Module 16 - Exercise 2 - Applying The SERVQUAL GAPS Model
Module 16 - Exercise 2 - Applying The SERVQUAL GAPS Model
Module 16 - Exercise 2 - Applying The SERVQUAL GAPS Model
1. Select a well-known service company
– Examples include McDonald’s, Starbucks, Rogers, WalMart, TD
Bank, Uber, No Frills, etc.
Gap 5
Gap 2
Source: Republished with permission from Journal of Marketing, from “A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research,” A. Parasuraman, Valarie A.
Zeithaml, and Leonard L. Berry, Vol. 49, No. 4 (1985); permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.
Sunil Gupta, Core Reading: Creating Customer Value, HBP No. 8176 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2014). Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. Call 1-
800-545-7685 or go to
The Gaps Model of Service Quality
• Provider Gap 1:
– Not knowing what customers expect
• Provider Gap 2:
– Not selecting the right service designs and standards
• Provider Gap 3:
– Not delivering to service standards
• Provider Gap 4:
– Not matching performance to promises
• Customer Gap:
– Difference between expectations and perceptions
2024-04-19 DR 3
The Gaps Model of Service Quality
Brief Summary – Gaps In Service Quality
Gap Problem Cause(s)
1. Consumer The service features offered don’t Lack of marketing research; inadequate upward
expectation – mgmt. meet customer needs communication; too many levels between contact
perception personnel and management
2. Management The service specifications defined Resource constraints; management indifference; poor
perception – service do not meet management’s service design
quality specification perceptions of customer
3. Service quality Specifications for service meet Employee performance is not standardized; customer
specification – service customer needs but service perceptions are not uniform
delivery delivery is not consistent with
those specifications
4. Service delivery – The service does not meet Marketing message is not consistent with actual
external customer expectations, which service offering; promising more than can be
communication have been influenced by external delivered
2024-04-19 DR 4
The Gaps Model of Service Quality
Closing the Gaps
• Gap 1: Learn what customers expect
• Gap 2: Establish the right service quality
• Gap 3: Ensure that service performance
meets standards
• Gap 4: Ensure that delivery matches
2024-04-19 DR 5