BY Mohanie & Sittie
BY Mohanie & Sittie
BY Mohanie & Sittie
Presentation by;
Sittie Jane A. Ebrahim
Ommohanie M. Yusop
Background of the study
Educational balance refers to the ideal that educational organizations and people who
receive education enjoy equal treatment in educational activities under the thought of fair
education and principle of educational equity, and the educational policy as well as legal
system that guarantee its actual operations. The essence of balanced education development is
to pursue educational equity and realize fair education.
Education is the key to balance the growth of the personality by training yourself to
be spiritual, intellectual, and rational. Education is the path that connects your personality
with pure soul hence, Education in Islam means acquiring divine knowledge. In Islam, Ilm
means the action of education. Knowledge is not confined as Ilm but also relates moral
aspects. In Islam Education plays a vital role which helps you to retain knowledge. It is the
mode of spreading the faith among the diverse people of the world. It is the only channel to
spread knowledge and virtue around the universe.
Knowledge is the path of guidance which helps you to grow faith within
yourself. Therefore, education is the right of every male and female. Therefore,
education has a significant and plays an important role in Islam from the very
In terms of behavior or morals, by getting an Islamic religious education
their morals are better, for instance, obedient to folks and teachers, polite,
humble to everyone, helping one another to assist, at this time, students must
be piloted from behavior or morals of oldsters and teachers, with the
knowledge of Islamic religion and good moral behavior, students are
encouraged to use it in their daily lives.
Providing Islamic education to students and with the support of the
family environment, parents, relationships, teachers, which are then applied in
life will help generations of Muslim youth from the negative impacts and moral
damage that have plagued students in times.
Statement of the problem
The study aimed to determine the Effectiveness of Sharif Awliya Academy
Inc. In Teaching Balance Education at Sharif Awliya Academy Inc. and Mindanao
State University- Maguindanao.
1.What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;
b.Civil status
d.Professional act:
2. What are the subject included in the balance education?
3. How are the subject being manage in terms of;
g.Time allotment
h.Teaching facilities
i.Frequency of teaching
4. How effective is the teaching of
Balance Education subject in terms of;
Significance of the study
This study is undertaken to determine the Effectiveness of
Teaching Balance Education.
As such, the result of this study may serve as a useful guides to
the school administrators or principal in dealing with the pupils so
that they may be motivated more to pursue their education endeavor
which may eventually lead them to become effective public servant
and a useful citizens to our country.
The result of this study may also be significant to the teachers
because this may enlighten them on the essence of their profession.
Lastly, the results of this study may be useful reading materials
for future researcher who may conduct similar study.
Conceptual Framework What is the demographic profile of the
respondents in terms of;
•Civil status and,
Professional acts
Respondents of the study
The respondents of this study is consisting of 30 alumni
Students of Sharif Awliya Academy Inc., and 20 teachers from
Sharif Awliya Academy Inc. with a total of 50 respondents.
Reasearch Instrument
A prepared set of question is distribute to the respondents
in order to gather data and information to support the researcher
purpose in having this research work. The researcher also
checked the validity of the test to determine the Teaching of
Balance Education.
Data gathering procedure
The researcher sent a letter of permission to the principal
of Sharif Awliya Academy Inc. At Bugawas Datu Odin Sinsuat
Maguindanao Del norte.And to the Alumni students of Sharif Awliya
Academy Inc. that studying now in Mindanao State University
Then after the approval, the researcher personally
distributes the survey questioners to the selected respondents and
explain the purpose of this study. To make sure the answers are valid
and reliable, the researcher classified in the selected respondents.
Results and Discussion
Table 1a
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents According to Age
The table shows that age bracket 21-25 has the highest obtained
frequency rated 74%. This is followed by age bracket under 26-30 with
then frequency of 14% followed by age bracket 31-40, 41-50 and 51-70
with the same frequency of 4%.
Table 1b
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents According to Gender
Gender Frequency Percentage
Female 42 84%
Male 8 16%
Total 50 100%
The table above indicate that 84% of the respondents are female and 16% are male. The finding reveals
that female respondents are more interested in teaching Balance Education.
Table 1c
Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents According to Civil Status
Civil status Frequency Percentage
Single 42 84%
Married 8 16%
Total 50 100%
The table above indicate that 82% of the respondents are Single and 18% are married. The
finding reveals that single respondents are more interested in teaching Balance Education
Table 1d
Teachers and alumni student professional acts
Professional acts Frequency Percentage
Alumni students 30 60%
Teacher 20 40%
Total 50 100%
The table above indicate that 60% of the respondents are alumni and 40% are teachers.
Table 2a
Islamic Subject for Balance Education
Statement indicator Frequency Percentage
1. Arabic 50 100%
0 0%
Total 50 100%
Table 2a shows the subject of Balance Education at Sharif Awliya Academy, Inc. it shows Arabic as their
subject for Balance Education with the percentage of 100%. Followed by 0 as their not subject for Balance
Education with the percentage of 0%.
Statement indicator Frequency Percentage
2. Qur'an 50 100%
0 0%
Total 50 100%
Table 3a
Non-Islamic Subject for Balance Education
Statement indicator Frequency Percentage
1. English 47 94%
3 6%
Total 50 100%
Table 3a shows the subject of Non-Islamic Subject for Balance Education at Sharif Awliya Academy, Inc. it
shows English as their subject for Balance Education with the percentage of 94%. Followed by 3 as their not subject
for Balance Education with the percentage of 6%.
Statement indicator Frequency Percentage
2. Science 47 94%
3 6%
Total 50 100%
Statement indicator Frequency Percentage
3. Mathematics 47 94%
3 6%
Total 50 100%
9:40-10:20am 33 66%
11:00-11:40am 14 28%
1:00-1:40pm 3 6%
Total 50 100%
Table 4a shows the time allotment for the subject of Balance Education. This shows
Hadith/Seerah obtained 33 as their time with the percentage of 66%.Furthermore, 14 of
the got the time allotment of 11:00-11:40am with the percentage of 28%.In addition, 3
of the respondent got time allotment of 1:00-1:40pm with the percentage of 6%.
Statement indicator Frequency Percentage
9:40-10:20am 35 70%
11:00-11:40am 7 14%
1:00-1:40pm 3 6%
Total 50 100%
1:00-1:40pm 26 52%
9:40-10:20am 18 36%
11:00-11:40am 6 12%
Total 50 100%
The table 5 shows the time allotment for the non- Islamic subject for Balance
Education. This shows English obtained 43 as their time with the percentage of
86%.Furthermore, 2 of the got the time allotment of 8:00-8:40am with the percentage
of 4%.In addition, the time allotment of 8:40-9:20am, 10:20-11:00am, 1:40-2:20pm,
2:20-3:00pm, and 3:30-4:10pm has the same percentage of 2%.
Statement indicator Frequency Percentage
8:00-8:40am 37 74%
7:20-8:00am 7 14%
10:20-11:00am 3 6%
8:40-9:20am 2 4%
1:40-2:20pm 1 2%
3:30-4:10pm 0 0%
2:30-3:00pm 0 0%
Total 50 100%
The Effectiveness of teaching facilities in teaching Balance Education is presented in table 6.It is noticeable
that on the number 1,Caustic and Noise is describe as Moderately effective with a weighted mean 3.6.Then number 2
posted a mean 3.72 and described as very effective on item 3. Lighting gain a weighted mean of 3.84 which means the
respondents are very effective. On item number 4 is described with as very effective with a mean score of 3.64.the item
5, with a mean of 4.16, describe as very effective. The item 6 Cleanliness is described as very effective with a mean of
4.04.Lastly the item 7, with a mean of 3.98, describe as very effective.
In general, the teaching facilities being effective in teaching Balance Education the respondents gained an
overall weighted mean of 3.84 with a description of very effective.
Table 7a
Effectiveness of Sharif Awliya Academy Inc. in managing balance education
Statement indicator Frequency Percentage
Effective 45 90%
Ineffective 5 10%
Total 50 100%
Yes 30 90%
No 20 10%
Total 50 100%
Table 7b shows the able to communicate both English and Arabic it shows
the able to communicate both Arabic and English obtained 30 respondent
are able to communicate both Arabic and English with the percentage of
60%. While the 20 respondents are not able to communicate both English
and Arabic with a percentage of 40%.
Table 8
Schedule for Islamic Subject
Statement indicator Frequency Percentage
Everyday 32 64%
MWF 10 20%
TTH 8 16%
Total 50 100%
This table shows Arabic as an Islamic schedule of everyday got 32 with the percentage of 64%. Followed by the MWF
schedule obtained 10 with the percentage of 20%. Lastly, the TTH schedule got 8 with the percentage of 16%.
Statement indicator Frequency Percentage
Everyday 34 68%
TTH 12 24%
MWF 4 8%
Total 50 100%
This table shows Qur’an as an Islamic schedule of Everyday is got 34 with the percentage of 68%. Followed by the MWF
schedule obtained 12 with the percentage of 24%. Lastly, the TTH schedule got 4 with the percentage of 8%.
Statement indicator Frequency Percentage
MWF 30 60%
Everyday 14 28%
TTH 6 12%
Total 50 100%
This table shows Hadith/Seerah as an Islamic schedule of MWF is got 30 with the percentage of 60%. Followed by the
everyday schedule obtained 14 with the percentage of 28%. Lastly, the TTH schedule got 6 with the percentage of 12%.
TTH 33 66%
Everyday 10 20%
MWF 7 14%
Total 50 100%
This table shows Aqeedah/Fiqh as an Islamic schedule of TTH is got 33 with the percentage of 66%. Followed by
the everyday schedule obtained 10 with the percentage of 20%. Lastly, the MWF schedule got 7 with the percentage
of 14%.
Table 9
Schedule for Non-Islamic Subject
• The table 7b able to communicate both Arabic and English has the
frequency of 30 or 60%.