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Chapter 4

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 The term Cloud refers to a Network or Internet.

 Cloud is something, which is present at remote location.

 Cloud can provide services over network,
 i.e., on public networks or on private networks, i.e., WAN, LAN or VPN.
 Applications such as e-mail, web conferencing, customer relationship management (CRM), all run in

 Cloud Computing refers to manipulating, configuring, and accessing the applications online.
 Cloud Computing provides us a means by which we can access the applications as utilities, over the

 It allows us to create, configure, and

customize applications online.

 It offers online:

 data storage,

 infrastructure and

 application.
Working Models For Cloud Computing
The working models for cloud computing are:
I. Deployment Models
II. Service Models
Deployment models define the type of access to the cloud,
i.e., how the cloud is located?
Cloud can have any of the four types of access:
a. Public cloud
b. Private cloud
c. Hybrid cloud
d. Community cloud
I. Deployment Models
a. Public Cloud: allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the general public.
Public cloud may be less secure because of its openness, e.g., e-mail.

b. Private Cloud: allows systems and services to be accessible within an organization.

It offers increased security because of its private nature.

c. Community Cloud: Allows systems and services to be accessible by group of organizations.

d. Hybrid Cloud: is mixture of public and private cloud.

the critical activities are performed using private cloud while the non-critical activities are
performed using public cloud.
Service Models are the reference models on which the Cloud Computing is based.

These can be categorized into three basic service models:

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

3. Software as a Service (SaaS)

There are many other service models all of which can take the form like XaaS, i.e., Anything
as a Service.

This can be Network as a Service, Business as a Service, Identity as a Service, Database as a

1. Service or Strategy as a Service
The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the most basic level of service.

Each of the service models make use of the underlying service model, i.e., each inherits the
security and management mechanism from the underlying model
IaaS provides access to fundamental resources such as physical machines, virtual machines,
virtual storage, etc.


PaaS provides the runtime environment for applications, development & deployment tools,


SaaS model allows to use software applications as a service to end users.

Challenges and benefits of cloud computing
Challenges of cloud computing Benefits of Cloud Computing
 Accessibility anywhere, with any device

 Ability to get rid of most or all hardware and software

 Security and Privacy
 Centralized data security
 Portability
 Higher performance and availability
 Interoperability
 Quick application deployment
 Computing Performance  Instant business insights

 Reliability and Availability  Business continuity

 Price-performance and cost savings

 Virtualized computing

 Cloud computing is greener

Cloud Computing Virtualization
 Virtualization is a technique, which allows to share single physical instance of an application
or resource among multiple organizations or tenants (customers).
 It does so by assigning a logical name to a physical resource and providing a pointer to that
physical resource when demanded.
 Creating a virtual machine over existing operating system and hardware is referred as
Hardware Virtualization.
 Virtual Machines provide an environment that is logically separated from the underlying
The machine on which the virtual machine is created is known as host
machine and virtual machine is referred as a guest machine.
virtual machine is managed by a software or firmware, called hypervisor.
Hypervisor is a firmware or low-level program that acts as a Virtual Machine
There are two types of hypervisor:
Type 1 hypervisor runs on bare system.
 LynxSecure,
 RTS Hypervisor,
The type1 hypervisor does not have any host operating system because they are
 Oracle VM, installed on a bare system.
 Sun xVM Server, VirtualLogic VLX
Type 2 hypervisor is a software interface that emulates the

devices with which a system normally interacts.

Containers, KVM, Microsoft Hyper V, VMWare Fusion,

Virtual Server 2005 R2, Windows Virtual PC and VMWare

workstation 6.0 are examples of Type 2 hypervisor.

Types of Hardware Virtualization

Here are three types of hardware virtualization:

1. Full Virtualization

2. Emulation Virtualization

3. Para virtualization


The underlying hardware is completely simulated.

Guest software does not require any modification to run.


The virtual machine simulates the hardware and hence become

independent of it.

The guest operating system does not require modification.


The hardware is not simulated and the guest software run their
own isolated domains.

VMware vSphere is highly developed infrastructure that offers a

management infrastructure framework for virtualization.

It virtualizes the system, storage and networking hardware.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing Common risks are:
Risk of vendor lock-in  Data loss or theft

Less control over underlying cloud infrastructure  Data leakage

Concerns about security risks like data privacy and  Account or service hijacking
online threats
 Insecure interfaces and APIs
Integration complexity with existing systems
 Denial of service attacks
Costs and unexpected expenses
 Technology vulnerabilities
IoT is the networking of smart objects:
 Meaning a huge number of devices intelligently communicating in the presence of internet protocol that
cannot be directly operated by human beings.
 In which smart objects have some constraints such as limited bandwidth, power, and processing accessibility
for achieving interoperability among smart objects.

IoT is a framework of all things that have a representation in the presence of the internet in
such a way that new applications and services enable the interaction in the physical and virtual
world in the form of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication in the cloud.
IoT is the interaction of everyday object’s computing devices through the Internet that enables
the sending and receiving of useful data.
IoT is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software,
sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data.
IoT= Services+ Data+ Networks + Sensors
IoT is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects,
animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over
a network
IoT is a network of devices that can sense, accumulate and transfer data over the internet

without any human intervention.

Simply stated, the Internet of Things consists of any device with an on/off switch connected

to the Internet.

If it has an off/on the switch, then it can, theoretically, be part of the system.
Challenges of IoT


Connectivity Privacy
Cmplicated in terms of
Active Engagement Design
Small Devices
Advantages of IoT Disadvantages of IoT
Improved Customer Engagement
The potential that a hacker could steal confidential
Technology Optimization
information is high / increased.
Reduced Waste If there’s a bug in the system, it’s likely that every
Enhanced Data Collection connected device will become corrupted.
Lack of international standard of compatibility for
Collecting and managing the data from all IoT
devices will be challenging.
How does IOT work?
 An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded processors,
sensors and communication hardware to collect, send and act on data they acquire from their
 IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by connecting to an IoT gateway or another
edge device where data is either sent to the cloud to be analyzed or analyzed locally.
 Sometimes, these devices communicate with other related devices and act on the information
they get from one another.
 The devices do most of the work without human intervention, although people can interact
with the devices.
 For instance, to set them up, give them instructions or access the data.
Architecture of IoT
An IoT device can be explained as a network of things that consists of hardware, software,
network connectivity, and sensors.

The architecture of IoT devices comprises four major components:

1. Sensing layer

2. Network layer

3. Data processing layer

4. Application layer
Sensing Layer
► The main purpose of the sensing layer is to identify any phenomena in the devices’ peripheral
and obtain data from the real world.

 Using multiple sensors for applications is one of the primary features of IoT devices.

 Sensors in IoT devices are usually integrated through sensor hubs.

 A sensor hub is a common connection point for multiple sensors that accumulate and
forward sensor data to the processing unit of a device.

 Actuators can also intervene to change the physical conditions that generate the data.
Sensing Layer
Sensors in IoT devices can be classified into three broad categories:

A. Motion Sensors: Measure the change in motion as well as the orientation of the devices.
The linear motion refers to the linear displacement of an IoT device
The angular motion refers to the rotational displacement of the device
B. Environmental Sensors: To sense the change in environmental parameters in the device’s peripheral.
 its primary purpose is to help the devices to take autonomous decisions according to the
changes of a device’s peripheral. Eg Light sensors, Pressure sensors, etc.
C. Position sensors: Deal with the physical position and location of the device.
Magnetic sensors: used as digital compass and help to fix the orientation of the device display.

Global Positioning System (GPS): is used for navigation purposes in IoT devices.
2. Network Layer: The network layer acts as a communication channel to transfer data,
collected in the sensing layer, to other connected devices.

(e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, ZWave, LoRa, cellular network, etc.)

3. Data Processing Layer: The data processing layer consists of the main data processing unit
of IoT devices.

 It takes data collected in the sensing layer and analyses the data to make decisions based on
the result.

 The data processing layer saves the result of the previous analysis to improve the user

 May share the result of data processing with other connected devices via the network layer.
4. Application Layer: The application layer implements and presents the results of the data
processing layer to accomplish disparate applications of IoT devices.
 The application layer is a user-centric layer that executes various tasks for the users.
IOT summary concept
 IoT network constrained resources are power, processing, memory and etc.

 IoT landscape is depicted by an increasing number of connected devices characterized by

their heterogeneity and the presence of resources constrained networks.

 The intrinsic constraints of IoT networks (architecture, technologies, physical layer).

IOT summary concept
 Indeed, it is necessary to take into account several elements such as scalability, interoperability, energy
efficiency, topology control, Quality of Service (QoS), fault tolerance, and security.

 The security, context-aware, and the standard model of messages still in an early stage and should be resolved
in a new management platform.

 The structure of the platform is expandable, allowing the addition of new types of network devices or

 In addition, the platform provides standard web services, such as device discovery, data storage, and user
authorities, which are basic requirements for creating IoT applications.

 The IoT Platform Solutions are based on the Internet of Things and cloud technology.

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