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Data Classification Presentation

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Data Classification

Data and Data classification

 Data is a raw fact and figure

 For example student’s name or id is data
 Data type is attribute or nature of the data.
 The nature of the data will determine the operation and storage of the data.
Needs for data type

 It gives different level of organization data.

 It tells how data can be stored and accessed in its
elementary level.
 Provide operation on group of data, such as adding an item,
looking up highest priority item.
 Provide a means to manage huge amount of data efficiently.
 Provide fast searching and sorting of data.
Classification of data type

 Primitive
 Composite
Primitive data type
Primitive data type

 Primitive data type are predefined data types that contain simple
values of specific characteristics, such as numeric or textual and are
not based on any other type.
 They are the most basic form and serve as a building block from
which other, more sophisticated types are built.
 These data types are also known as simple data types because they
consist of characters that cannot be divided
 Integer, character, bool, Null, etc are examples of primitive data type

 Integer data types often represent whole numbers in programming.

 An integer's value moves from one integer to another without
acknowledging fractional numbers in between.
 Example 45,2

 In coding, alphabet letters denote characters.

 Programmers might represent these data types as (CHAR) or (VARGCHAR),

Example in C
Char letter[] =‘a’;
Floating point & double

 Floating-point data types represent fractional numbers in programming.

 Float: A data type that typically allows up to seven points after a
 Double: A data type that allows up to 15 points after a decimal.
Examples :
 float num1 = 1.45E2
 float num2 = 9.34567
Short and Long

 Long data types are often 32- or 64-bit integers in code. Sometimes, these can
represent integers with 20 digits in either direction, positive or negative.

 Short: Similar to the long data type, a short is a variable integer. Short stores
smaller ranges, using less memory,

 Named after English mathematician, George bool.

 Boolean data is what programmers use to show logic in code. It's typically one of
two values—true or false, high or low, 0 or 1.
 Intended to clarify conditional statements. These can be responses to "if/when"
scenarios, where code indicates if a user performs a certain action.

bool batteryIsLow = false;

bool batteryIsLow = true;
Date & Time

 This data type stores a calendar date.

 Dates are typically a combination of integers or numerical figures.
 dd:mm:yy
 Time: Represents a specific time of day, often combined with date
to represent a complete timestamp.
 Hr:mm
None Type (nonetype)

Also known as “null,” it represents an empty variable with no

meaningful value.
Empty, not binded to any specific data value like int, char etc.

int *ptr = NULL;
Composite data type
Composite data type

 Composite data types, also known as user-defined or non-primitive data

types, refer to a composition of different primitive types, usually
specified by the user.
 There are four big groups of composite types:
 homogenous which requires all values to be of the same data type;
 tabular, which stores data in tabular form;
 semi structured, which stores data as a set of relationships; and
 multimedia, which stores data in the shape of videos, audio, or images

 Also known as “vector”, an array is a type that represents a group

of values of the same type that follows a consecutive order
 the position of each value is called the “index”.
 It is considered a structured data type because it stores multiple
values within a single identifier, which can be one-dimensional
(arranged as a list) or multi-dimensional (arranged in tabular form).
Int numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
String (str/text)

 A constant or variable string of characters such as numbers, symbols, and upper-

or lower-case letters, for example, a cellphone number with “+” at the start and
“-” to separate numbers.
 The string can be considered a synonym of the VARCHAR. In C programming,
string is regarded as array of characters.
 Example:
Char name[] = “omary”;

 it is also known as structure on the on some programming languages like C,

 As its name suggests, this type represents a collection of fields with their
corresponding data types, usually in a table form.
 Example:

Struct Product = {
id: number;
name: string;
price: number;

 A union type contains a group of data objects that can have varied data types
(unlike arrays).
 Unlike records, with unions, each object starts at the same memory location,
meaning the union variable can only store one value at a time.
 When a new value is assigned to a field, the existing one is overwritten.
User-Defined Data Types (UDTs)

 Definition: These Are Data types defined by the programmer/User

 .Purpose: Organize and manage complex data structures.
 Types of User-Defined Data
 Type sStructuresStruct (C/C++): Collection of variables of different data types under a
single name.
 Class (C++/Java): Advanced form of structure with methods and data.
 Enumerations (enum)Define a new data type with named values.
 Union Store different data types in the same memory location.
 Type def Create a new name for an existing data type.
Benefits of Using UDTs

 Abstraction: Abstracts details of data structure for easier understanding.

 Encapsulation: Bundles data and methods together for a cohesive unit.
 Reusability: Can be reused in different parts or programs.
 Flexibility: Tailored to specific program requirements for efficiency
Static and dynamic data typing
Static data typing

 Static typing: Variable types are known at compile time.

 Every value (like numbers, text, etc.) is clearly associated
with a specific type (like integer, string, etc.).
 Enforced throughout the program's execution.
 Good thing: This makes the program more reliable and
efficient because it catches type-related errors early and
optimizes memory usage
Dynamic data typing

 Dynamic typing: Variable types are not known at compile

time but only at run time.
 variables are not bound to a specific data type at compile time
 Good thing: don't have to explicitly declare the type of a
variable; its type is determined when a value is assigned to it
C code (static typing)

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int n = NULL;
n=‘ udsm’; //this will result to error as the reference of the data
type is static
return 0;
Python code (dynamic typing)

Example in Python
x = 10 # x is an integer
print(type(x)) # Output: <class 'int'>

x = "hello" # Now x is a string
print(type(x)) # Output: <class 'str'>
Data casting
Data casting

 Conversion of data type into another data type

Explicit Type Conversion

 Explicit Type Conversions is the process of converting one data type to

another data type manually, through conversion from higher data type to
a smaller data type.
Implicit type conversion

 Is the process of automatically converting one data type into another data
type through conversion from smaller data type to a higher data type

 Unary Operators: These operators work with only one operand.

For example, the unary minus (-) changes the sign of its operand,
 Binary Operators: These operators work with two operands.
Examples include arithmetic operators like addition (+),
 which is the conditional operator or the ternary operator (? :). It
takes three operands and evaluates a boolean expression,
returning one of two values depending on whether the expression
is true or false.

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