Case Study LRTI
Case Study LRTI
Case Study LRTI
Family history
• HTN, Asthma, DM and cancer
Social history
• Lives with wife and four children
• Working as a policeman
• Smokes 1 pack per day for the past 30 years
• Denies alcohol or IV drug use
• Lisinopril 10mg po OD
• Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg po OD
• Ipratropium/albuterol MDI two puffs QID
• Amoxicillin 500mg TDS
• Acetaminophen 1g PRN
Patient admits not compliant to anti-HTN drug
because he feels better
Physical examination
• BP 156/90, P 127, RR 31, T 39.1°C, Wt 88kg, Ht
• Tachypneic, labored breathing; coarse rhonchi
diffusely throughout right lung fields;
decreased breath sounds in right middle and
lower lung fields
• Tachycardia with regular rhythm
• Na 142 mmol/L; Hgb 14.2 g/dL;
Ca 2.5 mmol/L ; K 3.7 mmol/L ;
Hct 42% ; Mg 1.3 mmol/L;
Scr 0.9 mg/dL ; WBC 14.7 x 103/mm3
Chest X-Ray
• Consolidation of the inferior segments of the
LLL as well as the superior segment of the LLL.