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Group 1 IT Era

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The Internet and the

World Wide Web

Lesson 11
Internet2 The Internet Today

The Internet
How Data Travels Connecting to
the Internet? the Internet

Who Runs the Internet?


Web: Browser,
Websites, & Web
The Main Parts
of Web Browser The World Wide
The HTML and
Search Services &
Search Engines

Web Web Search Techniques

“International Network” , consist of hundreds
of thousands of smaller networks linking
educational, commercial, nonprofit, and military
organizations, as well as individuals.
Clients Server/Host
requesting data Computer
or services

-is a worldwide
network connecting a
million computers via
PLDT, Inc. dedicated routers &
INTERNE services.
Digitel Mobile -sending and receiving
Philippines, Inc. different types of

Globe Telecom
Advanced Research
Projects Agency’s Wide
Area Network
Established by the U.S.
Department of Defense in
the 1960s so that the
military’s research unit
could collaborate or
partner with business and
government laboratories.
is a not-for-profit networking consortium founded in 1996 by 34
university research institutions in the US. It provides a
collaborative environment where US research and education
organizations collaborate and develop advanced technologies and
innovative solutions such as telemedicine, digital libraries, and
virtual laboratories to assist education, research, and community
The Internet2 Network
a next-generation optical and
internet protocol network
capable of delivering enhance
network services and is better
faster, and more efficient than
the typical internet or
broadband connections.
-maintains a secure
network testing and
US higher education environment.
81 Corporations 2 (dynamic circuit
network) An advanced
affiliates and affiliate technology that allows
members user-based allocation of
data circuits over the
regional and state
education networks
fiber-optic network.

national research and education networking

partners representing over 100 countries.
Philippine Research, Education
and Government Information

is among the
international PREGINET A nationwide webcast
peers reachable
among hospitals and
via Trans-
the video conference
server hosted locally at
the Department of
Network (TEIN)
Science and
Science and
Technology Institute
Internet Today
the internet connects thousands of
networks and billions of users
worldwide. The number of internet
users as of January 2018 is 4012
billion which means that more than
half of the world’s population is now
online, as revealed by We Are Social
and Hootsuite in their 2018 Global
Digital suite of reports.
Internet Today
the internet is open to anyone who
can access it. If one can use a
computer and if the computer is
connected to the internet, he or she
is free not only to use the resources
posted by others but also to create
resources of his or her worn.; that is,
the internet user can publish
documents on the World Wide Web,
exchange email messages with
other users, and perform many
How Data Travels the Three important things to connect with
Internet? the internet:

-Data and information are transferred

an access device, such as a personal
worldwide through wired or wireless
computer with a modem;
transmission media.
In the Philippines, the
transmission media that make up a means of connection, such as a
the internet backbone allow telephone line, cable hookup, or wireless
information or data exchanges capability
between networks at several an internet access provider, such as an internet
locations across the country, such service provider (ISP), a commercial online
as La Union in the northern part, service provider, or a wireless internet service
Batangas Cavite, and Davao down provider.
Connecting to the
telephone (dial-up)
modem cable
3 modem
Bandwidth, or channel capacity, expresses how much data
—text, voice, video, and so on—can be sent through a
1 communications channel in a given amount of time.
Means of Baseband transmission is a type of data transmission that
allows only one signal at a time
Connection Broadband transmission is a type of data transmission that
are: allows several signals to be transmitted at once, it's called.

2 several high- 4 Broadband—very high speed—connections include various

speed phone wireless—satellite
and other through- kinds of high-speed wired connections (such as coaxial and
lines— ISDN, fiber-optic), DSL, cable, satellite, and other wireless
DSL, and T1 the-air links.
Data Transmission
The Download
Speed is the transmission of data from a
Data is transmitted in remote computer to a local
characters or collections of computer, from a website to a PC.
bits. A bit is the smallest unit
of information used by Upload is the transmission of data from a
computers. Transmission local computer to a remote
speeds are measured in bits, computer, from someone's PC to a
kilobits, megabits, and gigabits website someone is constructing.
per second.
Types of

A modem Narrowband
is a device that sends or low-bandwidth connection,
and receives data over mainly consists of dial-up
telephone lines to and connections— the use of
from computers. telephone modems to connect
computers to the internet.
High-Speed Phone Lines:
POTS—“plain old telephone system” connection
with a high-speed adaptation. Among the choices
are ISDN, DSL, and T1.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) consists

of hardware and software that allow voice, video, and
data to be communicated over traditional copperwire
telephone lines.

DSL (digital subscriber line) uses regular phone lines,

a DSL modem, and special technology to transmit
data in megabits per second.

T1 line is essentially a traditional trunk line that carries

24 normal telephone circuits and has a transmission rate
of 1.5 to 6 Mbps.
High-Speed Phone Lines:
POTS—“plain old telephone system” connection
with a high-speed adaptation. Among the choices
are ISDN, DSL, and T1.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) consists

of hardware and software that allow voice, video, and
data to be communicated over traditional copperwire
telephone lines.

DSL (digital subscriber line) uses regular phone lines,

a DSL modem, and special technology to transmit
data in megabits per second.

T1 line is essentially a traditional trunk line that carries

24 normal telephone circuits and has a transmission rate
of 1.5 to 6 Mbps.
High-Speed Phone Lines:
POTS—“plain old telephone system” connection
with a high-speed adaptation. Among the choices
are ISDN, DSL, and T1.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) consists

of hardware and software that allow voice, video, and
data to be communicated over traditional copperwire
telephone lines.

DSL (digital subscriber line) uses regular phone lines,

a DSL modem, and special technology to transmit
data in megabits per second.

T1 line is essentially a traditional trunk line that carries

24 normal telephone circuits and has a transmission rate
of 1.5 to 6 Mbps.
High-Speed Phone Lines:
POTS—“plain old telephone system” connection
with a high-speed adaptation. Among the choices
are ISDN, DSL, and T1.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) consists

of hardware and software that allow voice, video, and
data to be communicated over traditional copperwire
telephone lines.

DSL (digital subscriber line) uses regular phone lines,

a DSL modem, and special technology to transmit
data in megabits per second.

T1 line is essentially a traditional trunk line that carries

24 normal telephone circuits and has a transmission rate
of 1.5 to 6 Mbps.
High-Speed Phone Lines:
POTS—“plain old telephone system” connection
with a high-speed adaptation. Among the choices
are ISDN, DSL, and T1.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) consists

of hardware and software that allow voice, video, and
data to be communicated over traditional copperwire
telephone lines.

DSL (digital subscriber line) uses regular phone lines,

a DSL modem, and special technology to transmit
data in megabits per second.

T1 line is essentially a traditional trunk line that carries

24 normal telephone circuits and has a transmission rate
of 1.5 to 6 Mbps.
Cable Modem A cable modem connects a personal
computer to a cable-TV system that offers
an internet connection. If DSL’s 11 minutes
to move a 6-minute video sounds good, 2
minutes sounds even better. That’s the rate
of transmission for cable modems, which
can transmit Cable modem going data at
about 1.4 Mbps and incoming data at up to
30 Mbps.
Cable Modem
Satellite Wireless Connections
A communications satellite is a
space station that transmits
radio waves called microwaves
from Earth-based stations.
Satellite internet connections are always on. To surf
the internet using this kind of connection, you need
an internet access provider that supports two-way
satellite transmission. You must also lease or
purchase satellite-access hardware, such as a dish.
Other Wireless Wi-Fi
Short for Wireless Fidelity, is the name given
Connection to any of several standards—so called
Internet wireless networks 802.11 standards—set by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
use radio waves to
for wireless transmission.
transmit data.
One standard, 802.11b, permits wireless transmission of
data at up to 54 Mbps for 300–500 feet from an access
point, or hot spot, a station that sends and receives data
to and from a Wi-Fi network; 802.11n can transmit up to
140 Mbps.
Other Wireless Connection
Many airports, hotels, libraries, convention centers, and fast-food facilities offer
so-called hotspots—public access to Wi-Fi networks. The hotspot can get its
internet access from DSL, cable modem, T1 local area network, dial-up phone
service, or any other method.

3G WIRELESS 3G, which stands for "third generation," is loosely defined

as a highspeed wireless technology that does not need access points because it
uses the existing cellphone system.
member-only company that provides internet
access and other specialized content, such as
news, games, and financial data. The two
best-known subscriber-only commercial
online services are AOL (America Online)
and MSN (Microsoft Network).

is a company that connects . A wireless internet service provider
online users through their (WISP) enables users with
communications lines to the computers containing wireless
company’s server, which links modems—mostly
them to the internet via another laptops/notebooks—and web-
company’s network access enabled mobile smartphones and
points. Examples are EarthLink personal digital assistants to gain
and United Online. access to the internet. Examples are
Cingular, Sprint, T-Mobile, and
Internet Connections: POPs, NAPs, Backbone,
& Internet2

is a local(POP)
PRESENCE access point to the internet
STRUCTURE OF —a collection of modems and other
equipment in a local area. The POP
THE INTERNET, acts as a local gateway to the ISP's
AND WHO network. To avoid making its
customers pay long-distance phone
CONTROLS IT? charges to connect, the ISP provides
each customer with POP access.
Internet Connections: POPs, NAPs, Backbone,
& Internet2


POINT is a routing computer at a point on
BASIC the internet where several
connections come together. NAPs
STRUCTURE are owned by a network service
OF THE provider (NSP), or a large
communications company, such as
The four AGIS
main or MCI.
NAPs quickly became overloaded, so
WHO Private/Peer NAPs, called PNAPs ("miniNAPs”), were
CONTROLS IT? established in the late 1990s. PNAPs facilitate more
efficient routing (passing) of data back and forth on the
internet by providing more backbone access locations.
is high-speed, high-capacity transmission
line that use the newest communications
technology to transmit data across the
Internet Connections: internet. Each NAP has at least one
POPs, NAPs, computer, whose task is simply to direct
internet traffic from one NAP to the next.
Backbone, & Internet2
NAPs are connected by the equivalent of
interstate highways, known collectively as
the internet backbone
Backbone connections are supplied by
internet backbone providers such as AT&T,
Cable & Wireless, GTE, Sprint, Teleglobe,
Verizon, and Deutsche Telekom.
INTERN is a cooperative university/business
education and research project that
Internet Connections: ET2 enables high-end users to quickly and
POPs, NAPs, reliably move huge amounts of data
Backbone, & Internet2 over highspeed networks. In effect,
Internet2 adds "toll lanes" to the
older internet to speed things up.
The purpose is to advance
video conferencing, research,
and academic collaboration—
to enable a kind of "virtual
Internet Communications

When your modem connects to a PROTOCOLS is a set of rules that

modem at your ISP’s POP computers must follow to transmit data
location, the two modems go electronically. The protocol that
through a process called enables all computers to use data
handshaking, whereby the transmitted on the Internet is called
Transmission Control
fastest available transmission Protocol/Internet Protocol, or
speed is established. Then TCP/IP, which was developed in 1978
authentication occurs: your ISP by ARPA.
needs to know you are who you
say you are, so you will need to
provide a username and a
Internet Communications

PACKETS are fixed-length IP ADDRESSES. An Internet

blocks of data for transmission. Protocol (IP) address uniquely
TCP/IP breaks the data in a
identifies every computer and device
message into separate packets.
This allows a message to be connected to the Internet. An IP
split up and its parts sent by address consists of four sets of
separate routes, yet still all numbers between 0 and 255 separated
wind up in the same place. IP is by decimals (called a dotted quad)—
used to send the packets across for example,
the internet to their final
destination, and TCP is used to
reassemble the packets in the
correct order.
Internet Communications

A dynamic IP address
changes each time you
connect to the

A static IP address remains constant

each time a person logs on to the
Who runs the
ISOC provides leadership in addressing
issues that confront the future of the Internet
and is the organizational home for groups
responsible for Internet infrastructure

ISOC is a professional, nonprofit society with more

than 80 organizations and 28,000 individual members in
more than 180 countries. The organizations include
companies, governments, and foundations.
 In June 1998, Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers (ICANN) was
established to regulate human-
friendly internet domain names—
those addresses ending  In June 2008, ICANN decided to
with .com, .org, .net, and so on, that "increase competition and choice"
overlie IP addresses and identify the by allowing perhaps thousands of
website type. new internet domain names to join
".com," beginning in 2009.
 ICANN Whosis Database, which returns the
name and address of any domain name entered
(entering microsoft.com, for instance, returns the
name and address of Microsoft Corp.).
Browser, Websites, & Web Pages
Tim Bernes-Lee
• Invented the World Wide
Web in 1989.
- graduated from the Queen’s College of
Oxford University, where he built a
computer with a soldering iron.
- In 1980, while an independent contractor
at CERN (European Organization for
Nuclear Research)
Tim Bernes-Lee
-Berners-Lee proposed a project based
on hypertext to facilitate sharing and
updating of information among
researchers. With other researchers, he
built a prototype system named Enquire.
- create the World Wide Web, for which he
designed and built the first browser (called
WorldWideWeb and developed it into
- built the first website at http://info.
cern.ch/, and it was first put online on
August 6, 1991.
- is software that enables
you to find and access the
various parts of the web.

Explorer Mozilla Firefox
more commonly used (with a 21% market share
68% market share)
to explore the web by using your mouse to
move via a series of connected paths, or links,
from one location or website, to another.
is a location on a
particular computer on
the web that has a
unique address.
Web page
a document on the World
Wide Web that can include
text, pictures, sound, and
video. The first page you see
on a website is like a title
page of a book. This is the
home page, or welcome
page, which identifies the
website and contains links to
02 The URL
The Uniform Resource
is a string of characters that points to a specific piece
of information anywhere on the web. In other words,
the URL is the website’s unique address.
3. the directory
1. the web protocol (or folder) on
that server
2. the domain 4. the file
name or web within that
server name directory
Example of URL
is a set of communication
rules for exchanging
information. The web
protocol, HTTP (HyperText
Transfer Protocol), was
developed by Tim
Berners-Lee, and it
appears at the beginning
of web addresses (as in
simply a location on the
internet, the particular web
server. Domain names tell
the location and the type of
the domain type: .
gov, .com, .net, .edu, .org, .mil, .int
is the name on the server
for the directory or folder
from which your browser
needs to pull the file.
Here it is yose for
“Yosemite.” For
Yellowstone National
the particular page or
document that you are

The HTML and Hyperlinks

Hypertext Mark
up Language
is the set of special instructions (called “tags” or
“markups”) that are used to specify document
structure, formatting, and links to other multimedia
documents on the web
Hypertext Mark up
is the successor to and the current version of HTML. The
need for a stricter version of HTML was perceived
primarily because World Wide Web content now must be
delivered to many devices (such as mobile phones) with
fewer resources than traditional computers.
hyperlinks, hotlinks, or just links
—are connections to other
documents or web pages
containing related information; a
word or phrase in one document
becomes a connection to a
document in a different place.
The main purpose of the status bar is
to display the URL of a link when you
hover the mouse over it. It also
displays information on the page as it
loads. In most browsers, the status
bar stays hidden most of the time and
automatically appears when it has
something to display. It shows the
load speed and the URL address of
whatever the mouse is hovering over.
It is found at the top of your
browser window, and its
purpose is to show the
whole URL or website
It is found at the absolute top of
your browser, the color blue for
the major browsers. The purpose
of the Title bar is to display the
title of the web page that is
currently viewing.
It is found directly under the Title Bar.
The Toolbar is where you will find the
back button, home button, refresh
button, etc.
It is the space in
which one can view
the actual website
It is usually located to the
right of the Display Window;
it allows one to “scroll”
(move down or up the web
page) so the user can view
information that is below or
above on what is currently
in the Display Window.

Web Portals
simply a portal, is a type of gateway website that functions
as an “anchor site” and offers a broad array of resources
and services, online shopping malls, email support,
community forums, current news and weather, stock
quotes, travel information, and links to other popular
subject categories.
VERTICAL -Corporate Portal
PORTAL is available for personalized
access to the selected
information of a specific
it focuses only on one company
definite industry or
domain. It offers tools, -Commerce Portal
articles, information, supports business-to-consumer
research, and data on and business ecommerce.
the specific industry or

2. HORIZONTALemphasizes a wide array of interests and topics.

Horizontal portals target the entire Internet
PORTAL community. These websites, often referred to as
'mega portals', generally contain search engines
and offer the ability for the user to personalize the
page by offering several channels (i.e. access to
other data such as stock quotes, regional weather,
or news updates).

3. KNOWLEDGEenhances the efficiency of knowledge

PORTAL employees by providing easy access to
information that is helpful to them in one or
more explicit roles.

4. ENTERPRISE developed and maintained for

PORTAL access by members of the
enterprise network.
5. MARKET exist to endorse the B2B (Business-to-
PORTAL business- it is a transaction or
business conducted between one
business and another) and B2C
ecommerce (business-to-consumer
that refers to the process of selling
products and services directly
between a business and consumers
who are the end-users of its products
or services).
Software support for e-commerce
 Ability to find and access rich information
about the products on sale.
 Ability to share in groups with other
organizations that maintain databases
accessible through websites to help users find
information on the internet
software program that searches a database of Internet
sites and then returns a list of sites that match the
keywords or phrases you entered into the search engine.

Hits are defined as the sites that a search engine returns after
running a keyword search
Web Search Tool
Search Subject
Engine Directory Metasearch
compiles its searchable is created and allows you to search
database on the web. The maintained by human several search engines
search for information by editors, not electronic simultaneously.
typing one or more keywords spiders, and allows you
and the search engine then to search for information
displays a list of web pages, by selecting lists of
or "hits," that contain those categories or topics
keywords, ordered from most
likely to least likely to contain
the information you want.
Web Search Tool

Specialized Search
helps locate specialized subject matter,
such as material about movies, health, and
jobs. These overlap with the specialized
portals, or vortals.
07 Web Search Techniques
Web Search 1.1 AND connects two or more search words which
means that all of them must appear in the search
Techniques results. Example: Strawberry AND Fields AND
1. Choose your search 5. Use Boolean operators 1.2 OR connects two or more search words and
terms well, and watch —AND, OR, and NOT indicates that any of the two may appear in the results.
your spelling. 1.3 NOT, when inserted before a word, excludes that
word from the results
2. Type words in

3. Use phrases with 6. Use inclusion and • The plus sign (+), like AND, precedes a word that
quotation marks exclusion operators— must appear. Example: Strawberry Fields.
rather than separate plus () and minus ( ) • The minus sign (-), like NOT, excludes the word
words. that follows it. Example: Strawberry Fields–Sally
4. Put unique words first
in a phrase.
7. Use wildcards—asterisks ( * ) and
question marks (?): If you want as many
results as possible on a keyword, use an
asterisk ( * ) or question mark (?) to
mean “anything/ everything.”

8. Read the Help or Search Tips section:

All search sites provide a Help
section and tips. This could save time
Cardejon, Jocel By: Alayon, Lloyd
Cortez, Aiza Acejeo, Joseph
Dabalus, Pauline Atilano, Fevy B.
Depamaylo, Rey Mark Balbutin, Joshua
Estañol, Kathy Joy V. Bautista, Renz Alberth
Cajiles, John Earl
Calites, John Carl
Thank You!

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