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At the end of the lesson the student will be able to:

 Know the brief history of hydroelectric power

 Learn what is hydroelectric power
 How hydroelectric power works
 Some examples of hydroelectric power
 The pros and cons of hydroelectric power

I. History Of Hydroelectric Power

II. What is Hydroelectric Power?
III. Three Types Of Hydropower Facilities
IV. The Major Components Of a Hydroelectric Power Plan
V. The Pros And Cons Of Hydroelectric Power
VI. Benefits Of Hydroelectric Power

 Hydroelectric power became an electricity
source in the late 19th century, a few decades
after British-American engineer James Francis
developed the first modern water turbine.

 In 1882, the world’s first hydroelectric power
plant began operating in the United States
along the Fox River in Appleton, Wisconsin.
Hydroelectric power is one of the oldest and
largest sources of renewable energy, which
uses the natural flow of moving water to
generate electricity. In the early 21st century,
hydroelectric power was the most widely
utilized form of renewable energy in 2019 it
accounted for more than 18 percent of the
world’s total power generation capacity.
Hydroelectric energy, also called hydroelectric power
or hydroelectricity, is a form of energy that harnesses the
power of water in motion. Electricity produced from generators
driven by turbines that convert the potential energy of falling or
fast-flowing water into mechanical energy. Hydropower relies
on the endless, constantly recharging system of the water
cycle to produce electricity, using a fuel is not reduced or
eliminated in the process. The energy available from the
moving water depends on both the volume of the water flow
and the change in elevation also known as the head from one
point to another. The greater the flow and the higher the head,
the more the electricity that can be generated.
 Hydropower, or hydroelectric power, is arenewable
source of energy that generates power by using a
dam or diversion structure to alter the natural flow
of a river or other body of water. Hydropower relies
on the endless, constantly recharging system of the
water cycle to produce electricity, using a fuel,water
,that is not reduced or eliminated in the process.
There are many types of hydropower facilities,
though they are all powered by the kinetic energy
of flowing water as it moves downstream.
Hydropower utilizes turbines and generators to
convert that kinetic energy into electricity, which
is then fed into the electrical grid to power homes,
businesses, and industries.
 There are three types of hydropower facilities: impoundment, diversion, and pumped
storage. Some hydropower plants use dams and some do not.

 The most common type of hydroelectric power
plant is an impoundment facility. An impoundment
facility, typically a large hydropower system,
uses a dam to store river water in a reservoir
. Water released from the reservoir flows through
a turbine, spinning it, which in turn activates a
generator to produce electricity. The water may
be released to meet changing electricity needs
or other needs, such as flood control, recreation,
fish passage, and other environmental and water
 A diversion, sometimes called a “run-
of-river” facility, channels a portion of
a river through a canal and/or a
penstock to utilize the natural decline
of the river bed elevation to produce
energy. A penstock is a closed conduit
that channels the flow of water to
turbines with water flow regulated by
gates, valves, and turbines. A
diversion may not require the use of a

 Another type of hydropower, called pumped storage hydropower, or PSH, works like a giant
battery. A PSH facility is able to store the electricity generated by other power sources, like
solar, wind, and nuclear, for later use. These facilities store energy by pumping water from a
reservoir at a lower elevation to a reservoir at a higher elevation.
 When the demand for electricity is low, a PSH facility stores energy by pumping water
from the lower reservoir to an upper reservoir. During periods of high electrical demand,
the water is released back to the lower reservoir and turns a turbine, generating electricity.
 Hydropower facilities range in size from large power plants, which
supply many consumers with electricity, to small and even ‘micro’
plants, which are operated by individuals for their own energy
needs or to sell power to utilities.

3. Micro Hydropower
 A Micro hydropowerr can
1. Large Hydropower 2. Small Hydropower be one of the most simple
and consistent forms or
 Although definitions vary,  Although definitions vary, renewable energy on your
property. If you have water
DOE defines large DOE defines small
flowing through your
hydropower plants as hydropower plants as
property, you might consider
facilities that have a projects that generate building a small hydropower
capacity of more than 30 between 100 kilowatts and system to generate electricity.
megawatts (MW). 10 MW. Microhydropower systems
usually generate up to 100
kilowatts of electricity.

The major components of a Hydroelectric Power Plant are:

 Dam/Barrage
 Head race tunnels/channels
 Surge shaft/surge chambers
 Pressure shaft/Penstock
 Underground and surface power house
 Tailrace channel or tailrace tunnel.

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Dam Barrage
A dam is a large, solid structure that is built across a A barrage is a type of dam-like structure that is built
river or other body of water. Its main purpose is to across a river or other body of water. Its main purpose
hold back the water and create a reservoir, which is to control the flow of water and regulate its level,
can be used for irrigation, hydroelectric power rather than to hold back the water and create a
generation, or flood control. Dams are typically reservoir. Barrages are usually made of concrete, steel,
made of concrete or earth, and are designed to be or earth, and are designed to be able to open and close
strong enough to withstand the force of the water. to allow water to flow through them.
Head race tunnels/channels
 The headrace conduit, conveys the water from the reservoir to
the turbine. The conduit can be a channel, flume, penstock,
tunnel, or combinations of these. The length of the headrace
can vary from a few meters to several kilometers.
Surge shaft/surge chambers
 In hydropower, a surge chamber is a large pressurized underground
chamber creating a free surface in the waterway to improve the dynamic
abilities of the power plant waterways. It is generally used for long waterways
when a surge shaft can not be created to fulfill the same purpose.
Pressure shaft/Penstock
- Penstocks are pipes or long channels that carry water down from the hydroelectric reservoir
to the turbines inside the actual power station. Generally, they are made of steel and water under
high pressure flows through the penstock.

Underground and surface power house

- An underground or surface powerhouse situated at the far downstream area to take advantage of a
steep gradient of the river between the dam and the tailrace. The choice of location is largely
dependent on the project setting and site conditions, and is finally dictated by economic
Tailrace channel or tailrace tunnel

 A tail race channel on a hydroelectric dam. The

tail race, containing tail water, is a channel that
carries water away from a hydroelectric plant or
water wheel. The water in this channel has
already been used to rotate turbine blades or the
water wheel itself.

Pros Cons

Renewable Environmental consequences

Low emissions Expensive to build

Reliable Drought potential

Safe Limited reserves

Hydropower has been used for generations to provide with
reliable, fossil fuel-free electricity. It is a great renewable
energy source because water is usually very abundant, but it
comes with some environmental drawbacks. While the
power source itself is carbon dioxide-free, building dams
along a river can have consequences for the native fish
species. Generally, the pros outweigh the cons for
hydropower because unlike solar or wind, water can be
relied on 24/7.

 Hydropower, otherwise known as hydroelectric power, offers a number

of advantages to the communities that they serve. Hydropower and
pumped storage continue to play a crucial role in our fight against
climate change by providing essential power, storage, and flexibility
services. Below are just some of the benefits that hydropower can
provide as the United States transitions to 100% clean electricity by
2035 and net-zero emissions by 2050.

Benefits of Hydropower:
 Hydropower is a renewable source of energy. The energy generated
through hydropower relies on the water cycle, which is driven by the sun,
making it renewable.

 Hydropower is fueled by water, making it a clean source of energy.

Benefits of Hydropower Hydroelectric power is flexible. Some
hydropower facilities can quickly go from zero
power to maximum output. Because
hydropower plants can generate power to the
Impoundment hydropower creates
grid immediately, they provide essential
reservoirs that offer recreational
backup power during major electricity outages
opportunities such as fishing, swimming,
or disruptions.
and boating. Most hydropower installations
are required to provide some public access
to the reservoir to allow the public to take
advantage of these opportunities. Hydropower provides benefits
beyond electricity generation by
providing flood control, irrigation
support, and clean drinking water.
Benefits Benefits
Hydropower is Hydropower
Benefits affordable. Hydropower complements other
Hydropower provides low-cost renewable energy
provides benefits electricity and durability sources. Technologies
beyond electricity over time compared to like pumped storage
generation by other sources of
hydropower (PSH)
providing flood energy. Construction
store energy to use in
control, irrigation costs can even be
tandem with
support, and clean mitigated by using
drinking water. preexisting structures renewables such as
such as bridges, wind and solar power
tunnels, and dams. when demand is high.

 Benefits
Hydropower is an established industry in
the United States, employing 66,500
people. And there are a growing number of Benefits
jobs available in hydropower, including Hydropower creates jobs in
manufacturing, utilities, professional and rural locations and boosts
business services, construction, trade and local economies.
transportation, energy systems, water
management, environmental science,
welding, machinery, and other services.

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Dam Volume Calculations
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Below is a list of algorithms used to measure the fields for Dam Volume

The algorithm to calculate the dam volume:

Batter slope = 3
d = Depth
Lt = Top length
Lb = Bottom length
Bottom length = Top length - (2 x Depth x Batter Slope)
Wt = Top width
Wb = Bottom width
Bottom width = Top width - (2 x Depth x Batter Slope)
Volume = ((Lt x Wt) + (Lb x Wb) + ((Lt + Lb) x (Wt + Wb))) divided by 6000 x
((Top length x Top width) + (Bottom length x Bottom width) + (( Top length + Bottom length) x (Top width + Bottom
width))) / 6000 x depth
The to calculate the surface area:

l = Length Top
w = Width Top
surface area = (l x w)
(Length x Width)
The algorithm to calculate the dam volume:

Batter slope = 3
Rt = Top radius
Rb = Base radius
Base radius = Top radius - (2 x Depth x Batter Slope)
d = Depth
π = Pi (3.14159)
Volume = (ΠRt2 + ΠRb2 + (Π(Rt+Rb)2)) divided by 6000 x d
((Pi x (Top radius)2) + (Pi x (Base radius)2) + (Pi x (Top radius + Base radius)2)) / 6000 x depthCIRCULAR DAM
The algorithm to calculate the dam volume:

Batter slope = 3
Rt = Top radius
Rb = Base radius
Base radius = Top radius - (2 x Depth x Batter Slope)
d = Depth
π = Pi (3.14159)
Volume = (ΠRt2 + ΠRb2 + (Π(Rt+Rb)2)) divided by 6000 x d
((Pi x (Top radius)2) + (Pi x (Base radius)2) + (Pi x (Top radius + Base radius)2)) / 6000 x depth
The algorithm to calculate the surface area:

l = Length Top
w = Width Top
surface area = (0.5 x l x w)
(0.5 x Length x Width)
The algorithm to calculate the dam volume:

Batter slope = 3
A = surface area of water body when full (m2)
dm = Maximum depth of water
Volume = (dm x A x 0.4) divided by 1000
(Depth x Area x 0.4) / 1000
The algorithm to calculate the evaporative losses requires information from the annual evaporation (mm) Rainfall data
grid can be found here:

ae = Annual Evaporation
a = Surface Area
Evaporative losses = (ae x a x 0.67) divided by 1000000
(Annual Evaporation x Area x 0.67) / 1000000
The algorithm to calculate the seepage losses:

dv = Dam volume
Seepage losses = (dv x 0.1)
(Dam volume x 0.1
The algorithm to calculate the rain on dam surfaces requires information from the annual rainfall (mm). Rainfall data
grid can be found here:

a = Dam Surface Area (m2)

r = Average rainfall (m2)
Rain = (r x a)
(Average rainfall x Dam surface area)
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