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Elastic Network Interface: Internal - Ii Presentation

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PRESENTED BY:- Smruti Sucharita sahu

REGD NO:- 220720100021
DOMAIN:-Cloud Technology
SUBJECT:-AWS Developer
 Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a range of virtual
networking components, one of which is the Elastic
Network Interface (ENI).

 An ENI is a virtual network card that can be attached to

an Amazon EC2 instance, allowing it to connect to the
internet or other AWS services.

 An ENI enables instances to send and receive data. It

comes with its unique primary private IP address, one or
more secondary private IP addresses, and an optional
public IP address, as well as its MAC address and security
Benefits of using ENI in AWS
1 Enhanced Network Capabilities 2 High Availability & Redundancy

An ENI empowers AWS users with additional By manipulating ENIs, you can create failover
networking capabilities such as dual-homed configurations. ENIs can be reassigned to
instances and network and security appliances replacement instances, ensuring minimal
in a virtual environment. This level of control is downtime and high availability of your critical
critical for traffic management and network applications across different instances.

3 Scalability

ENIs allow for the consistent application of

security and network policies as you scale, which
simplifies the management of network layouts as
the level of complexity increases with growth.
How to create an ENI in AWS
1 Initial Setup

Begin by logging into the AWS Management Console and navigate to the
EC2 dashboard. There, under 'Network & Security', find and select 'Network
Interfaces', setting the stage for ENI creation.

2 ENI Configuration

Select 'Create Network Interface'. Here, specify the details such as subnet
and security group. Optionally set a primary private IP and attach additional
private IPs if necessary.

3 Confirmation
Once you've entered all necessary information, review and select 'Create'. A
new ENI will be provisioned with the specified settings, viewable in the
'Network Interfaces' section.
Configuring security groups for ENI
Security Group Setup Define Rules
Security groups act as a virtual
Specify rules to control traffic based
firewall for your ENI, controlling
on protocol, port range, and
inbound and outbound traffic. Start by
source/destination. Ingress and egress
creating or selecting an existing
rules determine how traffic is filtered
security group within the VPC,
through the ENI, ensuring only
aligned with your network security
authorized access is allowed.

Apply to ENI
Attach the security group to your ENI.
Changes to the security group rules apply
immediately, enabling dynamic
adjustments to your security posture as
operational needs evolve.
Attaching and detaching ENI from EC2 instances

Attach Process
To attach an ENI, navigate to 'Network Interfaces', select the ENI, and
choose 'Attach'; then designate the target EC2 instance. This action
integrates the ENI's networking capabilities with the instance.

Operational Use
Once attached, the instance integrate the ENI's IP addresses and traffic
settings. This allows for flexible networking, such as maintaining IP
identities when moving interfaces between instances.

Detach Procedure
Simply select the ENI, click 'Detach', and confirm. The ENI's properties,
permitting you to reassign the network interface as needed.
Using ENI in AWS:-

Separation of Environments Elastic IP Utilization Traffic modification

An Elastic Network Interface ENIs can be used to modify

Use distinct ENIs for different
traffic from one instance to
environment purposes (such as in AWS can be associated another without changing the
with an Elastic IP address security group's rules.
development and production) to
facilitate network isolation and (EIP) to ensure the same

simplify access control. public IP address even if the

instance is stopped and started
Managing IP addresses with ENI
Primary Private IP Secondary Private IPs Public IP Management

Every ENI is automatically Users can assign multiple Public IP addresses can be
assigned a primary private secondary private IP associated to provide
IP address from the subnet it addresses to an ENI. This is internet accessibility. These
is created in. This address particularly useful for IPs can be elastic, meaning
remains associated with the hosting multiple websites on they can be dynamically
network interface until it is a single EC2 instance. associated or disassociated.
released or the ENI is
 As we conclude Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI) in AWS, it's clear that ENIs are an integral component of
networking in the cloud.
 They provide the flexibility, security, and management needed to maintain a robust and scalable cloud
 ENIs allow us to design systems that are both efficient and secure. ENIs are associated with a specific
Availability Zone (AZ).
 By attaching ENIs to instances in multiple AZs, you enhance the high availability of your applications .

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