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Session06 SQLite

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Session 6

What is SQLite?
SQLite Datatype
Database – Creation
Database - Helper class
Select, Insert, Update, Delete in SQLite
What is SQLite

- SQLite is a opensource SQL database that

stores data to a text file on a device. Android
comes in with built in SQLite database
- SQLite supports all the relational database
features. In order to access this database, you
don't need to establish any kind of connections
for it like JDBC,ODBC e.t.c
SQLite Datatype
NULL – null value
INTEGER - signed integer, stored in 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8
bytes depending on the magnitude of the value
REAL - a floating point value, 8-byte IEEE floating point
TEXT - text string, stored using the database encoding
(UTF-8, UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE).
BLOB. The value is a blob of data, stored exactly as it
was input.
SQLite Datatype

This is quite different than the normal SQL

data types so please read:

-Contains the SQLite database
management classes that an application
would use to manage its own private
- Create a database you just need to call
this method openOrCreateDatabase with
your database name and mode as a
android.database.sqlite - Classes

- SQLiteDatabase - Exposes methods to

manage a SQLite database.
- SQLiteOpenHelper - A helper class to
manage database creation and version

Contains the methods for: creating,

opening, closing, inserting, updating,
deleting and quering an SQLite database
Create a SQLite database

This method will open an existing database

or create one in the application data area

import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;

SQLiteDatabase myDatabase;

myDatabase = openOrCreateDatabase ("my_sqlite_database.db" ,

SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY , null);
Create a SQLite database

Where the assumed prefix for the database stored in the devices RAM is:
"/data/data/<CURRENT_namespace>/databases/". For instance if this
app is created in a namespace called “cis493.sql1”, the full name of the
newly created database will be:
Create a SQLite database

Database is saved in the device’s memory

Creating Tables

SQL Syntax for the creating and populating of a table looks like this:

Create a static string containing the SQLite CREATE statement, use the execSQL(
) method to execute it.

String createAuthor = "CREAT TABLE authors (

fname TEXT,
lname TEXT);

Creating Tables

The table has three fields: a numeric unique identifier called recID, and two string fields
representing our friend’s name and phone.
If a table with such a name exists it is first dropped and then created anew. Finally three rows
are inserted in
the table.

Convenient method for inserting a row into the database

table the table to insert the row into

nullColumnHack SQL doesn't allow inserting a completely empty row,
so if argument values is empty this column will
explicitly be assigned a NULL value.
values this map (name, value) contains the initial column
values for the row. The keys should be the column
names and the values the column values
Returns the row ID of the newly inserted row, or -1 if an error

Convenient method for inserting a row into the database


table the table to update

values a map <name,value> from column names to new

column values. null is a valid value that will be translated to
whereClause the optional WHERE clause to apply when
updating. Passing null will update all rows.
Returns the number of rows affected
We want to use the “update” method to express the
SQL statement:

Here are the steps to make the call using Android

Update Method

• Convenient method for deleting rows in the database.

table the table to delete from
whereClause the optional WHERE clause to apply when deleting.
Passing null will delete all rows.
Returns the number of rows affected if a whereClause is passed in,
0 otherwise.
To remove all rows and get a count pass "1" as the whereClause.
Consider the following SQL statement:

An equivalent version using the delete method follows:

SQL-select statements are based on the following components
Using RawQuery

1. The previous rawQuery contains a select-statement that counts the

rows in the table tblAMIGO.
2. The result of this count is held in a table having only one row and one
column. The column is called “Total”.
3. The cursor c1 will be used to traverse the rows (one!) of the resulting
4. Fetching a row using cursor c1 requires advancing to the next record
in the answer set.
5. Later the (singleton) field total must be bound to a local Java variable.
Using Parametized RawQuery
Assume we want to count how many friends are there whose name
is ‘BBB’ and their recID > 1. We could use the following

After the substitutions are made the resulting SQL statement is:
Simple Queries
The signature of the Android’s simple query method is:
Query the EmployeeTable, find the average salary of female
employees supervised by 123456789. Report results by Dno. List
first the highest average, and so on, do not include depts. having
less than two employees.
The following query selects from each row of the tblAMIGO table
the columns: recID, name, and phone. RecID must be greather
than 2, and names must begin with ‘B’ and have three or more
An Android solution for the problem using a simple template query

1. The selectColumns array indicates two fields name which is already part of the table, and
TotalSubGroup which is to be computed as the count(*) of each name sub-group.
2. The symbol ? in the whereCondition is a place-marker for a substitution. The value “3” taken from the
whereConditionArgs is to be injected there.
3. The groupBy clause uses ‘name’ as a key to create sub-groups of rows with the same name value. The
having clause makes sure we only choose subgroups no larger than four people.
Android cursors are used to gain (sequential & random) access to tables produced by SQL select statements.
Cursors primarily provide one row-at-the-time operations on a table.
Cursors include several types of operators, among them:
1. Positional awareness operators (isFirst(), isLast(), isBeforeFirst(),
isAfterLast() ),
2. Record Navigation (moveToFirst(), moveToLast(), moveToNext(),
moveToPrevious(), move(n) )
3. Field extraction (getInt, getString, getFloat, getBlob, getDate, etc.)
4. Schema inspection (getColumnName, getColumnNames, getColumnIndex, getColumnCount, getCount)

Using SQLite you can make Notes app, saving marker news, saving high
score in game, expenditure management app, …etc.

In this session, we learnt:

•What is SQLite?
•SQLite Datatype
•Database – Creation
•Database - Helper class
•Select, Insert, Update, Delete in SQLite

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