Crim 3
Crim 3
Crim 3
These refer to the scam total of ways in which
people deal with minor to major stress and trauma.
Some of these processes are unconscious ones,
are learned behavior, and still others are skills that
individuals consciously master in order to reduce
stress or other intense emotions like depression.
Not all ways coping are equally beneficial, and
some can actually be very detrimental.
What are Defense Mechanisms?
These refer to an individuals’ way of reacting to
frustration. These are unconscious psychological
strategies brought into play by various entities to cope
with reality and to maintain self- image. Healthy
persons normally use different defenses throughout life.
According to Freud, defense mechanisms are methods
that ego uses to avoid recognizing ideas or emotions
that may cause personal anxiety; it is the unrealistic
strategies used by the ego to discharge tension,
List of Coping and Defense Mechanisms
1. Acting Out. This means literally acting out the
desires that are forbidden by the Super ego and yet
desired by the Id. We thus cope with the pressure to
do what we believe is wrong by giving in to the
desire. A person who is acting out desires may do it
in spite of his/her conscience or may do it with
relatively little thought. Thus, the act may be being
deliberately bad or may be thoughtless
2. Aim Inhibition. Sometimes we have desires and
goals that we believe that we are unable to achieve.
In aim inhibition, we lower our sights, reducing our
goals to something that we believe is actually more
possible or realistic.