Cyber Riskmgmt Awareness
Cyber Riskmgmt Awareness
Cyber Riskmgmt Awareness
Capra cu Trei Iezi Incident
1. Context
IT & Security
Business Lines
2. Prevention Activity
A solid House + Parola in clar, neprotejata:
Awareness 3 iezi cucuieti ….
(Dar nu si testare)
3. Business as Usual
(Amenintarile sunt
evidente – nu si pentru business
4. Vulnerability Scan ….
and Identification
5. Exploit preparation
6. The Attack
7. Disaster Plan activation and execution
8. Post-Incident Impact Assessment
9. Reaction
(Offensive Security)
10. Post Incident analysis and Action Plan
b) From Collaboration with Partners - malware or intrusion coming from a compromised partner:
1. VPN maintenance connectivity
Examples: Finastra, Sopra, Diebold Nixdorf are partners which in 2020 had ransomware penetration in theirs
infrastructure, and could have contaminate clients infrastructure
2. Backdoor in code development and/or applications form 3rd parties
Example: 2020 - SolarWinds application backdoor vulnerability, which affected many important companies like FireEye,
Microsoft, Ford, Visa, MasterCard, even US agencies (Secret Service, Dept of Defense...)
c) From Internal weaknesses/vulnerabilities
1. Extended (too permissive) access rights in applications
2. Data leakage via Emails, USB, Uploads,
3. Existence of internal unpatched critical vulnerabilities
4. Permissive derogations and exceptions
5. Internally vulnerable developed code (non-secured, not enough tested)
2. Development of code as a service, and 3rd party applications – As many organizations are dependent of
external code developing and external applications to deliver IT services. In order to mitigate the risk of non-secure
developed code:
- Implement a distinct platform with automation software development. including external service coding: SecDevOps
§ Enhance Security Code validation in the automatic process of development
§ Programmers permanent awareness
- Penetration tests for all exposed systems and sensitive internal applications
- Patch management process
- Implement security assessment technologies based on ML&AI (Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence) to
detect suspicious traffic and behaviors
How to Mitigate the Threats ?
2 2
Malware Internet Users
to Users Onsite
Users Insider
Malware against 2
Malware to
E-Banking Clients Software
Clients 4 Partners delivery Maintenance
Notiuni asociate Riscului cyber
1) Risk Genesis (3 simultaneous elements)
1. Asset
2. Threat Risk;
3. Vulnerability Risk.Value = Probability x Impact
2) Cyber-Risk Management
Identification, Minimize
= Activity/Process of Assessment, of risks, followed by application of resources to Monitor the
Prioritization Control
of adverse events.
4) RM Frameworks
CISO should promote an effective RM-Model for ORG inspiring from various RMFs
RMF categories
1) Cyber-Security RMFs (COBIT.5 for Risk, FAIR, ISO.27005, NIST.SP800-37, TARA, OCATVE, ISACA-Risk.IT.Framework)
2) ERM Frameworks (COSO, RMA Enterprise.Risk.Mgmt, ISO.31000)
3) RA Methodologies (IRAM2, FRAP)
4) General RMF (IGRC, RMA Ope.RMF, CRAMM – CCTA.Risk.Analysis&Mgmt.Method)
5) Essentials elements of RM
1. Understand the context in which risk is managed
2. Create a RM Policy and obtain enforcement (buy-in from executive leadership)
3. Personalize risk (Appetite, Tolerance)
4. Understand the inventory of Assets requiring protection
5. Assign risk to asset (assign risk to asset owner), adopt a standardized RA form
6. Understand Threats and Vulnerabilities
7. Adopt a R.M.F.
8. Create a Risk Registry (track risk scores, treatments)
9. Perform Risk Compliance monitoring
10. Communicate Risk treatment and management to ORG
11. Continuously monitor ORG and assets for emerging risks
6) Risk Ownership
Risk Owner is the Asset Owner
Assigning Risk Ownership can be political
CISO don’t take Risk-Ownership (except security-projects)
CISO don’t have the legitimacy (authority, responsibility) to decide if a risk is treated or accepted
7) Risk Calculation Formulas
Risk = Probability x Impact
Residual Risk = Inherent Risk – Control Effectiveness
AV = Asset Value
EF = Exposed Factor (% damage is a threat is materializing)
SLE = Single Loss Expectancy (Estimated Loss of a single event on asset) = AV x EF
ARO = Annual Rate of Occurrence (Estimated nb. of time over a period of 10 years threat would occur)
ALE = Annualized Loss Expectancy (Estimated Cost of Risk materialization x Likelihood in a year) = SLE x ARO
2.000.000 50% 1.000.000 0,05 (1time in 20 years) 50.000
8) Implementing a Risk Management Program
ISO.27005 NIST.SP800-37
(NIST.SP800-37) (NIST.SP800-53)
(NIST.SP800-37) (NIST.SP800-53)
1. Risk Assessment
– Risk Identification
1) Identification of Assets
2) Identification of Threats (ISO27005 – Annex C with A,D,E categories) ISO27005 – Annex C
3) Identification of existing Controls
4) Identification of Vulnerabilities (ISO27005 – Annex D)
5) Identification of Consequences
2. Risk Catalog
3. Risk Treatment = How to reduce Risk through the application of an action
4. Risk Acceptance
Decision from Risk owner to accept the Residual risk
Decision is Formally recorded
5. Risk Monitoring
New Assets are included in RMP
Necessary modification of Assets Values
New Threats and Vulnerabilities
Risk Aggregation (!) – increase impact on risk aggregation
Security Incidents
6. Risk Reporting
Present the outcome of RMP
Present Risk Management Plan
Support decision making
Improve culture of Risk to stakeholders and decision makers
Improve awareness
Security Mission in an Organization
• Executive management
• Decision making
• Implementing
Operational layer • Day-by-day activity
Business Model – IT&C Perspective
PSD2 Disruptions
GDPR Attacks
Compliance Threats
Layer Measure
Human Awareness; PhishingTests; IAM
Workstations (Laptops) Standard Image; Antivirus; Vuln. Scan; Patch Mgmt; EDR;
Local.AccessRightsControl; Local.DLP
Internet Connectivity Reputational Posture; FWs; AV; Filtering&Inspect; WAF;
Sandbox; Gateway (SSL inspect); DLP.Network;
Remote-Access (VPN, Posture assessment, MFA)
Partners Connectivity VPN default closed; 2FA; Consoles; Monitor
Internal Network Segmentaion, IDS, IPS, Breach Detection; AI&ML
Servers, DB, Middleware, Scan+Patch, EDR, PAM
Transversal SOC, SIEM, SOAR, Threat intel, OSINT, HUMINT, SecDev