Takunda Makondo Cathetarization
Takunda Makondo Cathetarization
Takunda Makondo Cathetarization
Urinary catheterisation is a procedure used to drain the bladder and collect
urine, through a flexible tube called a catheter.
Urinary catheters are usually inserted by doctors or nurses in hospital or the
They can either be inserted through the tube that carries urine out of the
bladder (urethral catheter) or through a small opening made in your lower
tummy (suprapubic catheter).
The catheter usually remains in the bladder, allowing urine to flow through it
and into a drainage bag.
Depending on the type of catheter you have and why it’s being used, the
catheter may be removed after a few minutes, hours or days, or it may be
needed for the long term.
1. Verify the medical request for catheterisation.
2. Perform hand hygiene and put on PPE, if indicated.
3. Identify the patient.
4. Explain the procedure to the patient and provide the rationale as to why the catheter is needed.
Discuss the associated discomforts that may be experienced and possible interventions that may
allay this discomfort. Answer any questions as needed.
5. Obtain patient permission.
6. Gather equipment, including selection of the appropriate.
7. Place the patient in supine position with banded legs
8. Open sterile wrap using sterile technique
9. Poure antiseptic solution over cotton balls
10. Place waterproof pad under patient buttocks
11. Apply sterile glove and cover perineum with sterile material.
12. Place two sterile kidney bowls between patient’s legs.
13. Separate labia with fingers of nondominant hand (for woman) or retract foreskin with
14. Sterile cleaning
Clean urinary meatus in anus direction and clean labia - use every cotton
balls once
Clean penis 3 times with circular motion and meatus one time – using clean
cotton ball each time
15. Lubricate catheter in gel appropriately
16. Apply aseptic lubricant into meatus
17. Hold catheter properly 4cm away from catheter tip with catheter coiled in
18. Insert catheter gently and aseptically, explain to patient that feeling for
burnin or pressure is normal and will go away:
For 5 – 7,5cm until urine flows out end
For 12 -15cm until urine flows out end. In the begining hold penis at 90 –
degree angle from body, then lowered penis and hold catheter securely
19. When urine appears push catheter slightly for 2-3 cm20. Inflated catheter
balloon with designated amount of fluid
21. Pull catheter gently until resistance is felt
22. Connect catheter with urine bag and place it under blader level
23. Remove equipment and return patient to a position of comfort.
24. Remove gloves. Raise side rail and lower bed. Perform hand hygiene and
record procedure
1. Verify the medical request for catheterisation.
2. Perform hand hygiene and put on PPE, if indicated.
3. Identify the patient.
4. Explain the procedure to the patient and provide the rationale as to why the
catheter is needed. Discuss the associated discomforts that may be experienced
and possible interventions that may allay this discomfort. Answer any questions
as needed.
5. Obtain patient permission.
6. Gather equipment, including selection of the appropriate.
7. Place the patient in supine position with banded legs
8. Open sterile wrap using sterile technique
9. Poure antiseptic solution over cotton balls
10. Place waterproof pad under patient buttocks
11. Apply sterile glove and cover perineum with sterile
12. Place two sterile kidney bowls between patient’s legs.
13. Separate labia with fingers of nondominant hand (for
woman) or retract foreskin with nondominant hand and hold
penis appropriately (for man)
14. Sterile cleaning
Clean urinary meatus in anus direction and clean labia - use
every cotton balls once
Clean penis 3 times with circular motions and meatus one time
– using clean cotton ball each time
15. Lubricate catheter in gel appropriately
16. Apply aseptic lubricant into meatus
17. Hold catheter properly 4cm away from catheter tip with
catheter coiled in hand.
18. Insert catheter gently and aseptically, explain to patient that
feeling for burnin or pressure is normal and will go away:
For 5 – 7,5cm until urine flows out end
For 12 -15cm until urine flows out end. In the begining hold
penis at 90 – degree angle from body, then lowered penis and
hold catheter securely
19. When urine appears drainage first part of urine to the
kidney bowl
20. Take a urine sample
21. Pull out catheter gently but quick
22. Desinfect meatus
23. Remove equipment and return patient to a position of comfort.
24. Remove gloves. Raise side rail , lower bed. Perform hand hygiene
and record procedurę