S12. Brand Architecture Strategy
S12. Brand Architecture Strategy
S12. Brand Architecture Strategy
2023 – 2024 | Trimester 2
Main Lecturer: Thai-Dam-Huy, Trung (Ph.D.)
Industrial Lecturer: Pham-Thi, Nhung (MBA/ MA)
•Designing and Implementing
•Brand Architecture Strategies
Session 12
Designing and Implementing Brand Architecture Strategies
1. Define the key components of brand architecture
2. Define a brand-product matrix
3. Outline the principles of a good brand portfolio
4. Assemble a basic brand hierarchy for a brand
5. Describe how a corporate brand is different from a product brand
6. Explain the role of brand architecture in strengthening a brand’s value and a firm’s performance
7. Understand how sustainability initiatives, corporate social responsibility and green marketing can
enhance a brand
Brand portfolio
Brands in one Manufacturer/Retailer
The ROLE of brand architecture is twofold
● To clarify brand awareness:
Improve consumer understanding and
communicate similarity and differences
between individual products and
Identifying brand extension Branding new products and
Defining brand potential
opportunities services
3 important characteristics:
Brand vision Introduce new product under New products and services must
Brand boundaries an existing brand name be branded in a way to maximize
Brand positioning Line extension the brand’s overall clarity
Category extension Branded house strategy
House of brands strategy
Equity implication: POD, POP Sub-brands
Brand extension in which the new
product carries both the parent
brand name and a new name
Branded House vs House of Brand
This strategy emphasizes the parent company as a brand. This is a brand architecture strategy that markets a company’s
All of the company’s products and services are marketed under the various products or services independently from one another
primary brand
Characteristics of a House of Brands
Read more House of Brands vs. Branded House (Brand Architecture Strategy) (brandmasteracademy.com)
Characteristics of Branded House
1. Unified Identity
2. Strong Brand Equity
3. Simplicity
4. Resource Efficiency
5. Consistency
Read more House of Brands vs. Branded House (Brand Architecture Strategy) (brandmasteracademy.com)
Hybrid It's a strategy that combines the benefits of a house of brands and a branded house,
This approach offers the sub-brands a little more freedom to deviate from the look, feel, and personality of
the parent brands when compared to the monolithic structure.
Source What Is Brand Hierarchy? (5 Best Types, Structures & Examples) (brandmasteracademy.com)
Which or who are the How do we tighten our How do we organise the
What market What brand architecture
best segment brand positioning for range to take advantage
Are we competing in? to cover the space?
opportunities to focus our chosen customers? of opportunities?
Where do we choose
to play? on?
Works as well as families
expensive brands
Fragrance and
young men
Brand Portfolios
1. Flankers
5. Product Descriptor
Figure 12-6: Guidelines for Brand Hierarchy Decisions
1. Decide on which products are to be introduced. 3. Decide on the levels of awareness and types of associations
– Principle of growth: Invest in market penetration or to be created at each level.
expansion vs product development according to R O I Principle of relevance: Create abstract associations that
opportunities. are relevant across as many individual items as
– Principle of survival: Brand extensions must
Principle of differentiation: Differentiate individual
achieve brand equity in their categories. items and brands.
– Principle of synergy: Brand extensions should 4. Decide on how to link brands from different levels for a
enhance the equity of the parent brand. product.
Principle of prominence: The relative prominence of
2. Decide on the number of levels. brand elements affects perceptions of product distance
– Principle of simplicity: Employ as few levels as and the type of image created for new products.
possible. 5. Decide on how to link a brand across products.
– Principle of clarity: Logic and relationship of all Principle of commonality: The more common
brand elements employed must be obvious and elements products share, the stronger the linkages.
Designing a Brand Hierarchy