Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Why do we test Software?, Black-Box Testing and
White-Box Testing, Software Testing Life Cycle, V-
model of Software Testing, Program Correctness
and Verification, Reliability versus Safety, Failures,
Errors and Faults (Defects), Software Testing
Principles, Program Inspections, Stages of Testing:
Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing
Observations about Testing
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
Validation Testing
Regression Testing
Alpha Testing
Beta Testing
Acceptance Testing
Levels of Testing
Unit Testing
Questions to be answered:
How many tests are needed?
How long will it take to develop those tests?
How long will it take to execute those tests?
Topics to be addressed:
Test estimation
Test development and informal validation
Validation readiness review and formal validation
Test completion criteria
Test Estimation
3. Reporting Requirements
4. Administrative Requirements
5. Documentation Requirements
6. Resource Requirements
7. Completion Criteria