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RA 6713 Presentation

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“Code of conduct and ethical standards for
public officials and employees”
• Define ethics and code of conduct
• To know the Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and
• To know the Duties of Public Officials and Employees
• Define the system Incentives and Rewards
• To know the Prohibited Acts and Transactions of Public
Officials and Employees
• Discuss the Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth
• Discuss the Penalties of violating RA 6713
• Recent cases and current events
- Moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour
synonyms: moral code, morals, morality, values,
right and wrong, principles, virtues, dictates of
- Sometimes referred to as values statement. It
behaves like the constitution with general
principles to guide behaviour; outlining a set of
principles that affect decision-making.

“Treat others as you would like to be treated”

Code of Conduct
- Outlines specific behaviours that are
required or prohibited as a condition of on-
going employment
- These are in forms of Do’s and Don'ts for all
employee of the organization and are usually
supplemented with a Code of Ethics
R.A. 6713
- An act establishing a code of conduct and ethical
standards for public officials and employees, to
uphold the time-honored principle of public office
being a public trust, granting incentives and
rewards for exemplary service, enumerating
prohibited acts and transactions and providing
penalties for violations thereof and for other
- Signed into law on February 20, 1989 which took
effect on March 25, 1989
R.A. 6713
- These rules shall cover all officials and
employees in the government, elective and
appointive, permanent or temporary, whether
career or non-career service, including
military and police personnel, whether or not
they receive compensation, regardless of
R.A. 6713
 Sec 4. Norms of Conduct of Public Officials
and Employees
1. Commitment to public interest
2. Professionalism
3. Justness and Sincerity
4. Political Neutrality
5. Responsiveness to the public
6. Nationalism and patriotism
7. Commitment to democracy
8. Simple Living
R.A. 6713
1. Commitment to public interest
- Public officials and employees shall always
uphold the public interest over and above
personal interest. All government resources
and powers of their respective offices must be
employed and used efficiently, effectively,
honestly and economically, particularly to
avoid wastage in public funds and revenues.
Ex. use government-owned vehicles to their personal
appointments and such, or they brought home office
supplies that must only be used for the office
R.A. 6713
2. Professionalism
• - Public officials and employees shall perform and
discharge their duties with the highest degree of
excellence, professionalism, intelligence and skill.
They shall enter public service with utmost
devotion and dedication to duty. They shall
endeavour to discourage wrong perceptions of
their roles as dispensers or peddlers of undue
Ex. Going to work on-time, Open to suggestions and
criticisms, being responsible
R.A. 6713
3. Justness and Sincerity
• - Public officials and employees shall remain true to the
people at all times. They must act with justness and
sincerity and shall not discriminate against anyone,
especially the poor and the underprivileged. They shall at
all times respect the rights of others, and shall refrain from
doing acts contrary to law, good morals, good customs,
public policy, public order, public safety and public interest.
They shall not dispense or extend undue favors on account
of their office to their relatives whether by consanguinity or
affinity except with respect to appointments of such
relatives to positions considered strictly confidential or as
members of their personal staff whose terms are
coterminous with theirs.
R.A. 6713
4. Political Neutrality
• - Public officials and employees
shall provide service to everyone
without unfair discrimination and
regardless of party affiliation or
R.A. 6713
5. Responsiveness to the public
• - Public officials and employees shall extend prompt,
courteous, and adequate service to the public. Unless
otherwise provided by law or when required by the
public interest, public officials and employees shall
provide information on their policies and procedures in
clear and understandable language, ensure openness of
information, public consultations and hearings
whenever appropriate, encourage suggestions, simplify
and systematize policy, rules and procedures, avoid red
tape and develop an understanding and appreciation of
the socioeconomic conditions prevailing in the country,
especially in the depressed rural and urban areas.
R.A. 6713
6. Nationalism and patriotism
- Public officials and employees shall at all
times be loyal to the Republic and to the
Filipino people, promote the use of locally
produced goods, resources and technology
and encourage appreciation and pride of the
country and people. They shall endeavor to
maintain and defend Philippine sovereignty
against foreign intrusion.
R.A. 6713
7. Commitment to democracy
- Public officials and employees shall commit
themselves to the democratic way of life and
values, maintain the principle of public
accountability, and manifest by deeds the
supremacy of civilian authority over the
military. They shall at all time uphold the
Constitution and put loyalty to country above
loyalty to persons or party.
R.A. 6713
8. Simple Living
- Public officials and employees and
their families shall lead modest lives
appropriate to their positions and
income. They shall not indulge in
extravagant or ostentatious display
of wealth in any form.
R.A. 6713
• Sec 4. (B) The Civil Service Commission shall adopt
positive measures to promote:
(1) observance of these standards including the
dissemination of information programs and
workshops authorizing merit increases beyond regular
progression steps, to a limited number of employees
recognized by their office colleagues to be outstanding
in their observance of ethical standards; and
(2) continuing research and experimentation on
measures which provide positive motivation to public
officials and employees in raising the general level of
observance of these standards.
R.A. 6713
Sec 5. Duties of Public Officials and
1. Act promptly on letters and requests
2. Submit annual performance reports
3. Process documents and papers
4. Act immediately on the public’s personal
5. Make documents accessible to the public
R.A. 6713
• Sec 6. System of Incentive and Rewards.
- System of annual incentives and rewards is
hereby established in order to motivate and
inspire public servants to uphold the highest
standards of ethics. (observance of the norms
of conduct laid down in Section 4 of the code)
R.A. 6713
• Sec 6. System of Incentive and Rewards.
- For this purpose, a Committee on Awards to
Outstanding Public Officials and Employees
is hereby created.
1. Ombudsman Co-Chairman
2. Chairman CSC Co-Chairman
3. Chairman COA Member
4. Two (2) Gov’t Members employees to be
appointed by the President
R.A. 6713
• Sec 5. System of Incentive and Rewards.
Criteria for conferment of awards:
1. Years of service
2. Quality and consistency of performance
3. Obscurity of the position
4. Level of salary
5. Unique and exemplary quality of achievement
6. Risk or temptation inherent in the work
7. Any similar circumstances or considerations
in favor of the particular awardee
R.A. 6713
• Sec 6. System of Incentive and Rewards.
Form of the incentive or reward
1. Bonuses
2. Citations
3. Directorship in GOCC
4. Local and foreign scholarship grants
5. Paid vacations
6. Automatic promotion to the next higher
R.A. 6713
• Sec 7. Prohibited Acts and Transactions
- In addition to acts and omissions of public
officials and employees now prescribed in the
Constitution and existing laws , the following
shall constitute prohibited acts and
transactions of any public official and
employee3 and are hereby declared to be
R.A. 6713
• Sec 7. Prohibited Acts and
1. Financial and Material interest
2. Outside employment and other
activities related thereto
3. Disclosure/Misuse of confidential
4. Solicitation or acceptance of gifts
R.A. 6713
• Sec 8. Statements and Disclosure - Public
officials and employees have an obligation
to accomplish and submit declarations
under oath of, and the public has the right
to know, their assets, liabilities, net worth
and financial and business interest
including those of their spouses and of
unmarried children under eighteen (18)
years of age living in their households.
R.A. 6713
• Sec 8. Statement of Assets, Liabilities and
Net Worth
R.A. 6713
• Sec 8. Statement of Assets, Liabilities and
Net Worth
R.A. 6713
• Sec 8. Statement of Assets, Liabilities and
Net Worth
R.A. 6713
• Sec 8. Statement of Assets, Liabilities and
Net Worth
R.A. 6713
• Sec 8. Statement of Assets, Liabilities and
Net Worth
The documents must be filed:
(a) within thirty (30) days after assumption of
(b) on or before April 30 of every year
thereafter; and
(c) within thirty (30) days after separation
from the service.
R.A. 6713
• Sec 9. Divestment. - A public official or employee shall
avoid conflicts of interest at all times. When a conflict of
interest arises, he shall resign from his position in any
private business enterprise within thirty (30) days from his
assumption of office and/or divest himself of his
shareholdings or interest within sixty (60) days from such

The same rule shall apply where the public official or

employee is a partner in a partnership.

The requirement of divestment shall not apply to those who

serve the Government in an honorary capacity nor to
laborers and casual or temporary workers.
• Sec 11. Penalties
• - Any public official or employee, regardless of whether or
not he holds office or employment in a casual, temporary,
holdover, permanent or regular capacity, committing any
violation of this Act shall be punished with a fine not
exceeding one (1) year, or removal depending on the
gravity of the offense after due notice and hearing by the
appropriate body of agency. If the violation is punishable
by a heavier penalty under another law, he shall be
prosecuted under the latter statute. Violations of Sections
7, 8, or 9 of this Act shall be punishable with imprisonment
not exceeding five (5) years, or a fine not exceeding Five
thousand pesos (P5, 000.00), or both, and, in the discretion
of the court of competent jurisdiction, disqualification to
hold public office.
R.A. 6713 Cases
R.A. 6713 Cases
R.A. 6713 Cases
R.A. 6713 Cases

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