Aiml Demo
Aiml Demo
Aiml Demo
College of Engineering and Technology,
Presented by: Aishwarya .G. Biradar
Akanksha .A. Rudragoudar
1. The first and the best thing about GANs is their nature of learning they tend to follow
powerful unsupervised learning that is why GANs don’t need labeled data and it
makes GANs very powerful and easy to understand as the boring work of labeling
and annotating the data is not required.
2. Reason for GANs being so popular is the power of adversarial training which tends
to produce much sharper and discrete outputs rather than blurry averages has led to
several applications of GANs such as super-resolution GANs.
3. This framework not only has the possibility of generating very high-quality synthetic
data but also it can be used to enhance pixels in photos, generate images from the
Add text, conversion of images
a title from
Add a one
titledomain to another, Add
change the appearance
a title
of the face image, and many more
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GANs are made up of two neural networks, a discriminator and a generator.
They use adversarial training to produce artificial data that is identical to actual data. The
Generator attempts to fool the Discriminator, which is tasked with accurately
distinguishing between produced and genuine data
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can be broken down into three parts:
2. Adversarial: The word adversarial refers to setting one thing up against another. This
means that, in the context of GANs, the generative result is compared with the actual images
in the data set. A mechanism known as a discriminator is used to apply a model that attempts
to distinguish between real and fake images.
3.Networks:Use deep neural networks as artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for
training purposes.
Architecture of GAN
A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is composed of two primary parts, which are
the Generator and the Discriminator.
Generator Model :
• A key element responsible for creating fresh, accurate data in a Generative Adversarial
Network (GAN) is the generator model
• The generator takes random noise as input and converts it into complex data samples,
such text or images. It is commonly depicted as a deep neural network.
• The generator’s ability to generate high-quality, varied samples that can fool the
discriminator is what makes it successful.
Generator Loss(JG )
For generated samples, the generator minimizes the log likelihood that the
discriminator is right. Due to this loss, the generator is incentivized to generate samples
that the discriminator is likely to classify as real (logD(G(z i )) close to 1).
Where, JG measure how well the generator is fooling the discriminator.log D(G(zi )
represents log probability of the discriminator being correct for generated samples.
The generator aims to minimize this loss, encouraging the production of samples that
the discriminator classifies as real (log D(G(zi )) close to 1).
Discriminator Model :
• Over time, the discriminator learns to differentiate between genuine data from the
dataset and artificial samples created by the generator.
The discriminator reduces the negative log likelihood of correctly classifying both produced
and real samples. This loss incentivizes the discriminator to accurately categorize generated
samples as fake (log(1−D(G(zi))) close to 1) and real samples (log D(xi ) close to 1 ).
JD assesses the discriminator’s ability to discern between produced and actual samples.The
log likelihood that the discriminator will accurately categorize real data is represented by
logD(xi ).The log chance that the discriminator would correctly categorize generated
samples as fake is represented by log(1-D(G(zi))).The discriminator aims to reduce this loss
by accurately identifying artificial and real samples.
MinMax Loss :
• In a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), the minimax loss formula is provided by:
• Where, G is generator network and is D is the discriminator network . Actual data samples obtained from
the true data distribution Pdata(x) are represented by x.
• Random noise sampled from a previous distribution pz (z) (usually a normal or uniform distribution) is
represented by z.
• D(x) represents the discriminator’s likelihood of correctly identifying actual data as real.
• D(G(z)) is the likelihood that the discriminator will identify generated data coming from the generator as
How does a GAN work? WORKING
A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) is
a framework made up of two neural networks
that have undergone simultaneous adversarial
training a discriminator and a generator.