Chapter 9 - ANNs
Chapter 9 - ANNs
Chapter 9 - ANNs
Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 9: Artificial Neural
The domain of artificial intelligence is huge
in breadth and width. In this chapter, we
consider one of the broadly common and
prospering research areas in the domain
of AI, which is Artificial Neural Networks.
Important Definitions
• Neural network is a massively parallel distributed processor
consisting of nodes connected by adaptable weights, which store
experimental knowledge from task examples through a process
of learning.
z z z
1 e z
z 0 z
Perceptron Network
For the network shown below, find the output of the neurons Y1
and Y2 using the following non-linear activation functions:
(a) binary sigmoidal (b) bipolar sigmoidal
Training Artificial Neural Networks
In general, learning or training algorithms can be
categorized as:
•Supervised Learning
•Unsupervised Learning
•Reinforcement Learning
Supervised Learning
• Image classification
• Sentiment classification:
The movie was great +1
The food was cold and tasted bad -1
Experience, Tasks and Performance
The Classification Task :
– Classification is supervised learning (predictive models): learning with a teacher
– You are given a data set of pairs , where the first element of each pair is a feature vector , and
the second element is a label, in a (binary) classification problem.
– Binary classification: two classes
• positive/negative reviews
• Benign/malignant cancer
– Multiclass classification: three or more classes
• Animal classification (can, dog, zebra etc).
• Movie classification (thriller, adventure, action, etc).
• Iris plant classification:
– 150 iris plants, features (sepal length, sepal width, petal length and petal width), three classes (Iris
Setosa, Iris Versicolour, Iris Virginica)
Experience, Tasks and Performance
The Regression Task :
– When the output is a number (e.g., tomorrow’s temperature or house price, measured either as
an integer or a real number), the learning problem is called regression.
– Regression is supervised learning (predictive models): learning with a teacher
– You are given a data set of pairs , where the first element of each pair is a feature vector , and
the second element is a label,
– Examples:
• House price prediction
• Temperature prediction
• Student’s score prediction
Experience, Tasks and Performance
The Clustering Task :
– In this task, the input vectors of similar types are grouped together without a teacher
• Dividing the population or data points into a number of groups
– Clustering is unsupervised learning (descriptive models): learning without a teacher
– You are given a data set of examples without labels
– Examples:
• Customer grouping based on their behaviour
• Group similar words in the vocabulary together
– Unsupervised algorithms:
• Self-organizing features map (SOM neural network)
• Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
• K-mean clustering
nodes Weight matrix
Input nodes
The Artificial Perceptron
𝑎=𝑏+ ∑ 𝑥 𝑖 𝑤𝑖