Department of Physiology
Sailesh Chaudhary
Learning Objectives
• Introduction to pain
• Types of pain receptors
• Classification of pain
– Fast pain
– Slow pain
• Pain Pathways
• Modulation of pain
– Gate control Theory
– Gate control theory revisited
– Endogenous pain relief system
• Referred pain
– Projected pain
– Phantom pain
• Pain is a sensory experience of special significance to
physicians & protective reflex
• causes the individual to react to remove the painful stimulus
and prevent the movement of damaged part initiation of
withdrawal response & avoidance response
• Intensely subjective experience, and is therefore difficult to
• Two features-
– Unpleasant experience
– Evoked by a stimulus which is potentially damaging to living
• Pain has two component
– Awareness of a painful stimuli
– Emotional impact evoked by the experience
Introduction contd…
Note: pain impulses entering the brain stem reticular formation, the
thalamus, and other lower brain centers cause conscious perception of
cortex plays an especially important role in interpreting pain quality
Modulation of pain
convergence of somatic & visceral pain fibers on the same 2nd order
neurons that project to the thalamus & then to the somatosensory
cortex- covergence projection theory
Projected pain
• If pain fibers are stimulated mechanically or electrically on their
way to the spinal cord, the brain still interprets the pain as
originating in the part of the body where the corresponding
nociceptors are located
• E.g- if the pain fibres travelling in the ulnar nerve are stimulated
at the elbow, the pain is still perceived to originate in the hand
Phantom pain