Queue is a first-in first-out (FIFO) data structure where elements are added to the rear of the queue and removed from the front. Common queue operations include enqueue to add an element, dequeue to remove an element, peek to view the front element, and size to check number of elements. Queues can be implemented using arrays or linked lists, with operations like enqueue adding to the rear and dequeue removing from the front. Common applications of queues include task scheduling, resource allocation, message buffering, and network packet transmission.
Queue is a first-in first-out (FIFO) data structure where elements are added to the rear of the queue and removed from the front. Common queue operations include enqueue to add an element, dequeue to remove an element, peek to view the front element, and size to check number of elements. Queues can be implemented using arrays or linked lists, with operations like enqueue adding to the rear and dequeue removing from the front. Common applications of queues include task scheduling, resource allocation, message buffering, and network packet transmission.
Queue is a first-in first-out (FIFO) data structure where elements are added to the rear of the queue and removed from the front. Common queue operations include enqueue to add an element, dequeue to remove an element, peek to view the front element, and size to check number of elements. Queues can be implemented using arrays or linked lists, with operations like enqueue adding to the rear and dequeue removing from the front. Common applications of queues include task scheduling, resource allocation, message buffering, and network packet transmission.
Queue is a first-in first-out (FIFO) data structure where elements are added to the rear of the queue and removed from the front. Common queue operations include enqueue to add an element, dequeue to remove an element, peek to view the front element, and size to check number of elements. Queues can be implemented using arrays or linked lists, with operations like enqueue adding to the rear and dequeue removing from the front. Common applications of queues include task scheduling, resource allocation, message buffering, and network packet transmission.
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WEEK 5 DIAGRAMATIC VIEW OF A DEFINITION It is an ordered group QUEUE of homogeneous items of elements. Queues have two ends: • Elements are added at one end. • Elements are removed from the other end. The element added first is also removed first (FIFO: First In, First Out). OPERATIONS ON QUEUES 1.Enqueue: Add an element to the back of the queue. 2.Dequeue: Remove the element at the front of the queue. 3.Peek: Return the element at the front of the queue without removing it. 4.Size: Return the number of elements in the queue. 5.isEmpty: Check if the queue is empty. OPERATIONS ON QUEUES ENQUEUE DEQUEUE In this process, the Dequeue operation consists of following steps are the following steps: performed: • Check if the queue is empty. • Check if the queue is full. • If empty, display an underflow • If full, produce overflow error and exit. error and exit. • Else, the access element is pointed out by ‘front’. • Else, increment ‘rear’. • Increment the ‘front’ to point to • Add an element to the the next accessible data. location pointed by ‘rear’. • Return success. • Return success. OPERATIONS ON QUEUES This is an empty queue and thus we have the rear and empty set to -1.
Next, we add 1 to the queue and
as a result, the rear pointer moves ahead by one location.
In the next figure, we add
element 2 to the queue by moving the rear pointer ahead by another increment. OPERATIONS ON QUEUES In the following figure, we add element 3 and move the rear pointer by 1. At this point, the rear pointer has a value of 2 while the front pointer is at the 0th location.
Firstly, we remove the element at the front
pointer which is 1.
The first element added, 1, is the first to be
removed from the queue. After the first dequeue, the front pointer moves ahead to the next location, also 1. ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION OF QUEUES #include <iostream> // Displaying the size of the queue #include <queue> cout << "Size of the queue: " << using namespace std; myQueue.size() << endl; int main() { // Dequeue elements from the queue // Creating a queue of integers cout << "Dequeue elements: "; queue<int> myQueue; while (!myQueue.empty()) { // Enqueue elements into the queue cout << myQueue.front() << ""; myQueue.push(10); myQueue.push(20); myQueue.pop(); } cout << endl; myQueue.push(30);myQueue.push(40); // Check if the queue is empty after myQueue.push(50); myQueue.push(60); dequeuing // Displaying the front element of the if (myQueue.empty()) { cout << queue "The queue is empty now." << endl; cout << "Front element of the queue: " } else {cout << "The queue is not cout << myQueue.front() << endl; empty." << endl; } return 0; } ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION OF QUEUES Operations on queues Enqueue Function: Adds newItem to the rear of the queue. Preconditions: The Queue has been initialized and is not full. Postconditions: newItem is at the rear of the queue. Dequeue Function: Removes the front item from the queue and returns it in the item. Preconditions: The Queue has been initialized and is not empty. Postconditions: The front element has been removed from the Queue and the item is a copy of the removed element. ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION OF QUEUES Allocate memory for each new element dynamically. Link the queue elements together Use two pointers, Front and Rear, to mark the front and rear of the queue. ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION OF QUEUES OPERATIONS ON QUEUES ENQUEUE Function: Adds newItem to the rear of the queue. Preconditions: The Queue has been initialized and is not full. Postconditions: newItem is at the rear of the queue. DEQUEUE Function: Removes the front item from the queue and returns it in the item. Preconditions: The Queue has been initialized and is not empty. Postconditions: The front element has been removed from the Queue and the item is a copy of the removed element. LINKED LIST IMPLEMENTATION OF ARRAYS Allocate memory for each new element dynamically. Link the queue elements together Use two pointers, Front and Rear, to mark the front and rear of the queue. LINKED LIST IMPLEMENTATION OF QUEUES Create a class QNode with data members Else set rear next to temp and then integer data and QNode* next move rear to temp A parameterized constructor that takes an Dequeue Operation: integer x value as a parameter and sets data If the front is set to NULL return(Base equal to x and next as NULL Case) Create a class Queue with data members Initialize QNode temp with front and QNode front and rear set front to its next Enqueue Operation with parameter x: If the front is equal to NULL then set Initialize QNode* temp with data = x the rear to NULL If the rear is set to NULL then set the front Delete temp from the memory and rear to temp and return(Base Case) LINKED LIST IMPLEMENTATION OF QUEUES // C++ program for the approach in // Create a new LL node the previous QNode* temp = new QNode(x); #include <bits/stdc++.h> // If queue is empty, then using namespace std; // new node is front and rear both struct QNode { int data; if (rear == NULL) { front = rear = QNode* next; temp; QNode(int d) return; {data = d; next = NULL; // Create a new LL node } }; QNode* temp = new QNode(x); struct Queue { QNode *front, *rear; // If the queue is empty, then Queue() { front = rear = NULL; // new node is front and rear both } if (rear == NULL) { front = rear = void enQueue(int x){ temp; return; } LINKED LIST IMPLEMENTATION OF QUEUES // Add the new node at // If front becomes NULL, then // the end of queue and change rear // change rear also as NULL rear->next = temp; if (front == NULL) rear = temp; } rear = NULL; // Function to remove delete (temp); }};// Driver code // a key from given queue int main( ){Queue q; q.enQueue(10); void deQueue(){ q.enQueue(20); q.deQueue(); q.deQueue(); // If queue is empty, return NULL. q.enQueue(30); q.enQueue(40); q.enQueue(50);q.deQueue(); if (front == NULL) cout << "Queue Front : " << return; // Store previous front and ((q.front != NULL) ? (q.front)->data : - // move front one node ahead 1)<< endl; QNode* temp = front; cout << "Queue Rear : " << front = front->next; ((q.rear != NULL) ? (q.rear)->data : - APPLICATION OF QUEUES Task Scheduling: Queues can be used to schedule tasks based on priority or the order in which they were received. Resource Allocation: Queues can be used to manage and allocate resources, such as printers or CPU processing time. Batch Processing: Queues can be used to handle batch processing jobs, such as data analysis or image rendering. Message Buffering: Queues can be used to buffer messages in communication systems, such as message queues in messaging systems or buffers in computer networks. Network protocols: Network protocols like TCP and UDP use queues to manage packets that are transmitted over the network. Queues can help to ensure that packets are delivered in the correct order and at the appropriate rate. APPLICATION OF QUEUES Traffic Management: Queues can be used to manage traffic flow in transportation systems, such as airport control systems or road networks. Operating systems: Operating systems often use queues to manage processes and resources. For example, a process scheduler might use a queue to manage the order in which processes are executed. Event Handling: Queues can be used to handle events in event-driven systems, such as GUI applications or simulation systems. Printer queues: In printing systems, queues are used to manage the order in which print jobs are processed. Jobs are added to the queue as they are submitted, and the printer processes them in the order they were received. Web servers: Web servers use queues to manage incoming requests from clients. Requests are added to the queue as they are received, and they are processed by the server in the order they were received. ISSUES IN APPLICATION OF LINKED LIST Queue overflow: If a queue has a fixed size, it can become full, leading to a queue overflow. This can happen if elements are added to the queue faster than they are removed. To prevent overflow, some implementations use dynamic resizing or circular buffers. Queue underflow: If a queue is empty and an attempt is made to remove an element, this can lead to a queue underflow. This can happen if elements are removed from the queue faster than they are added. To prevent underflow, some implementations use sentinel values or null pointers to represent an empty queue. Blocking queues: In some applications, a queue may become blocked if it is full or empty. This can cause delays in processing or deadlock. To address this, some implementations use bounded queues or non-blocking queues. ISSUES IN APPLICATION OF LINKED LIST Priority inversion: In some applications, a higher priority element can get stuck behind a lower priority element in the queue. This can lead to priority inversion and result in reduced performance. To prevent this, some implementations use priority queues or multiple queues with different priorities. Synchronization issues: In concurrent applications, multiple threads may access the same queue simultaneously. This can lead to synchronization issues like race conditions, deadlocks, and livelocks. To address this, some implementations use locking mechanisms like mutexes or semaphores. Memory management: In some implementations, a queue may allocate and deallocate memory frequently, leading to memory fragmentation and reduced performance. To address this, some implementations use memory pools or pre- allocated buffers.