Ethics Guideline For Biomedical Research and Human Participant Schedule Y
Ethics Guideline For Biomedical Research and Human Participant Schedule Y
Ethics Guideline For Biomedical Research and Human Participant Schedule Y
Autonomy of participants
Sections of Guidelines
Statement of general principles
General ethical issues
Responsible conduct of research
Ethical review procedures
Informed consent
Clinical trials
Public health research
Social and behavioral sciences
Human genetic testing and research
Biological materials, Biobanking and Datasets
Research during humanitarian emergencies and disater research
These guidelines are applicable to all
biomedical, socio-behavioural and health
research conducted in India involving human
participants, their biological material and data.
General principles of biomedical
Principle of essentiality
2. Principle of voluntariness
3. Principle of social responsibility
4. Principle of ensuring privacy and confidentiality
5. Principle of risk minimization
6. Principle of non-expoliation
7. Principle of professional competence
8. Principle of maximization of benefit
9. Principle of totality of responsibilities
10. Principle of institutional arrangement
11. Principle of transparency and accountability
Principle of essentiality
• Human participants are considered to be absolutely essential.
• Research has been considered by an appropriate and responsible
body of persons who are external to particular research.
• Necessary for the advancement of knowledge and benefits of all
members of the human species.
Principle of voluntariness, informed consent and community
• Research participants are fully informed of the research and the
impact and risk.
• Participants is incapable of giving consent the principle of
voluntariness and informed consent shall continue to apply.
Principle of non-exploitation
• Remunerated for their involvement.
• Participants kept fully informed of all the dangers.
• Human participants should be selected so that the benefits of the
research are distributed.
Principle of privacy and confidentiality
• Identity and records of participants are kept confidential.
• Cannot be disclosed without consent in writing of the participants
Principle of precaution and risk minimisation
• Due care and caution is taken at all stages.
• Research participants are put to the minimum risk.
• No known irreversible adverse effects, and generally benefit
Principle of professional competence
• Conducted at all times by competent and qualified persons.
• Act with total integrity and impartiality.
Principle of accountability and transparency
• experiment will be conducted in a fair, honesty, impartial and
transparent manner.
Principle of maximisation of benefit
• Benefits all human kind and not just those who are socially better off
but also the least advantaged.
Principle of institutional arrangements
• All the procedure required to be complied with and all institutional
arrangements required to be made in respect of the research are made
in a bonafide and transparent manner.
Principle of public domain
• Results are generally made known through scientific and
other publications.
Principle of totality of responsibility
• Professional and moral responsibility.
Principle of compliance
• General and positive duty on all persons, conducting,
associated or connected with any research to ensure that
both the letter and the spirit of these guidelines, as well as
any other normal, directions and guidelines
Ethical review procedures
Terms of reference
Criteria and selection
Roles and responsibilities
Review procedures
Types of review
Submission, protocol
Decision making
Continuing review
Site monitoring
Record keeping and archiving
Schedule Y
Drugs and cosmetics Act (1940)
In 1940 Drugs and cosmetic Act was enacted in India to
regulate import manufacture and distribution of drugs in India.
The main objective of the Act is to ensure that Drugs and
cosmetics sold in India are safe, effective and complied with
quality standards.
Safe use of the drug is the ultimate aim of health care system.
This Act has a set of rule which has provision for
classification of drugs under given schedule and there are
guideline for the storage, sale and display of each schedule.
• Requirement and guidelines for permission to import and
manufacture of new drugs for sale or to undertake clinical
• This is a kind of a rule book which provides a specific
instruction and requirements which need to be followed
for conducting clinical trials in India.
• In 1988 Government of India (Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare) introduced Schedule Y.
1988- Sch y was introduced, established regulatory guidelines for clinical trial
permission; growth of a predominantly generic Indian pharmaceutical Industry;
conduct phase III clinical trials for registration of a new drugs; requirements and
guidelines for import, manufacture of new drugs under rule
122A,122B,122D,122E and Sch Y.
2005- GLP for toxicity studies has made mandatory; realistic definition for phase
I to IV were presented; Appendices VII to XI were added to the Sch while the
new revised sch allowed the number of patients according to the protocol
2013- Appendix XII was introduced; addition of rule 122DAB (compensation in
case of injury or death during clinical trials); rule 122DD (registration of Ethics
committee made mandatory).
2014- formula for compensation was devised; SAE reporting timeline was
2015- Audio video recording for vulnerable subjects made mandatory; rule
122AA omitted.
2016- Post marketing surveillance was added
Major content of Sch Y
Preclinical details such as toxicology studies and
pharmacology study
Clinical study details
Regulatory requirements or status in other countries
Details of protocol reports approvals
Responsibilities of ethics committee investigators sponsor
Features of Sch Y
Clinical trials
Studies in specific population
2. National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human
Participants. 2017. [Last accessed on 2018 Jun 26]. Available from: .