NEBOSHjj+NJ 12.2022
NEBOSHjj+NJ 12.2022
NEBOSHjj+NJ 12.2022
and Safe
Evaluation Programming
and Training Safe
Implementatio Assessment
n and Review Communicati &
on Guideline Mitigation
What is Policy and Procedure?
Need to edit here…
Planning and Implementation (Do)
of Health &
Safety Audit (Check)
System Actions for Improvement (Act)
Continual Improvement
The Financial Reason for Managing
Health and Safety
Accidents and ill-health involve costs, the indirect costs involved are often
considerably more expensive than direct costs. The direct and indirect costs
associated with accidents can endanger a company’s competitiveness.
Direct Costs
Safety & Health
Module-1: Policy and Procedure
The Key elements of Policy (Plan)- A clear statement must be made in
organizing are order to achieve high standards of health and
safety, there must be a commitment at all levels
• Competence of the management, especially from the top
• Commitment and control management.
• Co-operation
• Communication
Organizing (Plan)- Clearly defining the roles and
responsibilities of everyone in an organization
for health and safety. There should be a visible
leadership from senior management to support
safety management system and to empower
ground level people to work safely.
Who Does What in Organizations
Top Management responsibilities towards employees includes
Policy Developing, implementation.
Carrying out risk assessments and ensure that suitable control measures are in place.
Show commitment by involving in leadership activities like site visits, consultation with the workforce.
Allocation of suitable resources to establish and maintain health and safety management system. Namely,
Manpower and Budget to meet the objectives of the health and safety policy.
In addition, the senior managers will be provided specific responsibilities in the organisation towards health and
safety. For instance, taking care of high-risk activities, or entire division or region.
The senior managers may appoint competent persons for assisting with health and safety measures and to meet
organisations health and safety obligations.
The senior managers involve themselves in reviewing health and safety performance of an organisation to
ensure the objectives are being met and remains valid.
Operational Responsibilities of the middle managers
Provision and maintenance of workplace, equipment, and tools without any risk to health.
• Effective consultation and co-operation with workers, supervisors, and top management.
• Identifying training needs and providing trainings to the workers and contractors.
• Develop safe system of work and involve workers when developing procedures and ensure that the members of his team
are trained.
• The supervisor must set as an example by showing his commitment and control on safe behaviour and following
• Carry out first level of investigation followed by near misses, accident/incident or ill health reported and report to the
senior managers.
• Carrying our workplace inspection on the areas under their control and to take actions against unsafe conditions, unsafe
practice which are observed at the time of inspection.
• Report to their managers on matters regarding health and safety, where they do not have authority to take actions.
Employee or Workers Responsibilities and Rights
• Take reasonable care for their own safety and that of other people
who might be affected by business undertakings.
arrangements for ensuring the safety and absence of risks to health from
the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.
• The employee must be given with the right to leave the workplace
where there is significant to his life or health and shall not return to the
place until the workplace becomes safe.
Internal sources of information
• HSE Policy • Risk Assessment • Accident / Ill- • Safety Committee • First aid treatment
health records meeting minutes records
Prohibiting smoking in the premises
• Developing safe
• Hazard identification, system of work and
carrying out risk • Worker consultation permit to control
assessment and communication. hazards in high risk
• Provision of training
including procedures for • reporting near misses, accidents,
carrying out specific jobs (hot investigations and taking corrective
works, firefighting and first actions.
• Monitoring and inspection
Welfare facilities and
– arrangements to inspect
General Arrangements housekeeping arrangements
equipment and tools and the
to clean the workplace.
working methods.
• Arrangements for
measuring the performance
• Conducting health – monitoring the accident /
surveillance and maintaining incident, ill health; audits,
records. committee meetings and
periodic reviews.
Specific Arrangements
• Followed by audit findings or risk assessments which recommends that policy is no longer valid.
• As passage of time, policy must be reviewed every 2 years to ensure that it remains valid.
• Followed by any change in the organizational structure. For example, change in the CEO or Director.
Reviewing Health and Safety Policy Cont...
• When a new process or procedure is introduced or any change in the existing procedures. For
example, lifting process by manual handling is changed by lifting loads using a mechanical load
handling device, forklift.
• Completing the training related to health and safety to all the supervisors and managers in next 6 months.
• Completion of workplace risk assessments covering all the activities in next 8 months.
• Improving the safety culture within the organisation by involving workers through consultation in decision making process.
Indicators of an Organization's Health and
Safety Culture
• Absenteeism and
• Staff turnover.
sickness rates.
Module-2: Workplace Communication
Communication may be
defined as: "imparting,
conveying or exchanging Verbal
information, ideas or
opinions by the use of
speech, writing or Written
Cooperation and Consultation with
• Specific Site
Rules, moving • Emergency • Relevant Risk
• Restricted Area
around the Procedures control measures
• Accident history of the organisation, which indicates the areas where there is lack and the need for
• The details of the employees who have provided with training before, when and what topic were
• Is there any legal requirement to carry out specific training (e.g. first aid training)?
Training Records
Training records must be maintained up to date, must witness the progress against the
training plan.
Training records give detailed information on the topics being covered with the level of
competence gained by the learner; date of training being conducted.
All such records shall be provided to the regulating authority that suitable training was
provided to the workers to improve their competence, or it may be used to prove
during any accident investigation to confirm that training was provided to the worker.
Evaluating Training Effectiveness
01 02 03 04
• Whether • Do they work as • Significant • Increased
employees are how they have been improvement in the awareness in
performing the trained to carry out organisation’s accident/ near
tasks safely without the task. health and safety misses reporting
risk to health performance. systems.
Module-4& 5: Management of Hazardous
Substance and Load Management Planning
Risk Assessment is an
important step in protecting
people from ill health and
accidents by recognising what
can cause harm and how to
prevent them from occurring
by implementing controls.
“Risk is a combination of how likely the hazard will cause harm and the potential severity of the
Risk Profiling - The risk profile of an organisation informs all aspects of the
approach to leading and managing its health and safety risks.
A risk profile examines:
• Biological, for example:
− Viruses, Fungi
− Bacteria
• Ergonomic, for example:
− Manual handling.
− Poor lighting.
Hazard Identification Methods- Task Analysis
1 2 3 4 5 6
Select the task Record each steps Evaluate the risk Develop safe Implement safe Monitor
of the tasks associated with working methods working methods performance to
each step ensure its
Step 2 – Identify the People at Risk
Maintenance Visitors /
Workers Cleaners Contractors
Personnel Public
Vulnerable groups may include
• young people, who
may be more at risk • pregnant, post-natal
due to their • elderly people and breastfeeding
inexperience and lack employees
of training
• exposure to
• exposure to toxic • work-related • workstations and
chemicals. stress. posture.
• threat of
• long working • excessively noisy
violence in the
hours. workplaces.
Step 3 - Evaluate the Risks and Decide on
• PPE may bring in new hazard for instance impaired vision, unable to hear emergency alarms, wearing for
long time causes fatigue.
The risk that remains after introducing all control measures is referred as
residual risk.
For example, the use of seat belts while driving a car reduces the probability and
severity of injury from the road accidents, however in the event of accident
there is probability of injury remains, this is referred as residual risk.
If the residual risk is low, then it is considered as acceptable risk – the existing
control measures are adequate.
Step –4 Record Your Findings
The significant findings of the assessment must be recorded and kept. There
should, then, be a record of all hazards, the risks that they present and what
precautions are in place to protect people from harm. This written record is an
important reference for future use – as the basis for reviewing risks, but also as
information for enforcement officers or even as evidence in any proceedings
arising from an accident involving the risk.
The record needs to cover all significant risks and state the current position – for
“electrical wiring checks carried out in Work site ABC and everything found to be
If the company has less than five employees it is not necessary to prepare this
written record,
although it is always useful to keep one anyway.
Risk Register:
Risk Register :
Risk Strategy
Risk Owner
Specific Description Possible Estimated Existing key
Mitigation Date of Budget Status
No Risk of the risk root causes Impact controls Plan completion
Category Name
Step –5 Review your Assessments and Revise if Necessary
The hazards of temporary nature or work can present significant risks to the
workers and others who are associated with the temporary works. They may
include own employees of the client for example quality monitoring team. They
may be engaged contractors to undertake construction work.
The hazards of temporary nature of work can also present risk to those who might
or might not be involved to the business such as a visitor or trespassers.
Managing the Impact of Change
A client has duties towards a contractor and their workers as well as visitors to their workplace.
In addition, when a client commissions a contractor to conduct work relating to the client’s
undertaking, the client retains responsibility to see that it is conducted in a safe and healthy
A contractor that agrees to a contract for service must provide appropriate health and safety
standards when conducting the work – this will benefit all those that might be affected
It is therefore essential that all contracted work be effectively planned and co-‐ordinated. This will
include conducting appropriate risk assessments of work activities, foreseeing how the activities
and parties involved in the work interact with each other.
• Address the risk to their own
employees arising from the work.
(Contractor & • Address the risk to the client
employees arising from the work.
as Employer)
• Address the risk to the client
arising from the work.
• Selection of Contractor
The effective
management of • Planning the job
contractors by the
client can be • Co-ordination of the work.
Arrangements for
Responsible contacting
Dealing with Media
Persons emergency
Training and Testing
• Individual roles and responsibilities
The aim of first aid is to reduce the effects of injury or illness suffered at work, whether
caused by the work itself or not. First-aid provision must be ‘adequate and appropriate in
the circumstances.
Role of First Aiders
Monitoring -
• routine inspections of premises, plant, and
equipment by staff
Gathering information
before an event,
involves inspections, • health surveillance to prevent harm to health
audit, safety survey and
put things right to
prevent accident • planned function check regimes for key
happening. pieces of plant.
Reactive Monitoring -
Gathering information followed by an event, to find out the reasons for failure in the systems,
usually lessons learnt from mistakes. If an organization needs to improve their performance, they
need to monitor both the performances.
• Transport
• Electrical safety
• Machinery safety
• Hazardous substances
• Emergency Arrangements
Planning action
Planning action - is essential for the issues found during the inspection
to control the risks proactively before something goes wrong.
Inspection without corrective action represents ineffective
management system. Planning actions must be clear with:
• What corrective action required
• Person responsible to close out the action
• Timescale with priorities
The agreed methods of active monitoring shall be documented and put
in to practice for effective functioning of the system.
Factors to be considered when determining
the frequency of the inspections
• Activities being carried out and the level of risk present.
• Investigation outcomes
This analysis usually involves converting raw data (the numbers) into an accident rate so that more
meaningful comparisons can be made.
Accident rate used to measure an organisation’s safety performance is Accident Frequency Rate:
𝐹r=Number of injuries(per year)Number of hours worked(per year) ×1,000,000
The reasons for using rate rather than actual numbers is because it allows for a more meaningful
comparison of accident statistics from one year to next year, even there may be a change in the
number of employees or there may be more hours worked.
Investing, Recording and Reporting Incidents
The main aim of accident investigation is to prevent accidents from happening again.
The organisation needs to identify the root cause of the accident so that corrective actions can be
implemented to prevent such accidents again.
Often the main thing that differentiates a near miss or a minor injury accident from serious-injury accident is
the probability.
A worker drops a hammer from scaffold which is missing a head of the worker below, but it if it is happening
again it may hit the worker head causing a serious harm or injury, where there is a foreseeable probability, a
thorough investigation must be initiated so that potential incident can be prevented.
Reasons for Investigation Accidents
• To identify immediate cause and root cause–accident are caused by unsafe acts
and unsafe conditions which arise from underlying or root causes.
• Physical evidence
• Verbal evidence identifies the witness, especially those who have been involved
in the accident and know what had happened? Their statement must be
• Document evidence this may include photographs, sketches, CCTV footages and
samples collected from the accident spots.
Witness Interviewing Techniques
• Prompt witness interview followed by the event to avoid information being erased from their memory.
• Conduct interview in a private room, it should be free from distractions and interruptions.
• Introduce themselves and try to build a rapport with the witness, care should be given to observe witness body
language, the interviewer must maintain their voice tone and provide response in calm and neutral manner.
• Explain the witnesses about the purpose of the interview i.e. its not about to blaming people, the main aim is
to find the cause to prevent reoccurrence.
• Keep them informed that the explanation and responses will be taken as notes during the interview
Witness Interviewing Techniques
• Use Open questions, such as, what, why, where, when, Who and How.
• Record the details including the names of the interviewer, interviewee, and any other witnesses.
Location, date, and time of interview along with important comments during the interview.
• Summarise your understanding and ask witnesses to write and sign a declaration statement to
generate a record of their testimony.
• Appreciate the witness for providing the information and thank them for their support.
An analysis involves examining all the facts, determining
what happened and why. All the detailed information
gathered should be assembled and examined to identify
what information is relevant and what information is missing.
Immediate Cause
Step 2:
Analysing Unsafe act
Unsafe Conditions
Underlying or Root Cause – Management failure
• Failure to provide
• Inadequate risk
• Failure to monitor. training to the
• No maintenance
• Lack of provision of • Inadequate
carried out for plant
suitable PPE inspections.
and machinery.
Step 4: Implement Action plan
• Who – the
• What – type of
injured person, • When – date and • Where – location • How – details of
accident and
witnesses and time details events
nature of injury
Closing the Audit
• Corrective action is action taken to eliminate the causes of an existing
nonconformity, defect, or other undesirable situation in order to prevent
recurrence (reactive). Corrective action is about eliminating the causes of
problems and not just following a series of problem-solving steps.
High efficiency
(Data Base)
Unplanned Planned
Low efficiency
Corrective /
Reactive (Time
Autonomous Maintenance
Planned Maintenance
Early Equipment
Manufacturing Support
Total Employee Participation
6S || Visual Control || Administrative Control
Education and training Develop operators so that they can routinely maintain
Safety, Health & environment Eliminate potential safety risks, improve the working
Thank You..!!
• Any Question?