Cold War
Cold War
Cold War
Capitalism vs Communism
Yalta and Postdam
Conferences (1945)
The Big 3: EE UU (Roosevelt in Yalta and Truman in Postdam),
Great Britain (Churchill) and the USSR (Stalin) agreed on:
Create the United Nations (1945)
Split Germany into 4 occupied areas
EE UU and Great Britain pressed to allow free elections in
Eastern Europe.
o Stalin called this speech offensive, “an act of war”, and later he gave
an speech saying Capitalism and Communism cannot exist in same
world. It was the beginning of the Cold War.
The Cold War
After the WWII, the United States and the Soviet Union, temporally
allies against Nazis, were very different.
• Ej. Greece Civil War: In 1947, the British helped Greek government
to fight communist guerrillas. Great Britain appealed to America for
aid, and the response was that Greece received large amounts of
arms and supplies and by 1949 it had defeated the communists
The Marshall Plan
In Europe, the Truman Doctrine led to the Marshall Plan
• By the end of the war, Europe was devastated
• The Marshall Plan was a massive economic aid (12,5 billion of
dollars between 1947 and 1952) for Europe to help it to
recover from the damage caused by the war. This plan involved
the US government giving money to Western European nations.
The money helped them to get rebuilt after the war.
• By helping nations, the US believed it would prevent the spread
of communism.
In response, the USSR created the Warsaw Pact in 1955, a military group
to defend communist countries.
• The USSR had also founded in 1949 the COMECOM (the equivalent to
the Marshall Plan for communist countries.
• EE UU, with the Apollo 11, landed on the moon on July 16, 1969
Nuclear and space race started
Episodes of the Cold War.
1) The Berlin airlift
• June-1948. Stalin wanted the western Allies out of Berlin. His
army surrounded West Berlin and would not let an supplies in or
• West Berlin could only be reached by traveling through East
Germany (which was Communist).
• He blocked highway, rail, and water routes so that no food or
fuel could get into the city.
Episodes of the Cold War.
1) The Berlin airlift
• Truman responded with the
Berlin airlift:
• For several months in 1948
and 1949 (May), the US and
its allies flew planes
delivering supplies across the
Soviet lines and into West
• Not wanting a war, Stalin
finally gave up.
• But the Berlin airlift only
made the two sides angrier
with one another.
The Berlin Wall, the Wall of Shame
Since the very beginning of the
Cold War, citizens living in East
Berlin moved to West Berlin,
where the facilities and standard
of living was higher and
freedoms greater. This situation
ruined the prestige of the USSR
and the Communist itself.
• Hungary (1956). The leader of Hungary, Imre Nage, took Hungary out
of Warsaw Pact. Hungarians wanted to choose its own political system,
far away from Communism.
• Kruschev sent in Soviet troops and tanks.
• Nage was executed.
The leader of the mujahadeens, Osama Bin Laden, became later the
great enemy of EE UU.
The Wall of Berlin had became the symbol of the Cold War. The Berlin
Wall was pulled down on 9-November-1989 after 28 years.