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UNIT V Shipping

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Law of Marine Environment and IMO Conventions

International Maritime
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is
responsible for global regulation of all aspects of
international shipping and has a key role in ensuring
that lives at sea are not put at risk, and that the
environment is not polluted by ships’ operations –in
short we say: Safe, secure and efficient shipping on
clean oceans.
IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is
the United Nations specialized agency with
responsibility for the safety and security of shipping
and the prevention of marine and atmospheric
pollution by ships.
IMO's work supports the UN SDGs.​
Brief History
The Best way of improving safety at sea is by
developing international regulations that are followed
by all shipping nations.
From the mid-19th century onwards a number of such
treaties were adopted.
Several countries proposed that a permanent
international body should be established to promote
maritime safety more effectively,
Brief History
In 1948 an international conference in Geneva
adopted a convention formally establishing IMO (the
original name was the Inter-Governmental Maritime
Consultative Organization, or IMCO, but the name
was changed in 1982 to IMO).
The IMO Convention entered into force in 1958 and
the new Organization met for the first time the
following year
Article 1(a) of the Convention, are "to provide
machinery for cooperation among Governments in the
field of governmental regulation and practices relating
to technical matters of all kinds affecting shipping
engaged in international trade; to encourage and
facilitate the general adoption of the highest
practicable standards in matters concerning maritime
safety, efficiency of navigation and prevention and
control of marine pollution from ships".
Role of IMO
As a specialized agency of the United Nations, IMO is
the global standard-setting authority for the safety,
security and environmental performance of
international shipping.
Its main role is to create a regulatory framework for
the shipping industry that is fair and effective,
universally adopted and universally implemented.
Shipping is a truly international industry, and it can
only operate effectively if the regulations and
standards are themselves agreed, adopted and
implemented on an international basis. And IMO is
the forum at which this process takes place
Role – Energy conservation
IMO measures cover all aspects of international shipping –
including ship design, construction, equipment, manning,
operation and disposal – to ensure that this vital sector for
remains safe, environmentally sound, energy efficient and
Adopted mandatory measures to regulate energy efficiency
from a global sector, international shipping. These were
adopted in July 2011 and entered into force on 1 January
 Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships. It
applies to ships when built, and mandates ships to be more
efficient than an agreed average baseline.
 A Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all
ships has also been introduced.
Role –Dealing with Pollution
. The growth in the amount of oil being transported by
sea and in the size of oil tankers was of particular
concern and the Torrey Canyon disaster of 1967, in
which 120,000 tonnes of oil was spilled, demonstrated
the scale of the problem.
Role in Sustainable Development
Shipping is an essential component of any programme
for future sustainable economic growth.
Through IMO, the Organization’s Member States, civil
society and the shipping industry are already working
together to ensure a continued and strengthened
contribution towards a green economy and growth in a
sustainable manner.
The promotion of sustainable shipping and
sustainable maritime development is one of the major
priorities of IMO in the coming years.
As part of the United Nations family, IMO is actively
working towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development and the associated SDGs .
Ocean Pollution
Marine pollution: A definition
The introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of
substances or energy into the marine environment,
including estuaries, which results or is likely to
result in such deleterious effects as harm to living
resources and marine life, hazards to human
health, hindrance to marine activities, including
fishing and other legitimate uses of the sea,
impairment of quality for use of sea water and
reduction of amenities. (World Health Organization)
Main types of marine pollution
Petroleum (oil)
Sewage sludge
DDT and PCBs
Non-point-source pollution
Facts on Ocean Pollution
Over 80% of the pollution in
the ocean is runoff from the
Almost 90% of all floating
materials in the ocean are plastic
Marine debris, especially plastic,
kills more than one million
seabirds and 100,000 mammals
and sea turtles every year
Dead Zones which are areas of
oxygen deficient water were life
ceases to exist, have increased
drastically over the past decade.
Marine pollution: Petroleum
Oil spills can be
caused by:
Tanker accidents
Intentional dumping

Figure 11-12
Marine pollution: Petroleum
Petroleum is
Many pollution experts
consider oil to be among
the least damaging ocean
Data from the 1989 Exxon
Valdez oil spill shows the
recovery of key organisms
Figure 11-13
Marine pollution: Petroleum
processes act to
break up and
degrade oil in
the marine

Figure 11-18
Marine pollution: Petroleum
When oil washes up
at a beach, it can
negatively affect the
Oil can coat marine
organisms and
render their Oil on the beach from the
Exxon Valdez oil spill, Alaska
insulating fur or
feathers useless
Polluted by toxins

Polluted by garbage
Types Of Pollution

Oil Spills Fertilizers

Sewage Pipes Chemicals
Garbage Oceans

Plastic in Oceans
Oil Spills
 Oil spills have huge and immediate economic, social, and environmental impacts.

Local people lose their livelihoods as fisheries and tourism areas are temporarily closed;
the clean up costs are enormous; and tens of thousands of marine animals and plants are
killed or harmed.

And the damage goes on. The chemicals used to break up the oil can be toxic, and it's
impossible to remove all the spilled oil. Even after an area has been cleaned up, it can take
a decade or more to fully recover.

There's also the problem of the oil that goes down with the ship, which can contaminate
the seabed and marine organisms.

This oil can also resurface. In 2001, a cyclone off the island of Yap in Micronesia disturbed
the oil tanker USS Mississinewa, which was sunk during World War II. For two months,
thousands of liters of oil and gasoline leaked out of the rusted ship wreck onto the
beaches of the atoll, stopping the 700 islanders from fishing. There are hundreds of other
shipwrecked tankers around the world.
Information on Oil Spills


Fertilizers that runoff from farms and lawns is a huge
problem for coastal areas. The extra nutrients cause
The run off kills the Algae which depletes the water's
dissolved oxygen and suffocate other marine life.
 Eutrophication is the addition of artificial or natural
substances, such as nitrates and phosphates,
through fertilizers or sewage, to an aquatic system.

Eutrophication has created enormous dead zones in

several parts of the world, including the Gulf of Mexico
and the Baltic Sea
Information on Fertilizers


Sewage Pipes
In many parts of the world,
sewage flows untreated, or under-
treated, into the ocean. For
example, 80% of urban sewage
discharged into
the Mediterranean Sea is

This sewage can also lead to

eutrophication. In addition, it can
cause human disease and lead to
beach closures.
Back to Polluted by toxins
Outside information on Sewage Pipes



Chemicals accumulate in organisms, becoming

concentrated in their bodies and in the
surrounding water or soil. These animals are in
turn eaten by larger animals, which can travel
large distances with an increased chemical load.

People become contaminated either directly from

household products or by eating contaminated
seafood and animal fats.

Evidence is mounting that a number of man-

made chemicals can cause serious health
problems - including cancer, damage to the
immune system, behavioral problems, and
reduced fertility.
Marine pollution: DDT
DDT was a widely used pesticide that became
concentrated in marine fish
DDT caused brown pelicans and ospreys to produce
thin egg shells
Worldwide, DDT has been banned from agricultural
use but is still used in limited quantities for public
health purposes
Marine pollution: PCBs
PCBs are industrial chemicals used as liquid coolants
and insulation in industrial equipment such as power
PCBs enter the marine environment through leaks and
from discarded equipment
PCBs can accumulate in animal tissues and affect
Marine pollution: Mercury and
Minamata disease
Mercury has many industrial uses but is extremely
A chemical plant released large quantities of mercury
into Minamata Bay, Japan
Residents who ate highly contaminated fish suffered
neurological disease and birth disorders (Minamata
Information on Chemical Toxins



Marine pollution: Sewage
Sewage sludge is the
semisolid material that
remains after sewage
Much sewage sludge was
dumped offshore until
laws restricted sewage

Figure 11-21
Garbage Dump
There are several garbage oceans
across the world but the biggest as
large as the size of Texas is the
Great Pacific Garbage Dump.
These Dumps Can be dangerous to
out animal wildlife and eventually
effect our fish that we would eat in
that area.
Information on Garbage Dump


Unlike most other trash, plastic
isn't biodegradable Sunlight does
eventually break down the plastic,
reducing it to smaller and smaller
pieces, but that just makes matters
worse. The plastic still never goes away,
it just becomes microscopic and may
be eaten by tiny marine organisms,
entering the food chain.
The world produced 300 billion pounds
of plastic each year, about 10% ends up
in the ocean, 70% of which eventually
Plastic in the marine
Does not biodegrade
Has high strength
Is ingested by and
entangles marine

Figure 11-28
Outside information on Plastic



Marine pollution: Non-point-
source pollution
pollution comes from
material washed down
storm drains as “poison
Includes fertilizers,
pesticides, road oil, and
Figure 11-26
Worldwide, 100,000 marine mammals and turtles
killed annually by plastic litter. 267 species
found entangled in or having ingested marine

Marine Debris Statistics
The Ocean Conservancy runs International
Coastal Cleanup in 127 countries; volunteers
clean up, take data every year 3rd Saturday in
60% of debris is fishing lines and nets, beach toys,
and food wrappers.
29% is cigarette butts and filters.
Styrofoam, bags/film, plastic bottles common
Plastic doesn’t break down – bottles, bags large
part of debris
Marine debris is increasing by ~5 %/yr despite
Current law regulating ocean
The only
substance that
is illegal to
dump anywhere
in the ocean is

Figure 11-27
What you can do to Reduce Plastic
 Switch to reusable products (non-plastic preferred):
 Supermarket shopping and produce bags.
 reusable water bottle
 Switch to natural fabrics rather than plastic synthetics
 Refuse the plastic straw you are offered with a drink – or better tell server
ahead of time you don’t want one
 Ask restaurants for compostable packaging – plates, food to go
 Ban problematic consumer products
 Plastic bags (already banned in CA, HI and municipalities in 18 states)
 Polystyrene/styrofoam - foodware and packing peanuts (widely banned locally)
 microbeads (banned in US 2015)
 Clean up
 Recover lost fishing gear
 Organize local beach and river cleanups
International Law of Ocean and
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) shape the legal backbone of sea and climate law on the
international level.
Framework conventions mark the beginning of specific legal systems
that are destined to evolve. The UNCLOS takes into account only in an
incidental manner certain aspects affecting climate in relation to the
Climate change creates new challenges for the Law of the Sea, which
then must adapt to tackle its impacts and showcase the ocean’s
“regulating“ role. Regulation of GHG emissions in maritime transport,
ice-melt in the Arctic, or even sea-level rise has become the object of
international discussions and calls for further legal development.
 To affirm that the ocean has been completely left out of international
climate negotiations would be at very least imprecise.
 The ocean was indirectly mentioned at several occasions during debates
and in international texts.
 These references are incomplete and the relative legal provisions suffer
from a limited legal scope.
 The effects of scientific and political mobilization concerning the links
between ocean and climate set conditions for a consolidation of the
integration of the ocean in climate law.
 The inclusion of the term “ocean“ in the Paris Treaty, the IPCC special
report on “Climate change and the oceans and the cryosphere”, or the
existence of an ocean session at COP22 – where the implementation of
the treaty will be discussed – all foretell a strengthening of the ocean in
the climate regime.

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