3. The old system of flood irrigation has fallen into 7. when heat resistant materials are required.
disrepute .
A) Engineers often use ceramics
A) unless short canals could have enabled the B) There are two main types of metal; ferrous and
compartments to be filled in an orderly fashion nonferrous
B) though the flood waters has been controlled to cover so C) With the addition of chromium, the steel’s ability to resist
much land corrosion was increased
C) as the height of the flood was variable so was the area D) Both bronze and brass have been used ornamentally
flooded E) Cutting tools are made from high-speed steels
D) after several weeks the water would be drained back
into the river 8. ---- photographers require short exposures to capture
E) because it only produces one crop a year fast moving objects, chemists need short laser pulses
to study rapid reactions.
4. For a small
planet, the Earth is A) In contrast B) In spite of C) In case
extremely heavy . D) Since E) Just as
A) whether the liquid iron creates a powerful magnetic
field 9. According to neo-Darwinism, ---- mutation is
B) that two-thirds of it are covered with ocean recognised as the ultimate source of genetic variation,
C) since its iron core is very large natural selection is given the dominant role in shaping
D) that the atmosphere screens the sun’s radiation the genetic make-up of populations.
E) if the atmosphere were not rich with oxygen
A) however B) although C) whether
5. As soon as slender steel column began to replace D) before E) unless
massive piers in building construction .
10. Even if it is not the job of scientists to make ethical
A) inflammable materials would not be used again in high- decisions about their work, ----.
rise buildings
B) a new school of architecture could never have A) they have always treated humans as if they were
developed without the challenge of these and other new machines
building materials B) the results of the work could be used in other entirely
C) this new group of promising architects had as yet unhealthy ways
attracted very little attention C) future drugs will be better targeted and more effective
D) new conceptions of both the practical and aesthetic use of D) I can see how far we have moved forward, and the
space came into being direction we are taking
E) their ideas indicated a rejection of machine production E) it is certainly their job to tell others where it is leading
A) there would probably have been no future at all to look A) while several large optical surveys continue to scan the
forward to skies for asteroids
B) we cannot look forward to a healthy and prosperous B) since any asteroid coming our way would either hit us
future or miss us completely
C) which is a vast and unexplored storehouse of C) so that the scientists at the Planet Centre may work
biological treasures out a plan to capture it
D) man is undoubtedly the planet’s most successful D) before it changed course and started to orbit the Earth
predator E) although it is the first man-made object known to have
E) we are under an obligation to do so as soon as orbited the Sun
16. ----, there is still a slight chance that a rogue black
12. Though the strategic value of submarines was hole could come out of the depths of interstellar
demonstrated in World War I, ----. space and catch us unawares.
A) a submarine cannot stay submerged indefinitely A) If only an early warning system could be devised
B) the success of the German submarines prompted B) Because black holes would fling light at us in a pattern
America to enter the war of concentric rings
C) it was only in World War II that they played a really C) Whether a black hole is presently within the range of
key military role our telescopes
D) the first nuclear-powered submarine was named “USS D) The scientists working on black holes were concerned
Nautilus” E) Although black holes are rare in our Galaxy
E) conditions on a submarine even in peace time are
enough to crush most people 17. Computers are now part of our everyday lives and
there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary about
13. ---- before the technology has been shown to work in them. However, the computers of the future are a
animals. different proposition. They are already beginning to
sound ---- science fiction.
A) Laws governing stem cell research remain uncertain
throughout the world A) according to B) along with C) like
B) Australia is home to some of the world’s top stem cell D) close by E) up to
C) In Britain, researchers could already harvest stem cells 18. Super computers, many times more powerful than
from surplus embryos created from IVF today’s fastest machines, could be contained in a tiny
D) Some scientists believe it would be premature to study drop of liquid. These would not be built of silicon, ----
human embryonic stem cells DNA, the stuff of life itself.
E) Embryonic stem cell research didn’t lead to cures for
diseases like Parkinson’s A) but of B) rather than C) instead of
D) though E) except
14. ----, researchers hope to improve the quality and
safety of meat and dairy produce. 19. ---- what is generally assumed, the number of
animals remaining in a threatened species may
A) Once they have unravelled the genome of the cow actually rise as it approaches the brink of extinction.
B) Even though dogs and cows are next in line to have
their genetic codes sequenced A) In view of B) Contrary to
C) If European farmers had their livestock vaccinated to C) Surprisingly enough D) Needless to say
prevent any future outbreak of foot and mouth disease E) Due to
D) Since vaccination is ruled out as a prevention strategy
for foot and mouth disease 20. ---- the span of a suspension bridge increases,
E) Unless the projects for genome research are the structure develops a "gravity" stiffness due
supported by the government to its own weight.
A) As B) However C) Whereas
D) While E) In case
30. ---- when we interfere with planetary processes on a A) just as there is growing evidence of the
large scale. ecological benefits of GM crops
B) if an even greater environmental
A) Climate change would almost certainly be catastrophe
accelerated could be averted
B) We were extremely lucky that industrialists C) which has led to a 25% reduction in pesticide use
chose to use chlorine compounds not bromine D) as activists had been acquitted of similar
C) The polar regions were adversely affected too charges in England
D) We know surprisingly little about the risks we are E) when they were charged with destroying a GM
running crop trial in the south of the country
E) Aerosol emissions stay in the atmosphere for
only a few days 36. Engineers removed 70 tonnes of earth from the base
of the Tower of Pisa ----.
31. ---- whether or not life is an accident unique to our
planet. A) so the lean was reduced by 45 cm
B) that the Tower's lean was increasing by 1.5 m
A) We cannot be sure every year
B) It is hardly surprising C) but on one disastrous day it actually moved 2 mm
C) The evidence clearly suggests D) if it would stand secure for another 200 years
D) The chances are E) while it has been closed to visitors
E) The risks cannot be calculated
32. In photography, when it comes to fixing mistakes 37. Although NASA's budget has risen by 7% ever the
such as overexposure, ----. past two years, ----.
A) you should have opened each print and resized it A) its responsibilities have grown much faster
B) digital cameras and printers have come a long B) the space station programmes are not targets
way in quality and usability for cutting costs
C) this method had turned out to be useless C) the programme of unmanned missions could
D) digital cameras actually drain batteries very have been discontinued
quickly D) Earth-observing satellites are of less
E) the resulting prints were certainly impressive importance
E) in fact, the Voyager probes may be
33. Since we cannot eliminate natural hazards such as 38. ---- because it affects the average rate of material loss
earthquakes, ----. across a landscape.
A) we should certainly make ourselves better A) More moisture also promotes the growth of
prepared to deal with them vegetation
B) some companies would claim to have found B) Wetter conditions favour faster rates of erosion
tailored solutions to them C) Mountains in polar latitudes are the least
C) such a natural catastrophe was quite vulnerable to erosion
unexpected D) Climate is inextricably linked with erosion
D) it is rarely covered by an insurance E) Mountain glaciers aggressively attack surface
policy rock
E) on this occasion financial losses were
A) so that most farmers have little or no control over what A) they have great potential to treat diseases
products they produce B) the most promising ones seem to be those in
B) just as the increasing uniformity of global eating habits bone marrow
had become popular C) specialists have been very enthusiastic
C) because they were being replaced by huge D) special staining techniques revealed that the cells were
corporation-owned farms indeed dividing
D) while, as is the case with plant crops, herds of E) the results of that study have yet to be announced
damage land 57. Abnormally heavy and early rainfall in the Sudan
E) but there are real advantages to offset them caused the River Nile to overflow in 2007, ----.
51. Comets are thought to have changed very little over
the last 4 billion years, ---- their composition should A) so global land surface temperatures in January and
hold clues to the origin of the solar system. April had reached the highest levels ever recorded for
those months
A) but B) whereas C) just as B) because the first documented tropical cyclone in the
D) in that E) so Arabian Sea hit Oman and Iran, causing 50 deaths
C) but in May, ocean waves up to 5 metres high swamped
parts of the Maldive Islands
52. Robots will never be much good at household tasks D) unless other extreme weather events include the
such as pouring coffee or polishing shoes ---- they summer heatweave in southeastern Europe
can calculate their position accurately. E) while unusually heavy snowfall affected South Africa
and parts of South America
A) since B) when C) unless
D) so that E) in case 58. ALH84001 is one of several meteorites that are
generally acknowledged to have come from Mars ----.
53. About half of all women over 65 years of age take
some type of nutrition supplement, ---- only about A) when it is named for the place in Antarctica (Allan
one-fifth of older men do. Hills) and the year (1984) it was found
B) because they contain trapped gases that match the
A) before B) because C) that is Martian atmosphere
D) while E) despite C) while geologists at NASA discovered in the rock a
variety of surprising characteristics at a microscopic
54. Shortly after the Golden Gate Bridge was opened, ----. level
D) where it turned out to be the oldest known rock from
A) some aesthetic and artistic concerns may have any planet
dominated the visual design of the bridge E) so that the findings were based on meticulous studies
B) it has been an enormously successful bridge by and the papers of scientists at NASA
most aesthetic and functional criteria
C) its roadway proved to be overly flexible under
certain wind conditions
D) the design of the bridge’s towers was tested on
scale models, and construction of the bridge
E) a number of such structures were acting similarly
61. Gravel or chalk are good subsoils sinse they do not A) If only they had been better prepared
hold moisture, and can support heavy loads. They B) Whenever there are sudden changes in temperature
are, C) However unreliable the method has proved
(22) ----, economical and do not vary in bulk with the D) When such an event is least expected
vagaries of the weather and temperature. E) Though it may not appear to be so
A) on the other hand B) moreover
C) in contrast D) occasionally 69. Though Kenya had been self -sufficient until the
E) regrettably 1980s, ---
62. ---- I investigated and studied my scientist colleague's A) the same problem faces small farmers in all parts of the
account of an environmental experiment, ---- world
thoroughly convinced I have become that it has no B) the situation in developing countries is becoming critical
value whatsoever. C) the economic interests of small farmers have been
A) So far as / most B) The more / the more D) wheat prices there are dropping fast
C) Just as / more D) Neither / nor E) it now imports 80 per cent of its food
E) So long as / ever
70. X - rays are generated ----.
63. Questions about global warming are obviously of
concern to the general public, ---- to governments and A) if the sun is a copious source of energy
their scientific advisors. B) when electrical charges are accelerated or decelerated
C) after the target had been bombarded by electrons
A) except B) so as C) on the whole D) until the circuit gave off practically pure direct
D) as well as E) less than E) because the radiation was being imitated at a tangent
64. Electromagnetic traps for atomic ions work well for 71. Since the bismar, which is the simplest weighing
experiments using a small number of ions ---- they are instrument known, is not capable of accuracy ----.
completely impractical for large-scale systems.
A) spring balances have been more successful
A) so long as B) now that C) although B) a heavy load could be weighed at a short distance from
D) in case E) whether the fulcrum
C) various technical improvements were soon introduced
65. The trend of increasing carbon dioxide in the D) weighing continued to be a laborious operation
atmosphere is documented by the examination of air E) its use is illegal in England
bubbles trapped in glacial ice ---- by direct
measurements of the atmosphere.
A) even / just as B) so / unless A) The sea freezes at temperatures below the normal
C) not only / but also D) as much / as if freezing point of water
E) most / that B) She tries to avoid such types of food
C) In polar regions glaciers frequently flow down into the
74. ---- simply transmitting voice, the Joint Tactical Radio sea
System (JRTS) as the Pentagon refers to it, will also D) The warmer the air the more moisture it can carry
simultaneously carry video and data transmissions. E) Snowflakes, like other from of water vapour, nearly
always possess a crystal structure
A) Rather than B) According to
C) Due to D) In contrast to 81. There are seasons of plentiful water and others of
E) In spite of scarcity ----.
75. ---- mechanical impact, certain impurities would make A) when water has to be used sparingly
such explosives unstable if they were stored in warm B) though irrigation schemes were introduced
conditions. C) since these outlets are designed to deliver supplies of water
A) Involving B) Including C) In case D) where traditional methods of irrigation stil remain in use
D) Contrary to E) Even without E) so flow irrigation is best suited to a flat countryside
76. Should the cabin pressure somehow be lost, ----. 82. More attention is being given to improved efficiency in
the use of fuel ----.
A) the oxygen canisters located above the passenger
seats in a plane provide oxygen to the passengers A) because they cause environmental pollution
through masks B) if prices continue to rise at this rate
B) the oxygen-generator canisters must be replaced C) as the cost of fuel increases
periodically to ensure that they will operate properly D) whether cleaner methods are forthcoming
when needed E) which should have been discovered earlier
C) the oxygen canister contains a core of sodium chlorate,
which is activated by a small explosive charge 83. Roentgen, which is the unit of radiation exposure, is
D) the airline maintenance rules made it clear that a bright defined ---- the number of ions produced in one cubic
yellow safety cap must be installed on the oxygen centimeter of air by the radiation.
E) a small explosion was initiated when a passenger A) in view of B) as well as C) due to
pulled the oxygen mask toward herself D) in terms of E) on behalf of
77. ---- astronomers have so far found no Earth-like 84. ---- industry is concerned, money spent on research is
planets, this does not mean that there are none. money well spent.
A) Because Hubble has taken long exposures of small A) countries with high gasoline prices are more innovative
patches of sky in the field of personal transportation vehicles
B) In order to get an idea of what the Milky Way might B) battery-powered electric vehicles would not have been
have looked like in the past disregarded
C) Even though old galaxies were smaller in size and C) fossil fuel consumption habits will have to be curtailed
more irregular in shape than modern ones D) for the present the focus is on the efficient use of fossil
D) As one would expect, if today’s galaxies formed from fuels
the union of several smaller ones E) it is nevertheless a fact that should have been faced
E) If the rate of star formation reached its peak around
seven billion years ago 123. ---- as they are today.
117. He realized that the world could run out of key A) Satellites are providing clear photographs
resources, ---- he was a harsh critic of the B) The fluctuating magnetic field lies deep in the centre of
wastefulness of modern industrial society. Earth
C) Several other bodies in the solar system generate their
A) so that B) whether C) so long as own magnetic fields
D) and so E) but D) Earth’s magnetic poles have not always been oriented
E) Many intriguing explanations are being put Forward
118. ---- the car is equipped with a sophisticated
protection system, you know you are fully protected. 124. Since mines may have been laid there, ----.
130. As soon as scientists realized the power of DNA A) as we might expect coal to last another 200 years
technology, ----. B) unless environmental issues may limit how much of this
resource is exploited
A) early concerns focused on the possibility that they C) in that both are relatively difficult to mine without
might create new pathogens dangerous environmental consequences
B) the Human Genome Project has yielded many other D) because the world is using these energy sources so
unexpected results inefficiently at the moment
C) they claim that these proteins could be tested for their E) while tar is also formed by tobacco burning
ability to cause allergic reactions
D) they began to worry about its potential dangers
E) one safety measure is a set of strict laboratory
procedures designed to protect researchers from
1) B 2) D 3) E 4) C 5) D 6) A 7) A 8) E 9) B 10) E
11) B 12) C 13) D 14) A 15) D 16) E 17) C 18) A 19) B 20) A
21) D 22) B 23) D 24) C 25) B 26) A 27) A 28) D 29) D 30) D
31) A 32) B 33) A 34) E 35) A 36) A 37) A 38) D 39) D 40) B
41) D 42) C 43) B 44) D 45) C 46) E 47) E 48) A 49) E 50) E
51) E 52) C 53) D 54) C 55) D 56) B 57) E 58) B 59) D 60) E
61) B 62) B 63) D 64) C 65) A 66) E 67) C 68) E 69) E 70) B
71) E 72) A 73) C 74) A 75) E 76) A 77) C 78) D 79) A 80) A
81) A 82) C 83) D 84) C 85) B 86) A 87) E 88) D 89) A 90) A
91) B 92) A 93) B 94) A 95) B 96) B 97) C 98) D 99) A 100) A
101) B 102) C 103) A 104) D 105) E 106) E 107) A 108) D 109) B 110) E
111) D 112) C 113) D 114) A 115) E 116) B 117) D 118) E 119) A 120) E
121) C 122) E 123) D 124) B 125) C 126) D 127) A 128) E 129) A 130) D
131) E 132) C 133) E 134) C 135) D 136) D 137) C 138) A 139) B 140) C