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Week8 Lecture1 Chapter 2

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Computer Networks

Week8_Lecture1 (Chapter2)
Application Layer
Domain Name System (DNS)

Subhan Ullah, PhD


BS(Computer Science) Spring-2024

Application Layer: 2-1
Application Layer: Overview

 Principles of network
 Web and HTTP
 E-mail, SMTP, IMAP, FTP
 The Domain Name System

Application Layer: 2-2

DNS: Domain Name System
people: many identifiers: Domain Name System (DNS):
• SSN, name, passport #  distributed database implemented in
Internet hosts, routers: hierarchy of many name servers
• IP address (32 bit) - used for  application-layer protocol: hosts, DNS
addressing datagrams servers communicate to resolve
• “name”, e.g., cs.umass.edu - names (address/name translation)
used by humans
• note: core Internet function,
Q: how to map between IP implemented as application-layer
address and name, and vice protocol
versa ?
• complexity at network’s “edge”

Application Layer: 2-3

DNS: services, structure
DNS services: Q: Why not centralize DNS?
 hostname-to-IP-address translation  single point of failure
 traffic volume
 host aliasing
 distant centralized database
• canonical, alias names
 maintenance
 mail server aliasing
 load distribution A: doesn‘t scale!
• replicated Web servers: many IP  Comcast DNS servers alone:
addresses correspond to one 600B DNS queries/day
name  Akamai DNS servers alone:
2.2T DNS queries/day

Application Layer: 2-4

Host Aliasing
 A host with a complicated hostname can
have one or more alias names
 How are these hosts related?
 For example, a hostname such as  hr.nu.edu.pk
relay1.west-coast.enterprise.com could
have, say, two aliases such as  flex.nu.edu.pk
enterprise.com and www.enterprise.com.  slate.nu.edu.pk
 How are these hosts related?
 They all belong to the same
• slate.nu.edu.pk
• flex.nu.edu.pk organization, nu.
• hr.nu.edu.pk
 They all belong to the same country

Application Layer: 2-5

A unique host
 slate.nu.edu
 This is the domain name of a unique host
 It is a member of the nu.edu domain, but it is the only one with the
name slate.
 It is like a family – all the brothers and sisters have the same last
name, but it would be confusing if two of them also had the same
first name.

Application Layer: 2-6

Thinking about the DNS
humongous distributed database:
 ~ billion records, each simple
handles many trillions of queries/day:
 many more reads than writes
 performance matters: almost every
Internet transaction interacts with
DNS - msecs count!
organizationally, physically decentralized:
 millions of different organizations
responsible for their records
“bulletproof”: reliability, security
Application Layer: 2-7
DNS: a distributed, hierarchical database
Root DNS Servers Root
… …
.com DNS servers .org DNS servers .edu DNS servers Top Level Domain
… … … …
yahoo.com amazon.com pbs.org nyu.edu umass.edu
DNS servers DNS servers DNS servers DNS servers DNS servers Authoritative

Client wants IP address for www.amazon.com; 1st approximation:

 client queries root server to find .com DNS server
 client queries .com DNS server to get amazon.com DNS server
 client queries amazon.com DNS server to get IP address for www.amazon.com
Application Layer: 2-8
DNS: root name servers
 official, contact-of-last-resort by
name servers that can not
resolve name

Application Layer: 2-9

DNS: root name servers
 official, contact-of-last-resort by
name servers that can not 13 logical root name “servers”
worldwide each “server” replicated
resolve name many times (~200 servers in US)
 incredibly important Internet
• Internet couldn’t function without it!
• DNSSEC – provides security
(authentication, message integrity)
 ICANN (Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers)
manages root DNS domain

Application Layer: 2-10

Top-Level Domain, and authoritative servers
Top-Level Domain (TLD) servers:
 responsible for .com, .org, .net, .edu, .aero, .jobs, .museums, and all top-level
country domains, e.g.: .cn, .uk, .fr, .ca, .jp
 Network Solutions: authoritative registry for .com, .net TLD
 Educause: .edu TLD

authoritative DNS servers:

 organization’s own DNS server(s), providing authoritative hostname to IP
mappings for organization’s named hosts
 can be maintained by organization or service provider

Application Layer: 2-11

Local DNS name servers
 when host makes DNS query, it is sent to its local DNS server
• Local DNS server returns reply, answering:
• from its local cache of recent name-to-address translation pairs (possibly out
of date!)
• forwarding request into DNS hierarchy for resolution
• each ISP has local DNS name server; to find yours:
• MacOS: % scutil --dns
• Windows: >ipconfig /all
 local DNS server doesn’t strictly belong to hierarchy

Application Layer: 2-12

DNS name resolution: iterated query
root DNS server
Example: host at engineering.nyu.edu
wants IP address for gaia.cs.umass.edu 2
TLD DNS server
Iterated query: 1 4

 contacted server replies 8 5

with name of server to requesting host at local DNS server
contact engineering.nyu.edu dns.nyu.edu
 “I don’t know this name, 7 6
but ask this server”
authoritative DNS server

Application Layer: 2-13

DNS name resolution: recursive query
root DNS server
Example: host at engineering.nyu.edu
wants IP address for gaia.cs.umass.edu 2 3

7 6
Recursive query: 1 TLD DNS server
 puts burden of name 8
resolution on requesting host at local DNS server
5 4
engineering.nyu.edu dns.nyu.edu
contacted name gaia.cs.umass.edu

 heavy load at upper authoritative DNS server
levels of hierarchy? dns.cs.umass.edu

Application Layer: 2-14

Caching DNS Information
 once (any) name server learns mapping, it caches mapping,
and immediately returns a cached mapping in response to a
• caching improves response time
• cache entries timeout (disappear) after some time (TTL)
• TLD servers typically cached in local name servers
 cached entries may be out-of-date
• if named host changes IP address, may not be known Internet-
wide until all TTLs expire!
• best-effort name-to-address translation!

Application Layer: 2-15

DNS records
DNS: distributed database storing resource records (RR)
RR format: (name, value, type, ttl)

type=A type=CNAME
 name is hostname  name is alias name for some “canonical” (the
 value is IP address real) name
 www.ibm.com is really servereast.backup2.ibm.com
type=NS  value is canonical name
 name is domain (e.g., foo.com)
 value is hostname of
authoritative name server for  value is name of SMTP mail server
this domain associated with name
Application Layer: 2-16
DNS protocol messages
DNS query and reply messages, both have same format:
2 bytes 2 bytes

message header: identification flags

 identification: 16 bit # for query, # questions # answer RRs

reply to query uses same # # authority RRs # additional RRs

 flags:
questions (variable # of questions)
• query or reply
• recursion desired
answers (variable # of RRs)
• recursion available
• reply is authoritative authority (variable # of RRs)

additional info (variable # of RRs)

Application Layer: 2-17

DNS protocol messages
DNS query and reply messages, both have same format:
2 bytes 2 bytes

identification flags

# questions # answer RRs

# authority RRs # additional RRs

name, type fields for a query questions (variable # of questions)

RRs in response to query answers (variable # of RRs)

records for authoritative servers authority (variable # of RRs)

additional “ helpful” info that may additional info (variable # of RRs)

be used
Application Layer: 2-18
Getting your info into the DNS
example: new startup “Network Utopia”
 register name networkuptopia.com at DNS registrar (e.g., Network
• provide names, IP addresses of authoritative name server (primary and
• registrar inserts NS, A RRs into .com TLD server:
(networkutopia.com, dns1.networkutopia.com, NS)
(dns1.networkutopia.com,, A)
 create authoritative server locally with IP address
• type A record for www.networkuptopia.com
• type MX record for networkutopia.com

Application Layer: 2-19

Task (Home work)
You task is to register your new website (networksolutions.com). What
specific records you need to add in the DNS hierarchy so that It can
be accessed over the Internet

Application Layer: 2-20

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-21

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-22

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-23

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-24

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-25

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-26

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-27

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-28

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-29

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-30

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-31

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-32

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-33

DNS walkthrough

Application Layer: 2-34

DNS security
DDoS attacks Spoofing attacks
 bombard root servers with  intercept DNS queries,
traffic returning bogus replies
• not successful to date  DNS cache poisoning
 RFC 4033: DNSSEC
• traffic filtering
authentication services
• local DNS servers cache IPs of TLD
servers, allowing root server
 bombard TLD servers
• potentially more dangerous

Why did Facebook goes down 6th October 2021?

Application Layer: 2-35
Chapter 2: Summary
our study of network application layer is now complete!
 application architectures  specific protocols:
• client-server • HTTP
 application service requirements:
• P2P: BitTorrent
• reliability, bandwidth, delay
 Internet transport service model
• connection-oriented, reliable: TCP
• unreliable, datagrams: UDP

Application Layer: 2-46

Chapter 2: Summary
Most importantly: learned about protocols!
 typical request/reply message important themes:
exchange:  centralized vs. decentralized
• client requests info or service  stateless vs. stateful
• server responds with data, status code  scalability
 message formats:  reliable vs. unreliable
• headers: fields giving info about data message transfer
• data: info(payload) being  “complexity at network

Application Layer: 2-47

Thank You All

A note on the origin of these ppt slides:

? 

All material copyright 1996-2020 J.F Kurose and K.W. Ross, All Rights Reserved
These slides are freely provided by the book authors and it represents a lot of work on their part. We would like to thank J.F Kurose and K.W. Ross.

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