Ethical Hacking: Amrita Singh Swati Raina
Ethical Hacking: Amrita Singh Swati Raina
Ethical Hacking: Amrita Singh Swati Raina
What is Ethical Hacking?
Types of hackers
Ways to hack a system Preventing hacking Skills of an ethical hacker
Ethical Hacking
Ethical hacking is the process of hacking
the information that is considered to be confidential. The ethical hacking process is also known as the intrusion testing, penetration testing or red teaming. The greatest risk I.T. faces is security.
tools of a hacker but the attacks are done in a non destructive manner.
Who is hacker?
Hackers intelligent computer professionals
learned and acquired knowledge of advanced operating techniques. Try to gain knowledge in depth of systems /networks. Hackers do not always intend to damage data. They may share their knowledge with others.
History of hacking
The term hack was first used by US university
staff in mid-1960s . When eBay was first attacked in February 2000 its server was bombarded with fake request for web pages & overloaded the site. A group of teenagers once hacked into AOL and stole credit cards to buy video games. In 1986, after many more break-ins congress passed computer fraud and abuse act.
History of hacking
In 1989,german hackers arrested for breaking
into US computer ; sold the information to Soviet KGB. In 1998, teenager hacks into bell Atlantic phone system; disabled communication at airports disables runway lights. 2000, viruses named I LOVE YOU & LOVE BUG damaged roughly up to 10 billions of computers.
Black Hats
White Hats
Gray Hats
Types of hackers
White hat : use their skills & knowledge for good
purpose .Help in finding new security vulnerabilities and applications. Black hat : engage in their activities with bad intention and perform illegal activities such as defacing websites and destroying data. Grey hat : do not categorize their work as good or bad.
Preventing Hacking
Anti-virus: the most popular method of
protection among personal computers. Mc Corp.- provides antivirus software that scans hard drives for infected files. Norton Internet Security- Norton anti virus 2008 secures system from Trojans. Firewalls: used for computer networks & users using continuous online connections.
Preventing Hacking
Other software options- other options are
used to protect larger networks systems. IDS- Intrusion Detection System is considered one of best protection method Content Filtering Software- advanced antivirus software that reads compressed files .Allows IT mangers get filtering to block threatening e-mail. Sand Boxing-helps to read malicious codes.
protocols and access control lists. Microsoft- skills in operation , configuration and management. Linux- knowledge of Linux/Unix; security setting, configuration, and services. Firewalls- configuration, & operation of intrusion detection systems.
function and can be manipulated. Project management- knowledge of leading, planning, organizing, and controlling a penetration tests systems.
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