ML Unit 1
ML Unit 1
ML Unit 1
Introduction: Definition of learning systems, Goals and applications of
machine learning, Aspects of developing a learning system: training
data, concept representation, function approximation. Inductive
Classification: The concept learning task, Concept learning as search
through a hypothesis space, General-to-specific ordering of
hypotheses, Finding maximally specific hypotheses, Version spaces and
the candidate elimination algorithm, Learning conjunctive concepts,
The importance of inductive bias.
ML UNIT-1 Ms.S.JayaMangala
Machine Learning
• Learning ↔ Intelligence
• Def: (Learning): Acquisition of knowledge or skills through study , experience, or
being taught.
• Def: Intelligence is the ability to learn and use concepts to solve problems.
• Machine Learning ↔ Artificial Intelligence
• Def: AI is the science of making machines do things that require intelligence if
done by human. (Minsky 1986).
• Def: Machine Learning is an area of AI concerned with development of
techniques which allow machines to learn.
ML UNIT-1 Ms.S.JayaMangala
Why Machine Learning
Why Machine Learning? ↔ Why Artificial Intelligence? ≡ To build machines
exhibiting intelligent behavior (i.e., able to reason, predict, and adapt) while
helping humans work, study, and entertain themselves.
• Recent programs in algorithm and theory.
• Growing flood of online data.
• More Computational power is available than human.
• Budding industry
ML UNIT-1 Ms.S.JayaMangala
Why Machine Learning
Why Machine Learning? ↔ Why Artificial Intelligence? ≡ To build machines
exhibiting intelligent behavior (i.e., able to reason, predict, and adapt) while
helping humans work, study, and entertain themselves.
• Recent programs in algorithm and theory.
• Growing flood of online data.
• More Computational power is available than human.
• Budding industry
ML UNIT-1 Ms.S.JayaMangala
ML UNIT-1 Ms.S.JayaMangala 05/20
Designing a learning system
1. Choosing the training experience –
Examples of best moves, games outcome.
2. Choosing the target function – board-move,
3. Choosing a representation for the target
function – linear function with weights
(hypothesis space).
4. Choosing a learning algorithm for
approximating the target function – A
method for parameter estimation
• FIND-S algorithm finds the most specific hypothesis within H that is consistent
with the positive training examples.
– The final hypothesis will also be consistent with negative examples if the
correct target concept is in H, and the training examples are correct.
ML UNIT-1 Ms.S.JayaMangala 03/20
FIND-S Algorithm
1. Initialize h to the most specific hypothesis in H
2. For each positive training instance x
For each attribute constraint a, in h
If the constraint a, is satisfied by x
Then do nothing
Else replace a, in h by the next more general constraint that is
satisfied by x
3. Output hypothesis h
• The version space of candidate hypotheses thus shrinks as more examples are
observed, until ideally just one hypothesis remains that is consistent with all the
observed examples.
• A version space can be represented with its general and specific boundary sets.
• The Candidate-Elimination algorithm represents the version space by storing only
its most general members G and its most specific members S.
• Given only these two sets S and G, it is possible to enumerate all members of a
version space by generating hypotheses that lie between these two sets in general-
to-specific partial ordering over hypotheses.
• Every member of the version space lies between these boundaries
– Remove g from G
– Add to G all minimal specializations h of g such that
» h is consistent with d, and some member of S is more specific than h
– Remove from G any hypothesis that is less general than another
hypothesis in G