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Gender Equality in Iran-1

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Gender Equality
• Gender equality is the bold idea that everyone, regardless of
gender, deserves the same opportunities and respect.
• It's not about being the same; it's about having equal
chances in education, work, and life.
• it's the belief that your gender shouldn't limit your potential
or determine your path.
A journey through history…
Suffrage Movement:
• The worldwide movement for
women's voting rights took place in
the 19th and 20th centuries. Important
moments include the Seneca Falls
Convention in 1848, and notable
achievements were seen in New
Zealand (1893) and the United
States (1920) when women gained the
right to vote.
A journey through history…
• International Day to End Violence
Against Women (Nov 25):
• Since 1981, this day remembers the
Mirabal sisters' tragedy, marking
global determination against violence.
• United Nations and Women's
Rights: In 2010, the United Nation
created United Nation Women to
globally support women's rights.
Despite global commitments,
challenges remain in making sure
these rights are followed everywhere.
The Me Too
Movement Against
"Me Too" is a movement against
sexual harassment and assault that
started in 2017. Survivors share
their experiences using #MeToo to
raise awareness and support. It calls
for changes to prevent such
incidents, leading to conversations
about consent and gender equality.
Gender equality in Iran through history
• Before the Pahlavi era in Iran, • In 1963, women gained the right to
gender equality was constrained by vote, and Family Protection Laws
traditional Islamic and Persian were introduced to address issues like
cultural norms, limiting women's polygamy and child marriage. The
legal rights, educational government promoted women's
opportunities, and participation education, resulting in increased
literacy rates.
in public life.
• Following the Islamic Revolution
• During the Pahlavi era (1925- in 1979, Iran underwent significant
1979), efforts to modernize the changes in various aspects of its
country included significant strides social and political landscape,
in gender equality. including gender equality.
The challenges of Iranian women
• Family Law: The post-revolutionary • Workplace and Education: While
government implemented family laws women in Iran are allowed to work and
which, in some cases, led to a more pursue education, certain professions
conservative legal framework compared and positions may have restrictions.
to the pre-revolutionary period. These
laws often reflected traditional gender
roles and practices. • Political Participation: Women in Iran
• Dress Code: The government enforced a can participate in elections, and there have
compulsory dress code for women, been female members of parliament and
requiring them to wear the hijab other political positions. However,
(headscarf) in public. Violating the dress certain political and leadership roles
code can lead to legal consequences or may have remained less accessible to
social repercussions. women.
Iranian women have engaged in numerous efforts to
address issues related to gender inequality in Iran
Legal Reforms
Women activists lead
campaigns to change
discriminatory laws. They aim
to reform family laws,
divorce regulations, and
inheritance rights to promote
greater gender equality in the
legal system.
Dress Code Protests:
Women have been active in
challenging compulsory
dress codes, such as the hijab.
Some individuals and groups
organize campaigns to let
people know about the right
to choose what they wear
and oppose strict dress rules.
Iranian women have actively
pursued education, and their
increasing presence in
universities and academic
fields reflects a commitment
to breaking gender barriers.
Education has become a key
tool for empowerment and
challenging traditional gender
Political Activism:
Women have participated in
political movements and
sought to increase their
representation in political
institutions. Despite
challenges, Iranian women
have become
parliamentarians, activists,
and leaders, contributing to
discussions on policies that
impact gender equality.
Online Activism:
Social media and digital
platforms have provided
spaces for Iranian women to
share their experiences,
express their views, and
mobilize support for gender
equality. Online activism has
been a powerful tool for
raising awareness and
building solidarity.
Art and Culture:

Iranian women in the arts and

cultural spheres have used
their creativity to address
gender issues. Through
literature, film, and visual
arts, they have contributed to
shaping public discourse and
challenging societal norms.
The Mahsa Amini incident in Iran
Mahsa Amini was a 22-year-old
woman who was arrested for not
wearing a hijab. She was beaten to
death by police while in custody in
September 2022.
The incident sparked protests across Iran
Women’s protests following the Protests even in the smallest cities
death of Mahsa Amini in Iran
The use of the slogan woman , life , freedom
The protest movement of cutting hair and
burning scarves around the world
Men in Iran actively join protests against compulsory hijab, standing with
women in advocating for equal rights and individual freedoms. Their
participation is part of a broader movement for social and legal reforms,
emphasizing personal choice and freedom of expression.
Efforts for gender equality involve both men and women working together to
challenge stereotypes, advocate for equal opportunities, and promote fair
treatment. These collective actions aim to break down gender-based
barriers and create inclusive environments for everyone to thrive.

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