• Anansi is a trickster who finds all sorts of devious ways to defeat his enemies And friends
who are much bigger and stronger than he his.
• Anansi represents the idea that Wit and wisdom can triumph over size and might.
• Since anansi was always smarter than his adversaries and always found a way to escape
difficult situations, These stories served as a means of encouragement and hope to the
African slaves.
• 1) Boy
• A) Innocent B) Naïve C) Compassionate
• Boy sees the slaves as people and ask questions that shows his compassion and
innocence. This shows that hate and segregation is learnt and not innate.
• Captain
• A) Stern B) Strict C)Cruel
• This is seen as he sees the slaves as just cargo and has no problem with the inhumane
conditions the slaves are in
• His job is also to have Boy replace him as captain one day and so he grows frustrated as
Boy is seemingly not as cold as he is.
• Girl
• A) Afraid B) Intelligent C) Determined
• Initially she is afraid until woman allows her to see that if her mind is free then it doesn’t
matter if her body I’d enslaved.
• Her intelligence is seen in her questions and in her interest to the Anansi stories. It is also
seen in her ability to understand the lessons that woman has taught.
• Summary of Anansi
• Anansi is about Slave Trade in the Caribbean. It is about a Girl being captured for the first
time, tied to the Hold of the ship "Good Ship Hope" along with other slaves. She is afraid,
but there is a Woman in the dark that tells her anansi stories or riddles to help her survive
and give her wit.
Is ironic because even though the name of the ship is Good ship hope, it does not bring
Hope to the slaves on the ship. It brings suffering, pain and enslavement.
• Themes in Anansi
• Father and Son Relationship
• Wisdom
• Growth
• Soliloquy
• The act of a Character expressing his or her own thoughts, aloud, while alone.
Examples: Boy: "Dear Diary, I am throwing you away. And you are not finished, I'll keep
your story in my head"
Boy: "Yesterday we put in to the West African coast for the last time before the long haul
to the Indies."
• Aside
• When the character speaks to the audience as though his speech is unheard by other
Example: "I am Anansi, small and quick Some folk are bigger, but usually thick"
When Girl was saying to her mother "I remember the river..."
• Contrast
• Differences and Similarities between Boy and Captain
• They are similar in terms of Gender, genes, race and privilege on the ship (both are free
and not tied to the hold like slaves) and they are different in terms of one being innocent
and is not aware of what the cargo is and does not have any hierarchy on the ship whilst
the "Captain" knows everything about the ship, is the leader and very strict.
• Contrast