Alternative Sources of Energy
Alternative Sources of Energy
Alternative Sources of Energy
• 1. They are at good value relative to the • 1. It needs a constant presence of strong wind.
energy, they produce in an optimal location. • 2. If the wind is too strong and the break
• 2. They can be put on water near coastline system fails, they can collapse easily.
where is always windy and a lot of flat space. • 3. They can be a risk for birds during
• 3. Wind is an infinite source unlike fossil fuel migrations when they travel in large groups.
and it doesn't emit greenhouse gasses. • 4. Deforestation can be a down side because
• 4. Its available almost in most places and it it requires a large flat space without trees
can be installed at small or large scale. for constructions and it can destroy the
natural habitat of the wildlife.
• Def : It’s a form of energy that uses the
heat from the inside of the earth to heat up water
and turn it in to steam under pressure which
powers a generator and making electricity.
• 1. It uses a renewable source, water and the heat • 1. Potential emissions – Greenhouse gas
stored in the crust of the earth.
below Earth's surface can rise to the
• 2. It doesn't emit polluting gasses or harmful side
• 3. It can operate 24/7 providing a constant source • 2. Surface Instability – The construction
of energy unlike wind turbines that rely on wind of large geothermal power plants can
power trigger an earthquake.
• 4. They are steady and have minimal degradation
• 3. High cost for electricity – Set up cost
over years. Usually geothermals are used for longer
than 30 years, providing a long-term energy source. can be higher than other forms of energy.
• 1. Everywhere gets sunlight - It might seem trivial, • 1. Cost – The initial cost of solar panels is fairly
but the fact that every single area of the Earth gets high. This includes paying for solar panels, batteries, and
sunlight to a greater or lesser extent offers a installation.
twofold advantage. • 2. Weather-dependent - Although solar energy can still
be collected during cloudy and rainy days, the efficiency
• 2. The sun creates local wealth and jobs - Of
of the solar system drops.
all green jobs (jobs in business that produce goods
or services that benefit the environment or • 3. Uses a lot of space - The more electricity you want to
produce, the more solar panels you will need, as you
conserve natural resources), solar energy creates
want to collect as much sunlight as possible.
the most employment opportunities for developers,
builders, installers and maintenance technicians at
the power plants.
• 1. Is inexpensive in the long run - While • 1. Hydropower plants can adversely affect surrounding
environments - While hydropower is a renewable energy
there are high upfront costs associated with source, there are some critical environmental impacts
hydropower, it is one of the most that come along with building hydroelectric plants to be
inexpensive forms of renewable energy over aware of.
time. • 2. Building hydropower facilities is expensive up-front -
Many hydropower plants are large infrastructure projects
• 2. Is produced domestically - Unlike fossil that involve building dams, reservoirs, and power-
fuels and most available solar panels, generating turbines.
Hydropower is entirely produced in the • 3. Hydropower facilities rely on local hydrology -
United States. Hydropower is a reliable energy source, but it is still
ultimately controlled by weather and precipitation
• 3. Can be used for irrigation trends.
• Def : Nuclear power is the use of nuclear
reactions to produce electricity. Nuclear
power can be obtained from nuclear fission,
nuclear decay and nuclear fussion reactions.
• 1. Carbon-free electricity - While traditional fossil fuel • 1. Uranium is non-renewable - Although nuclear
generation sources pump massive amounts of carbon energy is a "clean" source of power, it is
dioxide (the primary cause of global climate change) technically not renewable.
into the atmosphere, nuclear energy plants do not
produce carbon dioxide, or any air pollution, during • 2. High upfront costs - Operating a nuclear
operation. energy plant is a relatively low-cost endeavor,
• 2. Small land footprint - Nuclear energy plants take up but building it in the first place is very expensive.
far less physical space than other common clean energy • 3. Nuclear waste - And now, to the thorny issue
facilities (particularly wind and solar power). of nuclear waste – we could write hundreds of
• 3. High power output - Nuclear power plants produce articles about the science of nuclear waste, its
high energy levels compared to most power sources political implications, cost/benefit analyses, and
(especially renewables), making them a great provider more regarding this particular subject.
of baseload electricity.
• 1. Renewable - Tidal energy is a renewable source of • 1. Limited installation sites - In order for a tidal power plant
energy, which means the energy doesn’t deplete as it to be built, the potential installation site must meet very
specific requirements. First, they need to be located on a
is used.
coastline, which limits potential station sites to coastal states.
• 2. Zero carbon emissions - In addition to being a • 2. Expensive - One of the biggest drawbacks to tidal power
renewable energy source, tidal power stations do not is the high upfront costs. Tidal energy turbines need to be
emit greenhouse gasses during electricity much sturdier than wind turbines, because of the high density
generation. of water.
• 3. Predictable - Tidal currents are highly predictable. • 3. Environmental effects - Just because tidal energy is
Low and high tides follow well-known cycles, renewable doesn’t mean it is completely environmentally
friendly. The construction of tidal energy power stations can
making it easier to know when power will be have a substantial impact on the surrounding ecosystem.
produced throughout the day.
• Sources :
• - wiki -
• - energysage
• - SolarReviews