Eco-City Project Proposal
Eco-City Project Proposal
Eco-City Project Proposal
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02 Resources
03 Budget
04 Solutions
05 Communication plan
06 Conclusion
How to create a
project proposal
Creating a project proposal can be done in five steps:
Our aim
An aim in a corporate context is a goal or desired result that the
organization seeks to achieve. The aim should be clear and
achievable, and often serves as the basis for further planning actions
inside the organization
The goal
Goals inside a company are usually specific and measurable, with
clearly defined deadlines and outcomes. The company’s goals help
focus the actions of the organization and ensure resources are used
Solution 2 Solution 5
Outsourcing specific business functions (such as Implementing a cost-saving initiative, such as energy-
accounting or IT) to a third-party provider to reduce costs efficient practices or process automation, to reduce
and increase time efficiency expenses
Solution 3 Solution 6
Launching an e-commerce platform to expand the reach Establishing strategic partnerships with other businesses
of the business and increase online sales to gain access to new markets or
innovative technologies
$500,000 200 units
Net profit of the project Break-even point
Market share in the industry
10 million
First-year revenue of the project
Project data
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Project activities
Activity Start date End date Resource Cost Revenue
Market Market
1/1/20XX 1/15/20XX $20,000 $200,000
research research firm
1/16/20XX 6/30/20XX R&D team $200,000 $100,000
1/1/20XX 1/15/20XX Advertising agency $100,000 $300,000
7/1/20XX 8/15/20XX Support team $50,000 $800,000
What to show in a
1. Product/website description: A brief overview of the
product/website, including its key features, dimensions,
and materials used
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
KPI dashboard
Utilization Cost
rate per unit
120 u/day 2h Labor 85% $50
Output per worker Time to complete a task
Equipment 70% $100
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the Advertising 60% $500
new one here. For more info, click here
Do you have any questions?
+34 654 321 432
● World habitat day illustration concept
● World habitat day celebration
Did you like the resources in this template? Get them on these websites:
● Flat design world habitat day
● Flat design world habitat day
● Businesswomen going to work together in the city
● Men shaking hands close up
● Close up team working together
● High angle hand holding eco lightbulb
● Medium shot men working on project
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Albert Sans
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