Property of Fuels
Property of Fuels
Property of Fuels
Properties of fuels
1.Knock Rating
3.Calorific Value
4.Gum Content
5.Sulphur Content
6.Aromatic Content
1.Knock Rating
If the temperature of the unburned mixture exceeds
the self - ignition temperature and remains at or above
this temperature during a period of time during the
ignition lag , spontaneous ignition or auto ignition
occurs at various 'pin point' locations .This
phenomenon is called as knocking.
One of the best qualities of fuel is that it should be
used with higher compression ratio without knocking
because high compression ratio provides high engine
efficiency and lower fuel consumption.
Knock rating
The fuel should have high anti-knock value to make
use of the higher compression ratios.
Volatility indicates the tendency of a fuel to change
from liquid to vapour form.
The basic requirement of I.C engine fuel is , the combustion should be fast with maximum
amount of heat release without forming any deposits and should not have destructive effects on the
engine parts and atmospheric air by exhaust gases.
Gasoline is the major fuel used for S.I engine . It is a mixture of various
hydrocarbons such as paraffin , olefins , napthene and aromatics . The
composition depends upon the nature of crude available and method of
refining used.
A good fuel used in S.I engine must fulfil the following properties:-
1. It must evaporate quickly when injected by carburettor in the current of air.
2. It should not pre-ignite.
3.It should be easy to handle.
4.It should be easily available at reasonable cost.
5.It should burn clean and should not deposit the residue.
6.Its exhaust should not have any corrosion effect on the engine parts.
7.It must have high Calorific value.
8.It must be knock resistant.
Flash Point
The temperature at which the vapours of oil flash
when subjected to a flame is known as the flash point .
If container is closed ,it is called closed flash point and
if open it is called open flash point.
Fire Point
It is the temperature at which the oil , if once lit with
flame ,will burn steadily at least for 5 seconds