Lec 10
Lec 10
Lec 10
Nisma Saleem
Lecture 10
Effects of
Skin Effect
Effects of
Transmission Corona Losses
• In an overhead line, the sag should be so adjusted that tension in the conductors is
within safe limits.
• The tension is governed by:
• conductor weight
• effects of wind
• ice loading
• and temperature variations.
• It is a standard practice to keep conductor tension less than 50% of its ultimate tensile
strength i.e., minimum factor of safety in respect of conductor tension should be 2.
• We shall now calculate sag and tension of a conductor when
(i) supports are at equal levels and
(ii) supports are at unequal levels.
Calculation of Sag-
(i) Supports are at equal levels
• Consider a conductor between two equilevel supports A and B with O as the lowest point as
shown in Figure.
• It can be proved that lowest point will be at the mid-span.
• .
Calculation of Sag-
(ii) Supports are at un-equal levels
• .
Proximity Effect in Transmission lines
• When the conductors carry the high alternating voltage then the currents are non-
uniformly distributed on the cross-section area of the conductor. This effect is called
proximity effect.
• The proximity effect results in the increment of the apparent resistance of the
conductor due to the presence of the other conductors carrying current in its vicinity.
• When two or more conductors carrying alternating current are close to each other,
then distribution of current in each conductor is affected due to the varying magnetic
field of each other.
• Due to the interaction of their electromagnetic fields, the current in each of them is
redistributed such that the greater current density is concentrated in that part of the
strand most remote from the interfering conductor.
Proximity Effect in Transmission lines
• If the conductors carry the current in the same direction, then the magnetic field of the halves
of the conductors which are close to each other is cancelling each other and hence no current
flow through that halves portion of the conductor. The current is crowded in the remote half
portion of the conductor.
• When the conductors carry the current in the opposite direction, then the close part of the
conductor carries, the more current and the magnetic field of the far off half of the conductor
cancel each other. Thus, the current is zero in the remote half of the conductor and crowded at
the nearer part of the conductor.
Factors affecting Proximity Effect
• If DC flows on the surface of the conductor, then the current are uniformly distributed around
the cross section area of the conductor. Hence, no proximity effect occurs on the surface of the
• The proximity effect is important only for conductor sizes greater than 125 mm2.Correction
factors are to be applied to take this fact into account.
• The proximity effect mainly depends on the following factors:
• The effect in which the voltage at the receiving end of the transmission line is more
than the sending voltage is known as the Ferranti effect. Such type of effect mainly
occurs because of light load or open circuit at the receiving end.
• Ferranti effect is due to the charging current of the line.
• When an alternating voltage is applied, the current that flows into the capacitor is
called charging current. A charging current is also known as capacitive current.
• The charging current increases in the line when the receiving end voltage of the line
is larger than the sending end.
• Capacitance and inductance are the main parameters of the lines having a length
240km or above. On such transmission lines, the capacitance is not concentrated at
some definite points. It is distributed uniformly along the whole length of the line.
Ferranti Effect
• When the voltage is applied at the sending end, the current drawn by the capacitance
of the line is more than current associated with the load. Thus, at no load or light load,
the voltage at the receiving end is quite large as compared to the constant voltage at
the sending end.
• Electrical devices are designed to work at some particular voltage. If the voltages are
high at the user ends their equipment get damaged, and their windings burn because
of high voltage. Ferranti effect on long transmission lines at low load or no load
increases the receiving end voltage. This voltage can be controlled by placing the
shunt reactors at the receiving end of the lines.
• Shunt reactor is an inductive current element connected between line and neutral to
compensate the capacitive current from transmission lines. When this effect occurs in
long transmission lines, shunt reactors compensate the capacitive VAR of the lines
and therefore the voltage is regulated within the prescribed limits.