t2 S 685 Healthy Eating Powerpoint 3 - Ver - 5
t2 S 685 Healthy Eating Powerpoint 3 - Ver - 5
t2 S 685 Healthy Eating Powerpoint 3 - Ver - 5
When you eat a balanced diet, your body obtains the fuel and
nutrients it needs to function properly.
For example:
• Your body needs minerals to make hormones, build bones and
regulate your heartbeat.
• Water is needed to flush out toxins, transport nutrients to cells or
perform other vital bodily processes.
How Can We Make the Right Food Choices?
Food labelling
Nutrition labels can help you choose between products and show
whether the food is high in fat, salt and added sugars.
These foods help the body to grow and repair itself and keep
hair, skin, muscles and nails strong. We should eat some
foods from this group
every day.
Some meats are high
in saturated fat, which
can raise blood
cholesterol levels.
Foods and Drinks High in Fat and Sugar
These foods provide the body with energy, warmth and insulation around vital organs.
Too much fat in your diet can raise cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease.
There are 7
types of
nutrients. carbohydrates protein fats
Most foods
more than
one type of
vitamins minerals minerals fibre
For example . . .
Cereal contains fibre, carbohydrates and
vitamins. However it is included in the fibre
group because this is the main nutrient you Did you know that
get from eating it. vegetables contain water?
However, we eat them
because they are high in
vitamins and minerals.
Types of Nutrients - Proteins
Proteins help your body to grow and repair itself.
Foods high in
protein include:
Red Meat
What does protein do for your body?
Foods high in
Carbohydrates carbohydrates include:
give you energy!
Types of Nutrients - Fats
Fats give Oils
you Avocados
Types of Nutrients - Vitamins
Food allergies are rare. About 2% of Food intolerances are more common
the population and 8% of children than food allergies. The symptoms of
under the age of three are affected. food intolerance tend to come on
more slowly, often many hours after
A food allergy is a rapid reaction to a eating the problem food.
food by your immune system. It can
trigger symptoms such as a rash, Typical symptoms include bloating
wheezing and itching or sometimes, and stomach cramps.
more seriously, can affect breathing.
It's possible to be intolerant to
The most common food allergies are several different foods. This can
to fish and shellfish and nuts, make it difficult to identify which
including peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts foods are causing the problem.
and brazil nuts.
Useful Websites
Food Standards Agency
Safe food
Dairy Council
Food 4 life