Tpe 2 3
Tpe 2 3
Tpe 2 3
Transportation planning process
• Monitoring existing conditions
• Developing a financial plan for securing sufficient revenues to cover the costs of
implementing strategies 2
Travel demand modeling
Most important aspect of transportation planning
Travel demand modeling
Transport modeling
Four-stage model(FSM)
The base decisions include the choice of destination, the choice
of the mode, and the choice of the route.
Four-stage model(FSM)
Four-stage model(FSM)
Data Base
The FSM has significant data demands in addition to that
required to define the activity and transportation systems.
Household travel surveys provide
• household and person-level socio-economic data (typically
including income and the number of household members,
workers, and cars)
• activity-travel data (typically including for each activity
performed over a 24-hr period activity type, location, start
time, duration, and, if travel was involved, mode, departure
time, and arrival time
• household vehicle data
Data Base
Network Characteristics
Data Base
Household Demographic Data
(number of households per zone by household car ownership and household
The Four Step Model
The Four stage Model
Trip generation
• Estimating the number of trips generated in a small geographic
area, called a zone, or at a particular location, and attracted to
another zone or particular location, based on the assumed
relationship among socioeconomic factors, land use
characteristics, and the number of trips.
Mode choice
Estimating, for the number of trips predicted between each origin and
destination, the number of trips made via each type of mode that is
available for that trip. Thus, “x” percent are likely to drive alone, “y”
percent are likely to take transit, “z” percent are likely to ride-share, etc
Network assignment
Estimating the number of trips via a particular mode that will take
specific paths through a road or transit network. The end result, when
all trips are assigned to a network, is an estimate of the total number
of trips that will use each link in the network. When compared to the
capacity of this link, planners can forecast the level of congestion that
will occur at that location. This becomes the basis for assessing the
performance of the of the transportation system
Trip generation
Types of trip
Classification of Trips
Trip time of the day
peak trips and off peak trips
Type of the individual
Travel behaviour is highly influenced by the
socio economic attribute of the traveller and are
normally categorized based on the income level,
vehicle ownership and house hold size.
Factors affecting trip generation
Growth Factor Modeling