The document discusses different methods for organizing information, including brainstorming, which helps establish patterns of ideas, and graphic organizers like fishbone maps, Venn diagrams, problem-solution maps, cycles, plot diagrams, timelines, network trees, and spider maps. These graphic organizers use visual representations like circles, diagrams, and trees to structure concepts and connect related information in areas like comparing ideas, showing causes and effects, mapping stories, and representing hierarchies. The document also includes an activity identifying which graphic organizer matches different descriptions.
The document discusses different methods for organizing information, including brainstorming, which helps establish patterns of ideas, and graphic organizers like fishbone maps, Venn diagrams, problem-solution maps, cycles, plot diagrams, timelines, network trees, and spider maps. These graphic organizers use visual representations like circles, diagrams, and trees to structure concepts and connect related information in areas like comparing ideas, showing causes and effects, mapping stories, and representing hierarchies. The document also includes an activity identifying which graphic organizer matches different descriptions.
The document discusses different methods for organizing information, including brainstorming, which helps establish patterns of ideas, and graphic organizers like fishbone maps, Venn diagrams, problem-solution maps, cycles, plot diagrams, timelines, network trees, and spider maps. These graphic organizers use visual representations like circles, diagrams, and trees to structure concepts and connect related information in areas like comparing ideas, showing causes and effects, mapping stories, and representing hierarchies. The document also includes an activity identifying which graphic organizer matches different descriptions.
The document discusses different methods for organizing information, including brainstorming, which helps establish patterns of ideas, and graphic organizers like fishbone maps, Venn diagrams, problem-solution maps, cycles, plot diagrams, timelines, network trees, and spider maps. These graphic organizers use visual representations like circles, diagrams, and trees to structure concepts and connect related information in areas like comparing ideas, showing causes and effects, mapping stories, and representing hierarchies. The document also includes an activity identifying which graphic organizer matches different descriptions.
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Selecting and Organizing Information
Patrick’s class was tasked with the opening presentation during their school’s Foundation Day. The school has already decided on a theme, and the class was simply required to decide its own concept for the performance. Although Patrick facilitated the discussion, all of his classmates were involved because they all shared their own ideas. After everyone has contributed an idea, they evaluated the suggestions and decided to use Gabriel’s idea to do a musical skit. What is Brainstorming?
It helps people establish patterns of ideas,
develop new ways of thinking, activate background knowledge, and overcome mental block. What are Graphic Organizers?
Are visual representations of concepts that help
us structure information into organizational patterns. They present essential information and connect these pieces of information into a coherent framework Fishbone Map is used to better understand the causal relationship of a complex phenomenon. It shows the factors that cause a specific event or problem, as well as details of each cause. Venn Diagram is used to compare and contrast ideas and events. This diagram uses two or more overlapping circles to show similar and different attributes. Problem-Solution Map displays the nature of the problem and how it can be solved. This map usually contains the problem’s description, its causes and effects, and logical solutions. Cycle describes how a series of events interact to produce a set of results repeatedly. Plot Diagram is a tool used to map events in a story. It is used to analyze the major parts of a plot. Timeline is used to show how events occurred chronologically through a long bar labeled with dates and specific events. Network Tree is used to represent hierarchy, classification, and branching. It is useful in showing relationships of scientific categories and family trees. Spider Map is used to investigate and enumerate various aspects of a central idea, which could be a concept, topic, or theme. This central idea is placed at the center of the map. Activity no. 1
Identify what is being asked.
1. Used to show causes and effects
2. Used to show repeated results 3. Used to show the flow of the story 4. Used to show similarities and differences 5. Used to enumerate items 6. Used to represent hierarchy, classification, and branching 7. Are visual representations of concepts 8. Displays the nature of the problem and how it can be solved 9. Helps establish patterns of ideas 10.Used to show how events occurred chronologically