IMC Unit 3
IMC Unit 3
IMC Unit 3
The Signal Received by the Mobile unit is the combination of Line of Sight
(LOS) and Non Line of Sight (NLOS) path signal components, so this is a
Multipath component environment and also this causes Interference. This
Interference can be Constructive or Destructive.
Factors influencing Small scale fading:
• The following physical factors influence small-scale fading in the radio
propagation channel:
1. Multipath propagation : Multipath is the propagation phenomenon that
results in radio signals reaching the receiving antenna by two or more
paths. The effects of multipath include constructive and destructive
interference, and phase shifting of the signal.
2. Speed of the Mobile: The relative motion between the base station and
the mobile results in random frequency modulation due to different
Doppler shifts on each of the multipath components.
3. Speed of Surrounding Objects: If objects in the radio channel are in
motion, they induce a time varying Doppler shift on multipath
components. If the surrounding objects move at a greater rate than the
mobile, then this effect dominating fading.
4. Transmission Bandwidth of the Signal: If the transmitted radio signal
bandwidth is greater than the “bandwidth” of the multipath channel
(quantified by coherence bandwidth), the received signal will be distorted.
Small Scale multipath measurements
• To determine the small-scale fading effects, a number of wideband
channel sounding techniques have been developed. These techniques
may be classified as direct pulse measurements, spread spectrum sliding
correlator measurements, and swept frequency measurements.
Direct RF Pulse System:
• A simple channel sounding approach is the direct RF pulse system
• This technique allows to determine rapidly the power delay profile of any
• Objective is to find channel impulse response
• A narrow pulse is used for channel sounding
• At receiver with a wide bandpass filter (BW=2/Tbb Hz) is employed. Then
signal is amplified, detected with an envelope detector, and displayed and
stored on a high speed oscilloscope.
• This gives an immediate measurement of the square of the channel impulse
response convolved with the probing pulse.
Direct RF Pulse System
• The mean excess delay is the first order moment of the power delay profile
and is defined as
• The RMS delay spread of multipath power profile is the square root of the
second central moment , and is given by
Coherence Bandwidth (Bc ):
• Coherence bandwidth is a statistical measure of the range of frequencies
over which the channel can be considered “flat” i.e, a channel which passes
all spectral components with approximately equal gain and linear phase.
• If the frequency correlation function is above 0.9, then the coherence
bandwidth is approximately
• Delay spread and coherence bandwidth do not offer information about the
time varying nature of the channel caused by either relative motion between
the mobile and base station, or by movement of objects in the channel.
• Doppler Spread and coherence time are parameters which describe the time
varying nature of the channel in a small scale region.
Doppler Shift (fd ):
The phase difference in the received signal
Due to difference in path lengths is
• If the mobile is moving toward the direction of arrival of the wave, the
Doppler shift is positive ( the apparent received frequency is increased).
The received frequency by mobile is fc + fd .
• If the mobile is moving away from the direction of arrival of wave, the
Doppler shift is negative (the apparent received frequency is decreased).
The received frequency by mobile is fc - fd .
Doppler Spread (BD ):
• Doppler spread is a measure of the spectral broadening caused by the time rate
of change of the mobile radio channel and is defined as the range of frequencies
over which the received Doppler spectrum is essentially non – zero.
• When a pure sinusoidal tone of frequency fc is transmitted, the received signal
spectrum, called the Doppler spectrum, will have components in the range fc - fd
to fc + fd , where fd is a Doppler shift.
Coherence Time (Tc ):
• Coherence time is the time domain dual of Doppler spread and is used to
characterize the time varying nature of the frequency depressiveness of the
channel in the time domain. The Doppler spread and coherence time are
inversely proportional to one another.
• Coherence time is actually a statistical measure of the time duration over which
the channel impulse response is essentially invariant, and quantifies the
similarity of the channel response at different times. i.e coherence time is the
duration over which two received signals have a strong potential for amplitude
• If the coherence time is defined as the time over which the time correlation
function is above 0.5, then the coherence time is approximately
where fm is maximum Doppler shift given by v/λ .
Types of Small Scale Fading:
• Depending on the relation between the signal parameters (bandwidth,
symbol period etc.), and the channel parameters (rms delay spread and
Doppler spread), different transmitted signals will undergo different types
of fading.
Fading Effects due to Multipath Time Delay Spread:
• Time dispersion due to multipath causes the transmitted signal to undergo
either flat fading or frequency selective fading.
Flat Fading:
• If the mobile radio channel has a constant gain and linear phase response
over a bandwidth which is greater than the bandwidth of the transmitted
signal, then the received signal will undergo “flat fading”.
• In a flat fading channel , the reciprocal bandwidth of the transmitted signal
is much larger than the multipath time delay spread of the channel.
• To summarize, a signal undergoes flat fading if
Bs << Bc and Ts >> στ
i.e BW of signal < BW of channel and Delay Spread < Symbol period.
• Flat fading channels are also known as “amplitude varying channels” and
are sometimes referred to as “narrowband channels”, since the bandwidth
of the applied signal is narrow as compared to the channel flat fading
Flat fading
Frequency Selective Fading:
• If the channel possesses a constant gain and linear phase response over a
bandwidth that is smaller than the bandwidth of transmitted signal, then the
channel creates “frequency selective fading” on the received signal.
• In frequency selective fading, channel, the channel impulse response has a
multipath delay spread which is greater than the reciprocal bandwidth of
the transmitted message waveform.
• To summarize, a signal undergoes frequency selective fading if
Bs > Bc and Ts < στ
i.e BW of signal > BW of channel and Delay spread > Symbol period
• In frequency selective fading, the received signal includes multiple
versions of the transmitted waveform which are attenuated and delayed in
time, and hence the received signal is distorted. Thus the channel induces
“Inter Symbol Interference” (ISI).
• Frequency selective fading channels are also known as “wideband
channels” since the bandwidth of the signal is wider than the bandwidth of
the channel impulse response.s
Frequency Selective fading
Fading effects due to doppler spread
• Fast fading: In a fast fading channel, the coherence time is smaller than the
symbol period and thus, a channel impulse response changes rapidly within
the symbol period. This implies that the Doppler spread is higher than the
bandwidth of the baseband transmit signal.
• Therefore, Ts > Tc implies Bs < Bd . The transmit signal is subject to fast
fading under the following conditions:
Ts >> Tc and Bs << Bd
• Slow fading: On the other hand, consider the case that channel impulse
response varies slowly as compared to variation in the baseband
transmit signal. In this case, we can assume that the channel does not
change over the duration of one or more symbols and thus, it is referred
to as a static channel. This implies that the Doppler spread is much
smaller than the bandwidth of the baseband transmit signal.
• In conclusion, transmit signal is subject to slow fading under the
following conditions: Ts << Tc and Bs >> Bd
• This fading only deals with the rate of change of channel due to motion.
Fading experienced by a signal as a function of
symbol period and bandwidth
Rayleigh and Ricean distribution
• In mobile radio channels, the Rayleigh distribution is commonly used to
describe the statistical time varying nature of the received envelope of a
flat fading signal, or the envelope of an individual multipath component.
• When all of the multipath signals have random uniformly distributed
phase, then the amplitude of the resulting signal has a Rayleigh
distribution. Whereas, When a signal in one path has a higher amplitude
than the others then the amplitude of the signal has a Rician distribution.
• Rayleigh distribution occurs when there is no single dominant signal path.
Whereas, Ricean distribution occurs when there is a dominant signal path.
• In Rayleigh multipath component follows a Gaussian distribution on the
receiver side.Whereas, In Ricean random multipath components arriving at
different angles are superimposed on a stationary dominant signal.
• Rayleigh distribution has a probability density function (pdf) given by
• The Ricean distribution is given by