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A 11930]
“Anti-Online Sexual Abuse or
Exploitation of Children
(OSAEC) and Anti- Child Sexual
Abuse or Exploitation Materials
July 30, 2022
 The OSAEC Law replaces the term “child
pornography” with the more aptly descriptive
term ‘child sexual abuse or exploitation material
or child sexual abuse material;
repealed the  The OSAEC expanded the coverage of the law to
include materials that focuses on the genitalia or
Anti-Child other private body parts of the child, removing
Pornography Law the previous qualification that such exhibition
must be lascivious;

 The child-victim is not required to be presented in

court during trial and shall testify in accordance
with “Rule on Examination of a Child Witness”,
 Child refers to a person refers to a person below
eighteen (18) years of age or those over but are unable
to fully take care of themselves or protect themselves
from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation or
discrimination because of physical, mental, intellectual
or sensory disability or condition. For purposes of this
Act, a child shall also refer to:
N OF (1) A person regardless of age who is presented, depicted
TERMS or portrayed as a child as defined herein; and

(2) Computer-generated, digitally or manually crafted

images, or graphics of a person who is represented or
who is made to appear to be a child as defined herein.
 Child sexual abuse refers to any
form of communication through any
platform or format, or any physical
interaction between a child and any
person when the child is being used
DEFINITION OF for any act or activity inducing sexual
TERMS stimulation or for the purpose of
sexual gratification or in pursuit of
the desire to have carnal knowledge
of the child, regardless of the gender
of the perpetrator or the victim, or the
consent of the victim;
 Child sexual abuse or exploitation material or
D child sexual abuse material
E (CSAEM/CSAM) refers to any representation,
F whether offline, or by, through or with the use of
I ICT, by means of visual, video, audio, written, or
N any combination thereof, by electronic,
I mechanical, digital, optical, magnetic or any other
T means, of a child engaged or involved in real or
I simulated sexual activities, or depicting acts of
O sexual abuse or exploitation of a child as a sexual
N object. It shall also include materials that focus on
OF the genitalia or other private body parts of a child.
TERMS For purposes of this Act, CSAEM may
interchangeably be referred to as CSAM;
 Child sexual exploitation refers to any of the following acts
even if consent appears to have been granted by the child:
E (1) Child sexual abuse with consideration whether monetary or
F nonmonetary consideration, favor, or benefit in exchange for the
I opportunity to perform such abusive or exploitative act

N (2) Actual sexual intercourse with a child or children with or without

I consideration;
(3) Employing fraud, machination, undue influence, intimidation, threat
I or deception by any person to commit sexual abuse of or sexual
O intercourse with a child or children; or
(4) Any other similar or analogous acts related to child abuse, cruelty or
OF exploitation or to be responsible for other conditions prejudicial to the
TERMS development of the child;
 Grooming refers to predatory conduct, act,
D or pattern of acts, of establishing a
E relationship of trust, or emotional
F connection by another, with a child or
I someone who is believed to be a child,
N and/or the family, guardian, and/or
I caregivers, whether in person or via
T electronic and other similar devices, for the
I purpose of perpetrating sexual abuse or
O exploitation or the production of any form
D  Image-based sexual abuse (ISA) refers to a form
E of technology-facilitated sexual violence. The
F term describes a pattern of behavior involving the
I nonconsensual creation, distribution, or threats to
N distribute nude or sexual images. It includes a
I diversity of behaviors including, but not limited
T to, "sextortion scams," the use of artificial
I intelligence to construct "deepfake" pornographic
O videos, threats to distribute photographs and
N videos; and the taking or sharing of sexual assault
OF imagery;
E  Luring refers to the act of
communicating, by means of a computer
N system, with a child or someone who the
I offender believes to be a child for the
T purpose of facilitating the commission of
I sexual activity or production of any form

 Online sexual abuse or exploitation of children (OSAEC) refers to the

use of ICT as a means to abuse and/or exploit children sexually, which
includes cases in which offline child abuse and/or exploitation is
combined with an online component. This can also include, but is not
limited to, the production, dissemination and possession of CSAEM;
online grooming of children for sexual purposes; sexual extortion of
children, sharing image-based sexual abuse; commercial sexual
exploitation of children; exploitation of children through online
prostitution; and live-streaming of sexual abuse, with or without the
consent of the victim: Provided, That OSAEC may be used
interchangeably with online child sexual exploitation or abuse (OCSEA);
 Sexual activity includes the following acts, whether
actually performed or simulated:

(1) Sexual intercourse or lascivious act, including contact involving the genitalia, oral
stimulation of the genitals or oral stimulation of the anus, whether between persons
of the same or opposite sex;

(2) Masturbation;

(3) Sadistic or masochistic abuse;

(4) Lascivious exhibition of the genitals, buttocks, breasts, pubic area and anus;

(5) Bestiality;

(6) Use of any object or instrument for lascivious acts; or

(7) Any other analogous circumstance.

 Sexualization of a child refers to the act of
using a child as an object for the sexual desire or
satisfaction of another, even if there is no actual
sexual intercourse or no private part of the body
of the child has been shown;

 Streaming refers to the broadcasting or viewing

through the use of ICT, whether the viewer is
passively watching or actively directing the
content. It is considered live-streaming when the
broadcasting or viewing occurs in real-time;

 Pandering refers to the act of offering, advertising,

promoting, representing or distributing through any means
any child sexual abuse or exploitation material, or any
material that purports to contain any form of child sexual
abuse or exploitation material, regardless of its actual

Slides prepared by Emma Sanopo

 Regardless of the consent of the child, it shall be unlawful
for any person to commit the following acts through online
or offline means or a combination of both:
a. To hire, employ, use, persuade, induce, extort, engage, or
coerce a child to perform or participate in whatever way in
the creation or production of any form of OSAEC and

b. To produce, direct, manufacture, facilitate, or create any form

of CSAEM, or participate in the production, direction,
manufacture, facilitation or creation of the same;

c. To offer, sell, distribute, advertise, promote, export, or import,

by any means, any form of CSAEM
(d) To knowingly publish, transmit and broadcast, by any means, any
form of CSAEM;

(e) To permit or influence the child to engage, participate or assist in

any form of CSAEM;

(f) To produce, direct, create, hire, employ or pay a facilitator to

stream or livestream acts of child sexual abuse or exploitation

(g) To stream or live-stream acts of, or any form of, child sexual
abuse and exploitation;

(h) To recruit, transport, transfer, harbor, provide, or receive a child or

to induce or influence the same, for the purpose of violating this Act;

(i) To introduce or match a child to a foreign national or to any person

for the purpose of committing any of the offenses under this Act;

(j) For film distributors, theaters and ICT services by themselves or in

cooperation with other entities, to distribute any form of CSAEM or to facilitate
the commission of any of the offenses under this Act;

(k) To knowingly benefit from, financial or otherwise, the commission of any

of the offenses of this Act;

(l) To provide a venue for the commission of prohibited acts under this section
such as dens, private rooms, cubicles, cinemas, houses, private homes, or other

(m) To engage in the luring or grooming of a child: Provided, That grooming

taking place offline as a prelude to violations under this Act shall also be

(n) To sexualize children by presenting them as objects of sexual fantasy, or

making them conversational subjects of sexual fantasies, in any online or digital

(o) To engage in pandering as defined under this Act;

(p) To willfully subscribe, join, donate to, or support an internet site that hosts
OSAEC or the streaming or live-streaming of child sexual abuse and

(q) To advertise, publish, print, broadcast or distribute, or cause the

advertisement, publication, printing, broadcasting or distribution by any means
of any brochure, flyer, or any material that promotes OSAEC and child sexual
abuse or exploitation
(r) To possess any form of CSAEM: Provided, That possession of
three (3) or more CSAEMs is prima facie evidence of the intent to
sell, distribute, publish or broadcast;

(s) To willfully access any form of CSAEM; and

(t) To conspire to commit any of the prohibited acts stated in this


Provided, That the investigation or prosecution of offenses under

this Act shall be without prejudice to appropriate investigation and
prosecution mechanisms under Republic Act No. 9208, otherwise
known as the "Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003," as
amended, and other related laws.
Section 5. Effect of Consent of the Victim

“The consent of the victim is not material or

relevant and shall not be available as a defense in
the prosecution of the unlawful acts prohibited
under this Act.”

Slides prepared by Emma Sanopo

Section 7. Protection of a Good Samaritan
 Any person who has the responsibility of reporting cases under this Act,
blocking an internet address, removing a website or domain, taking down of
shared videos, pictures, or messages for the services provided by an internet
intermediary, and providing information for the purpose of an investigation or
prosecution of a case involving acts of OSAEC shall not be held civilly,
criminally or administratively liable: Provided, That the action was:

(1) done in good faith;

(2) necessary to prevent access or dissemination of CSAEMs; and

(3) reported within twenty-four (24) hours from the act of blocking an internet
address, removing a website or domain, or taking down of shared video, picture
or messages.
Section 24. Who May File a Complaint
Complaints on cases of any form of child sexual abuse or
exploitation punishable under this Act may be filed by the
(1) Offended party;
(2) Parents or guardians;
(3) Ascendant or collateral relative within the third (3rd) degree of consanguinity;
(4) Officer, social worker or representative of a licensed child-caring institution;
(5) Officer or social worker of the DSWD;
(6) Local social welfare development officer;
(7) Any barangay official;
(8) Any law enforcement officer;
(9) At least three (3) concerned responsible citizens residing in the place where
the violation occurred; or
(10) Any person who has personal knowledge of the circumstances of the
commission of any offense under this Act.
Section 25. Affidavit of Desistance.
Cases involving OSAEC and CSAEM shall not
be dismissed based on the affidavit of desistance
executed by the victims or their parents or legal
guardians. Public and private prosecutors are
directed to vigorously oppose and manifest
objections to motions for dismissal. Any act that
unduly pressures the complainant to execute an
affidavit of desistance shall be punishable under
this Act.

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