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Cocomo Model

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Estimation techniques

Organizations need to make software effort and cost estimates.

There are two types of technique that can be used to do this:

 Experience-based techniques The estimate of future effort

requirements is based on the manager’s experience of past projects
and the application domain. Essentially, the manager makes an
informed judgment of what the effort requirements are likely to be.

 Algorithmic cost modeling In this approach, a formulaic approach is

used to compute the project effort based on estimates of product
attributes, such as size, and process characteristics, such as
experience of staff involved.
Experience-based approaches
Experience-based techniques rely on judgments based on
experience of past projects and the effort expended in these
projects on software development activities.
Typically, you identify the deliverables to be produced in a project
and the different software components or systems that are to be
You document these in a spreadsheet, estimate them individually
and compute the total effort required.
It usually helps to get a group of people involved in the effort
estimation and to ask each member of the group to explain their
Algorithmic cost modelling
Cost is estimated as a mathematical function of product, project
and process attributes whose values are estimated by project
 Effort = A ´ SizeB ´ M
 A is an organisation-dependent constant, B reflects the disproportionate
effort for large projects and M is a multiplier reflecting product, process
and people attributes.
The most commonly used product attribute for cost
estimation is code size.
Most models are similar but they use different values for A, B and
Estimation accuracy
The size of a software system can only be known accurately
when it is finished.
Several factors influence the final size
 Use of COTS and components;
 Programming language;
 Distribution of system.
As the development process progresses then the size estimate
becomes more accurate.
The estimates of the factors contributing to B and M are
subjective and vary according to the judgment of the estimator.
The COCOMO model
An empirical model based on project experience.
Well-documented, ‘independent’ model which is not tied to a
specific software vendor.
Long history from initial version published in 1981 (COCOMO-
81) through various instantiations to COCOMO 2.
COCOMO 2 takes into account different approaches to
software development, reuse, etc.
COCOMO 2 models
COCOMO 2 incorporates a range of sub-models that produce
increasingly detailed software estimates.
The sub-models in COCOMO 2 are:
 Application composition model. Used when software is composed from
existing parts.
 Early design model. Used when requirements are available but design
has not yet started.
 Reuse model. Used to compute the effort of integrating reusable
 Post-architecture model. Used once the system architecture has been
designed and more information about the system is available.
COCOMO Estimation Model
Type of Software Projects

• Organic – A software project is said to be an organic type if the team size

required is adequately small, the problem is well understood and has been
solved in the past and also the team members have a nominal experience
regarding the problem.
• Semi-detached – A software project is said to be a Semi-detached type if the
vital characteristics such as team-size, experience, knowledge of the various
programming environment lie in between that of organic and Embedded. Eg:
Compilers or different Embedded Systems can be considered of Semi-Detached
• Embedded – A software project with requiring the highest level of complexity,
creativity, and experience requirement fall under this category. Such software
requires a larger team size than the other two models and also the developers
need to be sufficiently experienced and creative to develop such complex
Types of Models
• Basic COCOMO Model
• Intermediate COCOMO Model
• Detailed COCOMO Model
• Cocomo (Constructive Cost Model) is a regression model based on
LOC, i.e number of Lines of Code.

• Procedural cost estimate model for software projects.

• The key parameters which define the quality of any software

products, which are also an outcome of the Cocomo are primarily
Effort & Schedule:

• Effort: Amount of labor that will be required to complete a task. It is

measured in person-months units.
• Schedule: amount of time required for the completion of the job, which is, of
course, proportional to the effort put. It is measured in the units of time such
as weeks, months.
• Basic COCOMO can be used for quick and slightly rough calculations
of Software Costs. Its accuracy is somewhat restricted due to the
absence of sufficient factor considerations.
Intermediate Model
Takes cost Drivers into account and the Intermediate Model utilizes 15
such drivers for cost estimation.
Detailed COCOMO
• Detailed COCOMO incorporates all characteristics of the intermediate version
with an assessment of the cost driver’s impact on each step of the software
engineering process. The whole software is divided into different modules and
then we apply COCOMO in different modules to estimate effort and then sum
the effort.
The Six phases of detailed COCOMO are:
• Planning and requirements
• System design
• Detailed design
• Module code and test
• Integration and test
• Cost Constructive model
BASIC COCOMO Calcualtions

Effort = a * KLOC b

Duration = c * Effort d

Number of People = E/D

The size of an organic software product is estimated to be 44 KLOC.
• The effort required to develop the software product
• The development time
• The number of personnel required

Effort = a * KLOC b
=2.4 * 44 (1.05)
= 2.4 * 53
= 127
Duration = c * Effort d
= 2.5 * 127 (0.38)
2.5 *6
= 15

Number of People = E/D = 8

The size of an organic software product is estimated to be 50 KLOC.
• The effort required to develop the software product
• The development time
• The number of personnel required
Effort = a * KLOC b
= 3.6*(50^1.20)
=394 Person/Months

Duration = c * Effort d
=18 months

Number of People = E/D = 394/18=22

Calculate KLOC, effort, duration for an organic project having 150 function
points. For this it is required to have high programmer capability and database
is very high. (assume: 60 SLOC/FP)

Effort = a * KLOC b *PCAP*DATA

a * KLOC b * 0.86*1.16
KLOC= [ ((sloc/fp)*fp)/1000 ]
= (60*150)/1000
= 9000/1000=9 KLOC
Product attributes
 Concerned with required characteristics of the software product being
Computer attributes
 Constraints imposed on the software by the hardware platform.
Personnel attributes
 Multipliers that take the experience and capabilities of the people working
on the project into account.
Project attributes
 Concerned with the particular characteristics of the software development

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