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PenTest+ PowerPoint 5

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CompTIA PenTest+

Guide to Penetration
Testing, 1e
Module 5: Performing Vulnerability

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Module Objectives
By the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. Describe vulnerability scanning and its purposes
2. Describe methods and tools to discover targets for vulnerability scanning
3. Describe different types of vulnerabilities and vulnerability scans
4. Describe additional considerations when performing vulnerability scans
5. Execute vulnerability scans using different tools
6. Analyze the results of vulnerability scans

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (1 of
Key Terms
Vulnerability Scanning – looking for vulnerabilities in targets and weaknesses in services
that can be exploited to circumvent security

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (2 of
Purpose of Vulnerability Scanning
Ultimate goal – to discover target vulnerabilities and weaknesses so they can be repaired before
threat actors can exploit them
Clients may request penetration testing in the following scenarios:
• Proactive decision – check computing environment before cyber attack
• Reactive decision – reaction to security breach; need help fixing flaws
• Corporate policy – client organization has mandated testing and remediation; may include
regulatory component
• Regulatory requirements – Legal or industry requirements such as PCI-DSS

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (3 of
Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
• FISMA refers to two U.S. laws:
− Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002
− Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014
 Amended original 2002 act

• Requires federal agencies to place security controls commensurate with risk and
potential impact
• Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 199 outlines these requirements

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (4 of
Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
NIST SP 800-53 Vulnerability Scanning Requirements
• FISMA requires U.S. agencies to require scanning to NIST 800-53
− Vulnerability scanning outlined in section “Security and Privacy Controls for Federal
Information Systems and Organizations”
− Guidance on vulnerability scans starting on page 242

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (5 of
Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
NIST SP 800-53 Vulnerability Scanning Requirements (Examples)
• Scans for vulnerabilities in the information system and in hosted applications and when
new vulnerabilities potentially affecting the system/applications are identified and
• Employs vulnerability scanning tools and techniques that facilitate interoperability
among tools and automate parts of the process
• Analyzes vulnerability scan reports and results
• Remediates vulnerabilities in accordance with risk assessment
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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (6 of
Determining Targets for Vulnerability Scanning
Potential sources of targets on which to conduct vulnerability scans:
• Statement of work (SOW)
• Rules of engagement (ROE)
• White box information
• Nmap and network discovery tools
• Assessment management and inventory tools
• Asset discovery scans via vulnerability scans

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (7 of
Determining Targets for Vulnerability Scanning
• Statement of work (SOW) – test only targets covered in scope of test
• Rules of engagement (ROE) – may forbid testing types and targets
• White box information – details provided to pen tester by client

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (8 of
Determining Targets for Vulnerability Scanning
• Nmap and network discovery tools – scanning tools using standard port scans or
specialized tools like SNMP scanners can locate targets
• Assessment management and inventory tools – tools like Lansweeper can discover and
inventory hosts on a target network
• Asset discovery scans via vulnerability scans – vulnerability scanners with Nessus
perform inventory of hosts as part of vulnerability assessment and discovery

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (9 of
Types of Vulnerabilities
Vulnerability scanners can be categorized into software flaws and failure to follow best
Common vulnerability types
• Missing software patches • Default permissions
• Administrative accounts • SSL/TLS certification issues
• Default configurations • Web application vulnerabilities

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (10 of
Types of Vulnerabilities
Specialized systems can be affected by less common vulnerabilities
Examples of specialized systems
• Industrial control systems (ICSs) • Embedded systems

• Supervisory control and data acquisition • Point of sale (POS) systems

systems (SCADA)
• Biometric devices
• Mobile devices
• Application containers
• Internet of Things (IoT) devices
• Real-time operating systems RTOSs)

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (11 of
Types of Vulnerability Scans
Vulnerability scanning programs may offer preconfigured scan types or templates to chose
from based on several factors:
• Type of target
• Need for scan to remain undetected
• Scans for compliance (PCI DSS, GDPR)
• Scans that may limit potential effect or impact on production type hosts
• White box scans with provided credentials or black box with no info

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (12 of
Types of Vulnerability Scans
• Discovery – locates hosts to follow up with a different scan
• Full – employs many scan methods and techniques; considered “noisy”
• Stealth – attempts to generate little traffic and remain undetected
• Compliance – custom scans to meet requirements of regulation (PCI DSS)
• Web application – targets web servers and apps for vulnerabilities
• Many other scan types available in vulnerability scanning tools
− Some tools offer enhanced options for paid versions

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (13 of
Types of Vulnerability Scans
• Tenable’s Nessus is a well-
known vulnerability scanning
• Offers a wide range of scan
types and templates for use
• Over 100k plug-ins for testing

Nessus scan templates

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (14 of
Types of Vulnerability Scans
• Credentialed scans
− Use known account name and password during scan
 Credentials may be provided by client or discovered during recon
 Administrative credentials more useful than standard user account
− Able to retrieve a large amount of information from target

• Noncredentialed scans
− Performed in black box approach with no username or password
− Less information typically discovered during this scan type
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Discussion Activity 5-1
The state of computing and networks has evolved dramatically in the last ten years.
Today, remote work is commonplace at organizations where it did not exist even just a
few years ago.
Think about the modern computing landscapes at organizations that might seek
penetration test services.
In small groups, discuss the challenges associated with pen testing organizations today
that are associated with modern computing environments. How are those challenges
different than five or ten years ago?

Robert Wilson, CompTIA PenTest+: Guide to Penetration Testing, 1st Edition. © 2024 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or
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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (15 of
Application Vulnerabilities
• Web applications are a very common type of hacked application
• Web apps must reside on an accessible servers; easy targets
• Compromise of a web application can lead to host compromise
• Large variety of programming languages and platforms for web apps
− Each has advantages and disadvantages
− Easy app development or in-depth programming knowledge needed
− Freely available, open-source, commercial or proprietary types

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (16 of
Application Vulnerabilities
• Application security (AppSec) overlooked as many security professionals have
networking experience but little programming knowledge
• Programming sometimes overlooked in network security courses
• Best perimeter firewall and defenses circumvented with web or application
• Network layer protection may not provide protection for applications
• Basic programming or scripting concepts can allow application exploits

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (17 of
Web Application Test Execution
Web application testing falls into two main techniques:
• Static application security testing (SAST) uses analysis of source code
− Reliable way to enumerate vulnerabilities from software coding errors
− “White box testing”
• Dynamic application security testing (DAST) necessary if no source code
− “Black box testing”
• Interactive application security testing (IAST) combines both techniques
− “Gray box testing”

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (18 of
Application Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures
• Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
− Maintains a list of “Ten Most Critical Web Application Security Risks”
1. Injection vulnerabilities 6. Security misconfigurations
2. Authentication flaws and 7. Cross-site scripting (XSS)
8. Insecure deserialization
3. Sensitive data exposure
9. Using components with known
4. XML External Entities (XXE) vulnerabilities
5. Broken access control 10. Insufficient logging and monitoring
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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (19 of
• Top OWASP application security risk “injection vulnerabilities” can be tested with
“fuzzing” technique
− Entering random information into all application input fields
− Results can indicate potential vulnerabilities or potential to crash app

• Fuzzing with SQL input can determine potential SQL injection flaws

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (20 of
Web Application Vulnerability Scanning
Tenable Nessus
• Offers web application tests
and templates
• Several commercial and free
home editions

Nessus scan results

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (21 of
Web Application Vulnerability Scanning
• Open source CLI web app scanner
• Supports many custom options for scans

Nikto example
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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (22 of
Web Application Vulnerability
• Open source CLI web app scanner

Wapiti example
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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (23 of
Web Application Vulnerability Scanning
• Targets WordPress platform
• WordPress is extremely popular web platform and
content management system (CMS)
• WordPress sites often use many different plug-ins
that can lack security and have exploitable flaws

WPScan example
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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (24 of
Web Application Vulnerability Scanning
• Structured Query Language (SQL) used by web
apps to communicate with back-end databases
• Database breach may result in sensitive
information disclosure
• SQL injection very common flaw
• Scans for SQL injection flaws and other SQL
SQLmap example
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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (25 of
Vulnerability Scan Considerations
Important factors to consider before conducting a scan:
• Timing – when the target is to be tested
− Off hours, during production or workday, over weekends

• Protocols – port numbers discovered may indicate protocol chosen

• Network topology – can influence possible scans or tools to use or avoid
• Bandwidth – scans may affect low bandwidth links or networks

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Understanding Vulnerability Scanning (26 of
Vulnerability Scan Considerations
Important factors to consider before conducting a scan:
• Query throttling – reduce rate of scan tool interactions with targets
• Fragile systems – scanning certain hosts can disrupt or crash them
− Systems operating near capacity or older hardware and OSs
• Nontraditional systems – IoT devices and other similar systems may be discovered
during active recon
− not all may be known by client; notify client and seek approval to test
− Smart TVs − Medical devices − Employee-owned smartphones

Robert Wilson, CompTIA PenTest+: Guide to Penetration Testing, 1st Edition. © 2024 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or
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Knowledge Check Activity 5-1
Which of the following penetration testing tools or projects provides a list of top ten web
application vulnerabilities?
a. Tenable Nessus
b. Nmap
c. OpenVAS

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Knowledge Check Activity 5-1: Answer
Which of the following penetration testing tools or projects provides a
list of top ten web application vulnerabilities?
Answer: OWASP
The Open Web Application Security Project publishes the “Ten Most Critical
Web Application Security Risks” paper. The OWASP nonprofit foundation
and associated community consists of security professionals finding and
fighting the causes of web application vulnerabilities.

Robert Wilson, CompTIA PenTest+: Guide to Penetration Testing, 1st Edition. © 2024 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or
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Executing Vulnerability Scans (1 of 7)

Important factors to consider before conducting scans:

• Scope of the scans
• Configuration steps
• Credentialed or noncredentialed scans
• Internal and external scans
• Scanner and plug-in updates

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Executing Vulnerability Scans (2 of 7)
Scope of Vulnerability Scans
• SOW and ROE key to determine scope of vulnerability scans and tests
• Types and specific tools can be allowed or restricted
• White box test may limit scans to specific host provided by client
• Scoping can help break large networks into more manageable segments
• Dividing scans by types of targets for vulnerability scans can also be a good approach

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Executing Vulnerability Scans (3 of 7)
Configuring Vulnerability Scans
• Nessus and OpenVAS vulnerabilities offer similar configuration options
− Nessus has many more plug-ins and scanning capabilities
− OpenVAS is free, open source, and community-supported

• Type of scan – may start with one of available scan templates

• Plug-ins to use – plug-ins are individual vulnerability test components
− Contain intelligence to discover specific vulnerabilities

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Executing Vulnerability Scans (4 of 7)
Configuring Vulnerability Scans

Enabling and disabling plugins in Nessus

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Executing Vulnerability Scans (5 of 7)
Credentialed or Noncredentialed Scans
• Credentialed scan uses
valid account and
password on target
• Noncredentialed scan
more realistic to threat
− No account info is
available to use

Specifying credentials for scan in Nessus

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Executing Vulnerability Scans (6 of 7)
Internal and External Scans
• Results of scans will vary widely depending on whether scan source is internal or
external to the target host’s network
− Internal scan may emulate insider threat
− External scan more closely resembles black hat, outside threat actor
Scanner and Plug-in Updates
• Vulnerability scanners are types of software that require update
− Tools can be flawed and vulnerable to exploits too
− Compromised scan server can be treasure trove for pen test or threat actor

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Executing Vulnerability Scans (7 of 7)
Scanner and Plug-in Updates
• CVE records exist for
vulnerability scanners
• Important to ensure tools
are updated regularly
• Ensure systems that run
scans and store results
are secure

Nessus CVE
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Discussion Activity 5-2
Two vulnerability scanners stand out as all-in-one tools for scanning networks and target
hosts of varying platforms and system types.
Examine the features of Tenable Nessus and the open-source OpenVAS vulnerability
scanners. Discuss differences in feature sets and scanning capabilities and capacities.
How does the licensing available to the pen tester affect their pen testing capabilities?

Robert Wilson, CompTIA PenTest+: Guide to Penetration Testing, 1st Edition. © 2024 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or
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Analyzing Vulnerability Scan Results (1 of 9)

Vulnerability scanners can return a variety of information in scan results:

• Names and types of vulnerabilities detected
• Scores associated with severity or criticality of vulnerability
• Detailed vulnerability technical information
• Remediation steps may be included with some scan tools
• Exploit details and links to working exploits for further action
• References to other sources of information or resources

Robert Wilson, CompTIA PenTest+: Guide to Penetration Testing, 1st Edition. © 2024 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or
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Analyzing Vulnerability Scan Results (2 of 9)

• Vulnerability
scanners present
flaws discovered in
• Rankings common
based on severity of

Vulnerability CVSS base scores

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Analyzing Vulnerability Scan Results (3 of 9)
CVSS Base Scores
• Common Vulnerability Scoring
System (CVSS) from NIST
• NIST supported metric
• Method used to supply a qualitative
measure of vulnerability severity
• Measured on 0 – 10 scale and severity
label: Low, Medium, High, and

National Vulnerability Database

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Analyzing Vulnerability Scan Results (4 of 9)
Exploit Information
• Vulnerability scanners may
provide details on specific
vulnerabilities found and
links to resources to
remediate or exploit

Vulnerability details

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Analyzing Vulnerability Scan Results (5 of 9)
Exploit Information
• If a vulnerability exists,
there is a good chance an
exploit is available
• The Metasploit
Framework is a common
source of working
exploits SMB vulnerability information

Robert Wilson, CompTIA PenTest+: Guide to Penetration Testing, 1st Edition. © 2024 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or
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Analyzing Vulnerability Scan Results (6 of 9)
CVSS Vector Information
• CVSS vector information provides details on how base score is calculated

• Vector metrics have a much more finely detailed vulnerability information

• CVSS Version 2.0 and 3.0 in use; slightly different expression of data

• Seven attack vectors currently in use:

− Attack Vector (AV) − Confidentiality (C)
− Attack Complexity (AC) − Integrity (I)
− Privileges Required (PR) − Availability (A)
− User Interaction (UI)

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Analyzing Vulnerability Scan Results (7 of 9)
CVSS Vector Information
• Each vector has metric assigned, and metrics together calculate CVSS
• Attack Vector (AV) – how attacker must be positioned
− Physical (P), Local (L), Adjacent Network (A), Network (N)

• Attack Complexity (AC) – conditions needed to exploit; attacker skill level

− High (H), Medium (M), Low (L)

• Privileges Required (PR) – authentication level needed to exploit

− High (L), Low (L), None (N)

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Analyzing Vulnerability Scan Results (8 of 9)
CVSS Vector Information
• User Interaction (UI)– whether user other than attacker must interact
− None (N), Required (R)

• Confidentiality (C) – what level attacker can access confidential data

− None (N), Low (L), High (H)

• Integrity (I) – what level attacker can corrupt data

− None (N), Low (L), High (H)

• Availability (A) - what level attacker can compromise availability

− None (N), Low (L)
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Analyzing Vulnerability Scan Results (9 of 9)

Ranking Vulnerabilities
After building a list of vulnerabilities, rank them in order of remediation, or which order
to “exploit” first
Consider the following factors:
• Severity level/CVSS base score • Statement of work
• Network exposure level • False positives
• System importance/criticality • CIA triad violations

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Discussion Activity 5-3
Use the CVE database at Mitre.org to search for recent vulnerabilities for a specific
software or application. Choose two or three vulnerabilities to examine in depth.
Look at the resources associated with the vulnerability from sites external to Mitre.org.
Pay attention to any CVSS-related information and availability of exploits for the
Discuss the findings with other learners in this course.

Robert Wilson, CompTIA PenTest+: Guide to Penetration Testing, 1st Edition. © 2024 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or
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By the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. Describe vulnerability scanning and its purposes
2. Describe methods and tools to discover targets for vulnerability scanning
3. Describe different types of vulnerabilities and vulnerability scans
4. Describe additional considerations when performing vulnerability scans
5. Execute vulnerability scans using different tools
6. Analyze the results of vulnerability scans

Robert Wilson, CompTIA PenTest+: Guide to Penetration Testing, 1st Edition. © 2024 Cengage. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or
duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 50

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