set
Solution: Transfer data in the rs1 to ArrayList (or Vector) then close rs1 before
get new data to rs2.
(Demo 1) Create database

Use MS Access or MS SQL Server 2008

Database name: Human
Tables and Relationship:

You can download this database file from CMS.

(Demo 1) Create database…
Initial data:
(Demo 3) Develop the program for managing
items using MS Sql Server JDBC

Program GUI
Demo 3…

 Add MS SQL Server JDBC to the NetBeans:

Demo 3…
Demo 3…
Demo 3…
Demo 3…
Demo 3…
Demo 3…
Demo 3…

Introduction to databases
Relational Database Overview
JDBC and JDBC Drivers
Steps to develop a JDBC application.
Thank You

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