Lea 1
Lea 1
Lea 1
-The National Police Commission is the agency mandated by the 1987
Constitution and the Major Police Reform Laws, Republic Act Nos.
6975 and 8551 to administer and control the Philippine National
Police. Under R.A. 8551, otherwise known as the "PNP REFORM
AND ORGANIZATION ACT OF 1998", the Commission's authority
over the PNP were strengthened and expanded to include the
administration of police entrance examinations, the conduct of pre-
charge investigation of police anomalies and irregularities, and
summary dismissal of erring police officers.
A. Powers and Functions
1. Exercises administrative control and operational supervision over
the Philippine National Police (PNP) which shall mean the power
develop policies and promulgate a police manual prescribing rules
and regulations for efficient organization, administration.
and operation, including criteria for manpower allocation
distribution and deployment. recruitment, selection, promotion, and
retirement of personnel and the conduct of qualifying entrance and
promotional examinations for uniformed members;
examine and audit, and thereafter establish the standards for such
purposes on a continuing basis, the performance, activities, and
facilities of all police agencies throughout the country;
establish a system of uniform crime reporting;
conduct an annual self-report survey and compile statistical data for
the accurate assessment of the crime situation and the proper
evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of all police units in
the country;
approve or modify plans and programs on education and training,
logistical requirements, communications, records, information
systems, crime laboratory, crime prevention and crime reporting;
affirm, reverse or modify, through the National Appellate Board,
personnel disciplinary actions involving demotion or dismissal from
the service imposed upon members of the Philippine National Police
by the Chief of the Philippine National Police;
exercise appellate jurisdiction through the Regional Appellate
Boards, over administrative cases against policemen and over
decisions on claims for police benefits;
prescribe minimum standards for arms, equipment, and uniforms
and, after consultation with the Philippine Heraldry Commission, for
insignia of ranks, awards, and medals of honor. Within ninety (90)
days from the effectivity of this Act, the standards of the uniformed
personnel of the PNP must be revised which should be clearly distinct
from the military and reflective of the civilian character of the police;
issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum in matters pertaining to the
discharge of its own powers and duties, and designate who among its
personnel can issue such processes and administer oaths in connection
inspect and assess the compliance of the PNP on the established criteria
for manpower allocation, distribution, and deployment and their impact
on the community and the crime situation, and thereafter formulate
appropriate guidelines for maximization of resources and effective
utilization of the PNP personnel;
monitor the performance of the local chief executives as deputies of
the commission; and
monitor and investigate police anomalies and irregularities.
2. Advises the President on all matters involving police functions and
3. Renders to the President and to the Congress an annual report on its
activities and accomplishments during the thirty (30) days after the end
of the calendar year, which shall include an appraisal of the conditions
obtained in the organization and administration of police agencies in
the municipalities, cities and provinces throughout the country, and
recommendations for appropriate remedial legislation.
4. Recommends to the President, through the Secretary, within sixty
(60) days before the commencement of each calendar year, a crime
prevention program.
5. Performs such other functions necessary to carry out the provisions of
R.A. 6975, amended, other existing laws and Presidential issuances, and as
the President may direct.
B. Mission and Vision
"The National Police Commission shall be a competent and responsive
overseer of an effective police service"
"To exercise administrative control and operational supervision over the
PNP, with the end view of ensuring a highly capable, effective and credible
police service"
C. Composition of the NAPOLCOM
The NAPOLCOM as a collegial body is composed of an ex-officio
Chairperson, four (4) regular Commissioners, and the Chief, PNP as ex-
officio member, one of whom is appointed by the president as the Vice
Chairperson. The DILG Secretary is the ex-officio Chairperson, while the
Vice-Chairperson serves as the Executive Officer of the Commission.
The ex-officio Chairperson and four (4) Commissioners constitute the
Commission Proper, which serves as the governing body thereof.
Qualifications of the Regular Commissioners
• Must be citizen of the Philippines;
• lawyers with at least five (5) years experience in handling criminal or
human rights cases; or
• holders of a master's degree in public administration, sociology,
criminology, criminal justice, law enforcement and other related
Temporary or Permanent Incapacity of the Chairperson.
In case of absence due to the temporary incapacity of the chairperson, the
Vice chair shall serve as Chairperson until the Chairperson is present or
regains capacity to serve. In case of death or permanent incapacity or
disqualification of the chairperson, the acting chairperson shall also act as
such until a new qualified chairperson shall be appointed by the President.
Removal from Office
The members of the Commission may be removed from office for a
reason. All vacancies in the Commission, except through expiration of term,
shall be filled up for the unexpired term only, provided that any person who
shall be appointed in this case shall be eligible for regular appointment for
another full term.
1. Command Group
a. The Chief, PNP The PNP shall be headed by a Chief, with the rank of
Police General. The head of the PNP as head of the Philippine National
Police, shall have command, supervision and control of all elements thereof.
He may issue from time to time such detailed instructions regarding
personnel, funds, records, property, correspondence, intelligence, operations,
training and such other matters as may be necessary to
effectively carry out the functions of the Philippine National Police.
He shall prescribe, subject to the approval of the NAPOLCOM, the table
of the organization and equipment, functions, duties and powers of various
staffs services, installations and other units of the Philippine National
Police. The chief of the PNP or the subordinate official he may authorize
shall have the power to issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum in
connection with the investigation of cases.
b. The Deputy Chief, PNP for Administration
The Chief Deputy for Administration, who is the second in command
with the rank of Police Lieutenant General, shall assist the Chief of the
PNP in the Figure 3.3 Flag of the Deputy Chief PNP for Administration
exercise of responsibilities relative to PNP personnel, logistics,
comptroller and plan activities. He shall likewise assist the Chief of the
PNP in directing, controlling and supervising the national administrative
support units such as Logistics Support
Service (LSS), Information Technology Management Service (ITMS),
Finance Service (FS), Health Service (HS), Communication and
Electronic Service (CES), Chaplain Service (CHS), Legal Service (LS),
Headquarters Support Service (HSS), Engineering Service (ES), Training
Service (TS), Pension and Retirement Benefits Administration Service
(PRBAS) and Firearms and Explosives Office (FEO). As the second in
command, he shall act for and in behalf of the Chief PNP in the latter's
absence, incapacity or as directed.
c. The Deputy Chief, PNP for Operation
The Chief Deputy for Operation, who is the third in command with the
rank of Police Lieutenant General, shall assist the Chief of the PNP in the
exercise of responsibilities operations, training, and relative to PNP
intelligence, community affairs, investigation activities. He shall likewise
assist the Chief of the PNP in directing, controlling and supervising
national operational support units such as Maritime Group (MG),
Intelligence Group (IG), Police Security and
Protection Group (PSPG), Criminal Investigation and Detection Group
(CIDG), Highway Patrol Group (HPG), Special Action Force (SAF),
Aviation Security Group (AVSEGROUP), Police Community Affairs
Development Group (PCADG), Civil Security Group (CSG), Crime
Laboratory (CL), Anti-Kidnapping Group (AKG), Drug Enforcement
Group (DEG), PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG), EOD-K9 Group and
Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement Group (IMEG). The third in
command shall exercise duties that may be delegated to him or as directed
by the Chief of the PNP.
Under NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019- 261, Approving the
Restructuring and (ODCO) Strengthening of the Office of the Deputy
Chief, PNP for Operations Thee office of the Deputy Chief, PNP for
Operations shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
• Assists the Chief, PNP in the exercise of responsibilities relative to
operations, plans, PNP intelligence, community relations, and
investigation activities.
Assist the Chief, PNP in directing, controlling, and supervising the
national operational support unit.
As third in command, the Deputy Chief, PNP for Operations shall
exercise duties that may be delegated to him by the Chief, PNP.
The Chief of Directorial Staff, who is the fourth in command, shall have
the rank of Police Lieutenant General shall assist the Chief of the PNP in
the general coordination and supervision of the various activities of the
Directorial Staff. As the principal coordinating directorial staff of the chief
of the PNP, he coordinates, supervises and directs members of the
Directorial Staff and Services Staff in the performance of their respective
functions. He directs and issues detailed implementing policies and
instruction regarding personnel, intelligence, operations, funds, logistics,
police relations, plans, investigation and other matters as may be
necessary to effectively carry out the powers.
2. Chief PNP's Personal Staff
The Internal Affairs Service is headed by the Inspector General who is a
civilian, appointed by the President and exercises supervision general and
control over all the IAS offices and personnel nationwide.