Lect 8
Lect 8
Lect 8
IPv6 Addressing
128-bit identifiers for interfaces
Three types of addresses
Large Adresse Space
• 32
= bits or 4 bytes long
• 4,200,000,000 possible addressable nodes
• 128
= bits or 16 bytes: four times the bits of IPv4
• 3.4 * 1038 possible addressable nodes
= • 340,282,366,920,938,463,374,607,432,768,211,456
• 5 * 1028 addresses per person
Simple and Efficient Header
Expressing IPv6
Network Addresses
• No subnet masks in IPv6
• Network addresses use the same slash notation as CIDR:
• This is the contracted form for the following network
IPv6 Addressing
Types Unicast Address
1. Link local address
2. Site local address
3. Global address
1.Link local address
– Used on a single link
– Prefix is 1111 1110 10
– FE80:
| 10 bits | 54 bits | 64 bits |
+--------------- +-------------------------+----------------------------+
| interface ID | 0 | 1111111010|
IPv6 Addressing
Site local address .2
– Used on a single site
– Prefix is 1111 1110 11
– FEC0:
| 10 bits | 38 bits | 16 bits | 64 bits |
|1111111011| 0 | subnet ID | interface ID |
IPv6 Addressing
• Global address
– Unique in Internet
– Prefix is 001
| 3| 13 | 8 | 24 | 16 | 64 bits |
|FP| TLA |RES| NLA | SLA | Interface ID |
| | ID | | ID | ID | |
IPv6 Addressing
Anycast address .2
When a unicast address is assigned to more than one interface, thus turning
it into an anycast address,
| 10 bits | 38 bits | 16 bits | 64 bits |
|1111111011| 0 | subnet ID | interface ID |
IPv6 Addressing
• Multicast Addresses
Is an identifier for a group of nodes.
| 8 | 4| 4 | 112 bits |
|*11111111 |flgs|scop| ** group ID |