Number Theory - Applications
Number Theory - Applications
Number Theory - Applications
CSE 1107
Number Theory
Rosen, Sections 3-4 to 3-7.
The Integers and Division
Of course, you already know what the integers are, and what division
New notation: 3 | 12
– To specify when an integer evenly divides another integer
– Read as “3 divides 12”
Divides, Factor, Multiple
Results on the divides operator
If a | b and b | c, then a | c
– Example: if 5 | 25 and 25 | 100, then 5 | 100
Divides Relation
Theorem: a,b,c Z:
1. a|0
2. (a|b a|c) a | (b + c)
3. a|b a|bc
4. (a|b b|c) a|c
Proof of (2)
Let a, b, c be any integers such that a|b and a|c, and show that a | (b + c).
Divides Relation
From previous theorem part 3 (i.e., a|b a|be) it follows that
a | mb and a | nc ; again, from previous theorem part 2 (i.e., (a|
b a|c) a | (b + c)) it follows that a | mb + nc
The Division “Algorithm”
Division Algorithm --- Let a be an integer and d a positive
integer. Then there are unique integers q and r, with 0 ≤r < d,
such that a = dq+r.
It’s really a theorem, not an algorithm…
Only called an “algorithm” for historical reasons.
a d q r
101 = 11 9 + 2
We write:
q = 9 = 101 div 11
r = 2 = 101 mod 11
If a = 7 and d = 3, then q = 2 and r = 1, since 7 = (2)(3) + 1.
If a = −7 and d = 3, then q = −3 and r = 2, since −7 = (−3)(3) + 2.
We’ll use the well-ordering property directly that states that every set of
nonnegative integers has a least element.
a) Existence
a - d(q0+1) ≥ 0.
But then a-d(q0+1), which is smaller than a-dq0, is an element of S, contradicting that
a-dq0 was the smallest element of S.
So, it cannot be the case that r ≥ d, proving the existence of 0 ≤ r < d and q.
b) Uniqueness
So, R = r.
Note: this is a different use of “” than the meaning “is defined as” used before.
Time-keeping on a clock gives an
example of modular arithmetic.
(mod 12 in the US;
or mod 24, using the 24hr clock.
Naturally imposed by the periodicity of
earth’s rotation.)
Where is -1?
Spiral Visualization of mod
Where is -7?
The spiral/circular view is useful
to keep in mind when doing
Example shown: ≡0 modular arithmetic!
modulo-5 (mod 5) 20
arithmetic 15 ≡1
10 (mod 5)
≡ 4 19 5 21
14 16
(mod 5) 9
4 0 11
1 Congruence classes
8 7 modulo 5.
13 12
18 17
22 ≡ 2
(mod 5) (mod 5) Collapses infinite
set of numbers into
So, e.g., 19 is congruent to 9 modulo 5. 5 classes.
More on congruences
Let m be a positive integer. The integers a and b are congruent modulo m if
and only if there is an integer k such that a = b + km
– We know that 7 ≡ 2 (mod 5) and 11 ≡ 1 (mod 5)
– Thus, 7+11 ≡ (2+1) (mod 5), or 18 ≡ 3 (mod 5)
– Thus, 7*11 ≡ 2*1 (mod 5), or 77 ≡ 2 (mod 5)
Applications of Congruences
Hashing Functions
Hash Functions
Example: Consider a a record that is identified by the SSN (9 digits) of
the customer or customer name itself (mapped into binary number).
How can we assign a memory location to a record so that later on it’s
easy to locate and retrieve such a record?
Records are identified using a key (k), which uniquely identifies each
If you compute the hash of the same data at different times, you should
get the same answer – if not then the data has been modified.
Hash Function Requirements
Hash Function Requirements
– Given an element bB, the problem of finding an aA such that h(a)=b
should have average-case time complexity of Ω(|B|c) for some c>0.
• This ensures that it would take exponential time in the length of an ID for
an opponent to “fake” a different document having the same ID.
A Simple Hash Using mod
Let the domain and codomain be the sets of all natural numbers
below certain bounds:
A = {aN | a < alim}, B = {bN | b < blim}
Because a hash function is not one-to-one (there are more possible keys
than memory locations) more than one record may be assigned to the
same location we call this situation a collision.
One possible way of solving a collision is to assign the first free location
following the occupied memory location assigned by the hashing
Pseudorandom numbers
Computers cannot generate truly random numbers – that’s why we call them
pseudo-random numbers!
Choose 4 integers
– Seed x0: starting value
– Modulus m: maximum possible value
– Multiplier a: such that 2 ≤ a < m
– Increment c: between 0 and m
Pseudorandom numbers
(secret messages)
The Caesar cipher
Rot13 encoding
>echo Hello World | rot13
Uryyb Jbeyq
> echo Uryyb Jbeyq | rot13
Hello World
Primes and Greatest Common Divisor
Prime numbers
Fundamental theorem of arithmetic
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic:
– 100 = 2 * 2 * 5 * 5
– 182 = 2 * 7 * 13
– 29820 = 2 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 71
In a fundamental sense, primes are the building blocks of the natural numbers.
Fundamental theorem of arithmetic:
Strong Induction
[from before]
Show that if n is an integer greater than 1, then n can be written as the
product of primes.
1 - Hypothesis P(n) - n can be written as the product of primes.
Uniqueness proof,
Composite factors
Showing a number is prime
– The only prime factors less than 113 = 10.63 are 2, 3, 5, and 7
– None of these divide 113 evenly
– Thus, by the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, 113 must be prime
Showing a number is composite
– Divide 899 by successively larger primes, starting with 2
– We find that 29 and 31 divide 899
On a linux system or in cygwin, enter “factor 899”
>factor 89999999999999999
89999999999999999: 7 7 13 6122449 23076923
Some “random” numbers factored (using “factor”)
12304: 2 2 2 2 769
12304038495: 3 5 7 3109 37691
29485404038495: 5 5897080807699
294854040334945723: 67 2472061 1780217629
29485404033420344: 2 2 2 1109 3323422456427
294854043485472: 2 2 2 2 2 3 151 173 117574409
29485404203484: 2 2 3 101 103 229 1031411
9348492404203484: 2 2 7 23 14516292553111
928439237492742742: 2 13 89 10453 12821 2993831
9284392329378472: 2 2 2 31321 37053384029
9284392329378472323: 3 3 3 307 1120085936708707
Hmm. Apparent pattern of a several small prime factors ending with one or two
very large primes. Real? Still many mysteries in prime number patterns …
Open questions about exact distribution of primes closely related to the main
open problem in math: the Riemann hypothesis concerning distr. of zeros of
the Riemann zeta-function.
Theorem: There are infinitely many primes.
Mersenne numbers
Mersenne number: any number of the form 2n-1
Since, 2p-1 grows fast, and there is a quite efficient test – Lucas-Lehmer
test – for determining if a Mersenne prime is prime.
So, there’s still some easy cash to be made!
9,808,358 digits… that’s close! 54
12M digit prime found! Prize awarded Oct. 14!
TIME’s Best Inventions of 2008.
Also, what special patterns are there (if any) in the digits of prime numbers?
The prime number theorem
The ratio of the number of primes not exceeding x and x/ln(x) approaches 1 as x
grows without bound
– Rephrased: the number of prime numbers less than x is approximately x/ln(x)
(in 1792 by Gauss at 15...)
– Rephrased: the chance of an number x being a prime number is (roughly) 1 / ln(x)
(density: there are n numbers up to n with roughly n/ln(n)
being prime. So, frequency of primes among n numbers is around 1/ln(n).)
– So, less frequent for higher x
– But still, there are many primes!! (key for crypto!!)
– gcd (24, 36) = 12
– gcd (17, 22) = 1
– gcd (100, 17) = 1
Relative primes
Two numbers are relatively prime if they don’t have any common
factors (other than 1)
– Rephrased: a and b are relatively prime if
gcd (a,b) = 1
Pairwise relative prime
A set of integers a1, a2, … an are pairwise relatively prime if, for
all pairs of numbers, they are relatively prime
– Formally: The integers a1, a2, … an are pairwise relatively
prime if gcd(ai, aj) = 1 whenever 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n.
More on gcd’s
Base-b number systems
(Proof by induction)
Bases of Particular Interest
N=25 in binary?
N 25
a0 25 mod 2 1 So, we have 25 in binary
N 25 / 2 12 is 11001.
a1 12 mod 2 0
N 12 / 2 6
a2 6 mod 2 0
N 6/2 3
a 3 3 mod 2 1
N 3/ 2 1
a4 1 mod 2 1
N= 23670 in hexadecimal?
23670 mod 16 = 6;
Addition of Integers
in Binary Notation
As you have known since grade 1 or before … Correctness
procedure add (a,b:positive integers)
c := 0
for j := 0 to n - 1 Complexity? (#additions)
d := (aj + bj + c) / 2 O(n),
sj := aj + bj + c - 2d where n is number of bits!
c := d (log of the size of the number)
sj := c
{the binary expansion of the sum is (sn sn-1 . . . s0 )2 }
2 k 1 ak 1 2 k 2 a k 2 2 0 a0
(b ) (b ) (b )
Problem solved?
Crucially, we can do the mod m operations as we go along,
because of the various identity laws of modular arithmetic.
– All the numbers stay small.
Example: 3 Note: 11 = (1011)2
2 4 2 k 1
b mod m, b mod m, b mod m, , b mod m,
multiplyin g together the terms b mod m, where a j 1
Modular Exponentiation
Example: 3644 mod 645 Aside: 3644 is HUGE but final
answer between 0 and 644.
Note: 644 = (1010000100)2
Steps performed by the algorithm:
Lemma 1:
a,b,c>0: gcd(a,b)=1 and a | bc, then a|c
Lemma 2:
– If p is prime and p|a1a2…an (integers ai),
then i: p|ai.
Theorem 2:
– If ac ≡ bc (mod m) and gcd(c,m)=1,
then a ≡ b (mod m).
Proof of Theorem 1
Theorem 1: a≥ b≥ 0 st: gcd(a,b) = sa + tb
Proof: By induction over the value of the larger argument a.
Note: From Euclid theorem (“reducing the size of a”), we know that gcd(a,b) =
gcd(b,c) with c = a mod b, in which case a = kb +c for some integer k,
so c = a − kb.
With b < a and c < b (see base case below for boundary cases), by the inductive
hypothesis (strong induction), we can assume that uv: gcd(b,c) = ub +vc.
Substituting for c, this is ub+v(a−kb), which we can
regroup to get va + (u−vk)b. So, now let s = v, and let t = u−vk, and we’re done with
induction step. Base case?
gcd(252,198) = 18.
1 = -7 x 17 + 24 x 5
= 8 x 17 – 27 x 5
Proof of Lemma 1
Aside: But, why don’t we want to use this property for now?
Proof of Lemma 2
Theorem 3:
If gcd(a,m) = 1 and m>1, then a has a unique (modulo m) inverse a′.
Linear congruences are the basis for doing arithmetic with very large integers.
Find an inverse of 4 modulo 9
9=2 4+1
So, -2 4 + 1 9 = 1
We have: -2 x 4 = -8.
And -8 mod 9 = 1.
Also, so is every integer congruent to -2 modulo 9,
e.g., -2, 7, -11, 16, etc.
What are the solutions of the linear congruence 4x ≡ 5 (mod 9)?
Since we know that -2 is an inverse for 4 mod 9, we can multiply both sides of
the linear congruence:
-2 4x ≡ -2 5 (mod 9)
M1 = m/3 = 105/3 = 35
2 is an inverse of M1 = 35 (mod 3) (since 35x2 ≡ 1 (mod 3)
M2 = m/5 = 105/5 = 21
1 is an inverse of M2 = 21 (mod 5) (since 21x1 ≡ 1 (mod 5)
M3 = m/7 = 15
1 is an inverse of M3 = 15 (mod 7) (since 15x1 ≡ 1 (mod 7)
To find the sum we just have to solve the system of linear congruences
(see earlier slides):
x ≡ 65 (mod99)
x ≡ 2 (mod98)
x ≡ 51 (mod97)
x ≡ 10 (mod95)
Solution: 537,140
“Bigger” Example
For example, the following numbers are relatively prime:
m1 = 225−1 = 33,554,431 = 31 · 601 · 1,801
m2 = 227−1 = 134,217,727 = 7 · 73 · 262,657
m3 = 228−1 = 268,435,455 = 3 · 5 · 29 · 43 · 113 · 127
m4 = 229−1 = 536,870,911 = 233 · 1,103 · 2,089
m5 = 231−1 = 2,147,483,647 (prime)
• For example, 341=11·31, but 2 340 ≡ 1 (mod 341). (not so easy to find the
counter example. use modular exponentiation)
If conversenwas
this property are called
what would be apseudoprimes.
great test for primality?
– More generally, if bn−1 ≡ 1 (mod n) and n is composite, then n is called a
pseudoprime to the base b.
vs. Fermat’s Last Thm.
a^n + b^n = c^n has Fermat’s Little Theorem
no solutions for n >= 3.
Carmichael numbers
These numbers are important since they fool the Fermat primality test:
They are “Fermat liars”.
The Miller-Rabin (’76 / ’80) randomized primality testing algorithm
eliminates problems with Carmichael problems. Polytime in number of digits!
Number Theory:
RSA and Public-key Cryptography
Alice and Bob have never met but they would like to
exchange a message. Eve would like to eavesdrop.
In private key cryptosystems, the same secret “key” string is used to both encode and
decode messages.
– This raises the problem of how to securely communicate the key strings.
In public key cryptosystems, instead there are two complementary keys.
– One key decrypts the messages that the other one encrypts.
This means that one key (the public key) can be made public, while the other (the
private key) can be kept secret from everyone.
– Messages to the owner can be encrypted by anyone using the public key, but can only
be decrypted by the owner using the private key.
• Like having a private lock-box with a slot for messages.
– Or, the owner can encrypt a message with the private key, and then anyone can decrypt
it, and know that only the owner could have encrypted it.
• This is the basis of digital signature systems.
C = Me (mod n)
M is the plaintext; C is ciphertext
n = pq with p and q large primes (e.g. 200 digits long!)
e is relative prime to (p-1)(q-1)
Cd = M (mod pq)
d is inverse of e modulo (p-1)(q-1)
C = Me (mod n)
M is the plaintext; C is ciphertext
n = pq with p and q large primes (e.g. 200 digits long!)
e is relative prime to (p-1)(q-1)
Ex: Encode “STOP” using RSA, with p=43;q=59 therefore n=4359=2537, e =13;
(note that gcd(e,(p-1),(q-1)) = gcd(13,4258)=1)
0981 937 mod 2537= 0704 and 0461 937 mod 2537 = 1115
So, the decoded message is 0704 1115
07 H
04 E
11 L
15 P
Why RSA Works
Proof cont.
We had:
Cd ≡ (Me)d = Mde = M1+k(p−1)(q−1) (mod n)
Assuming that M is not divisible by either p or q,
– Which is nearly always the case when p and q are very large
– Which is nearly always the case when p and q are very large