Aetcom Ques
Aetcom Ques
Aetcom Ques
How to motivate a relative of the
deceased for eye donation?
• Lot of people with corneal blindness
• Only way to treat is corneal transplant
• Only way to get cornea is donation from dead people.
cornea of the deceased will be burnt or buried, will be
wasted but they can give vision to two blind people and
Deceased cornea will continue to see even after his
• Moreover, no disfigurement of the deceased person
occurs if the corneas are donated – doctors take care of
the cosmetic part.
How to counsel a patient if a badly injured
eye is to be excised?
• We tried our best to save the eye and restore
vision, but it was so badly damaged we could
not save in spite of our best effort
• Now, if the eye is not excised, danger ofdamage
to the other eye (sympathetic ophthalmia) ( has
to be explained to the patient in layman’s
• Eye will have unsightly appearance – after
excision cosmetically looks better with modern
day prosthesis.
How to counsel a patient who has been diagnosed
having glaucoma just now?
• It is a disease which can cause blindness if left
• But if you apply medicine properly and get your eyes
checked regularly, its progression can be halted and you
will not go blind and can lead a normal life and but we
can’t restore the damage which is already happened
• Importance of applying medicines properly, regularly and
getting the eyes checked regularly to be emphasized
• As it is hereditary, first degree relatives are to be
checked for glaucoma too.
How to counsel a patient who has been diagnosed
with retinitis pigmentosa just now?
• It’s a hereditary disease
• No treatment is there till now but it progresses slowly so
less chance of going completely blind. With glasses, low
vision aids your vision can be improved
• Eye check up of relatives as it is hereditary – genetic
counselling when planning for offsprings…
• lot of research going on worldwide, sooner or later we
can have some good news regarding treatment
How to counsel a mother of 9 yr old boy who
has -7D myopia?
• Importance of wearing glasses to prevent
• Importance of physical activity and outdoor
• Possibility of progression to be explained and
usually arrested when the growth stops
• Regular refraction and retinal examination
• If progresses rapidly low dose atropine may be
used to arrest quick progression of myopia
How to counsel a 18 yr old girl who is keen on
wearing a cosmetic contact lens
• Try to discourage mildly
• Utmost care to be taken for maintenance.
• Proper disinfection with contact lens care solution
• Not to interchange among friends – dangers of corneal
ulcer and going blind to be emphasised if proper care is
not taken
• Disposable contact lenses are preferred for safety
• Discontinue contact lens use and see an
ophthalmologist urgently if there is any redness or
irritation on wearing them.
Importance of regular eye check up in a
diabetic patient