Writing Arguments English Educational Presentation in Brown and Yellow Lined Cartoon Style
Writing Arguments English Educational Presentation in Brown and Yellow Lined Cartoon Style
Writing Arguments English Educational Presentation in Brown and Yellow Lined Cartoon Style
In argumentative writing, claims serve as the backbone of the argument and should
be precise, specific, and focused. They provide a clear direction for the entire piece
of writing.
Start by clearly identifying the Counterclaims are opposing Put yourself in the shoes of
main claim or the primary viewpoints that challenge your someone who holds an opposing
argument you are presenting. The main claim. These counterclaims viewpoint. Think about the
main claim represents your present alternative perspectives different reasons, evidence, or
position or viewpoint on the or arguments that can challenge logic they might use to support
topic or issue you are addressing. your position. their position.
Recognize the existence of Differentiate your main claim Address counterclaims directly
counterclaims by explicitly from counterclaims by analyzing within your argument. Provide a
acknowledging them. This shows their opposing elements. Look thoughtful response that refutes
fairness, credibility, and a for the fundamental differences or counters the opposing
thoughtful consideration of in the underlying reasoning, viewpoint using valid reasoning
multiple perspectives. evidence, values, or conclusions. and evidence.
It is essential to distinguish the claim(s) from
A well-structured argument establishes clear
opposing claims. This involves recognizing relationships among claims, counterclaims,
different viewpoints related to the topic being reasons, and evidence. This includes
discussed. By acknowledging alternate claims, demonstrating how claims support the main
the writer demonstrates an understanding of the argument, addressing counterarguments,
complexity of the topic and strengthens their own presenting supporting reasons, and providing
argument by addressing potential evidence that strengthens the overall argument.
For Example:
Suppose the topic is whether students should be allowed to use mobile phones in school.
Establishing clear relationships among these claims involves presenting evidence and
reasoning to support the main claim while acknowledging and addressing the
Effective organization is crucial in argumentative writing as it
helps convey the writer's message clearly and persuasively.
Form two teams: Team Research and prepare Participate in the debate
Book and Team Screen. your arguments, by presenting opening
You will be assigned a focusing on evidence, statements, engaging in
specific viewpoint to examples, and logical rebuttals, and providing
argue for throughout the reasoning to support supporting evidence.
debate. your assigned
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