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OLAP Data Mining

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OLAP and Data Mining

Chapter 17
OLTP Compared With OLAP
• On Line Transaction Processing – OLTP
– Maintains a database that is an accurate model of some real-
world enterprise. Supports day-to-day operations.
• Short simple transactions
• Relatively frequent updates
• Transactions access only a small fraction of the database
• On Line Analytic Processing – OLAP
– Uses information in database to guide strategic decisions.
• Complex queries
• Infrequent updates
• Transactions access a large fraction of the database
• Data need not be up-to-date
The Internet Grocer
• OLTP-style transaction:
– John Smith, from Schenectady, N.Y., just bought a box
of tomatoes; charge his account; deliver the tomatoes
from our Schenectady warehouse; decrease our
inventory of tomatoes from that warehouse
• OLAP-style transaction:
– How many cases of tomatoes were sold in all northeast
warehouses in the years 2000 and 2001?

OLAP: Traditional Compared
with Newer Applications
• Traditional OLAP queries
– Uses data the enterprise gathers in its usual activities,
perhaps in its OLTP system
– Queries are ad hoc, perhaps designed and carried out
by non-professionals (managers)
• Newer Applications (e.g., Internet companies)
– Enterprise actively gathers data it wants, perhaps
purchasing it
– Queries are sophisticated, designed by professionals,
and used in more sophisticated ways
The Internet Grocer
• Traditional
– How many cases of tomatoes were sold in all
northeast warehouses in the years 2000 and
• Newer
– Prepare a profile of the grocery purchases of
John Smith for the years 2000 and 2001 (so that
we can customize our marketing to him and get
more of his business)
Data Mining
• Data Mining is an attempt at knowledge discovery
– to extract knowledge from a database
• Comparison with OLAP
• What percentage of people who make over $50,000 defaulted
on their mortgage in the year 2000?
– Data Mining:
• How can information about salary, net worth, and other
historical data be used to predict who will default on their

Data Warehouses
• OLAP and data mining databases are frequently
stored on special servers called data
– Can accommodate the huge amount of data
generated by OLTP systems
– Allow OLAP queries and data mining to be run off-
line so as not to impact the performance of OLTP

OLAP, Data Mining, and
• The “A” in OLAP stands for “Analytical”
• Many OLAP and Data Mining applications
involve sophisticated analysis methods
from the fields of mathematics, statistical
analysis, and artificial intelligence
• Our main interest is in the database aspects
of these fields, not the sophisticated
analysis techniques

Fact Tables
• Many OLAP applications are based on a fact table
• For example, a supermarket application might be
based on a table
Sales (Market_Id, Product_Id, Time_Id, Sales_Amt)
• The table can be viewed as multidimensional
– Market_Id, Product_Id, Time_Id are the dimensions that
represent specific supermarkets, products, and time
– Sales_Amt is a function of the other three

A Data Cube

• Fact tables can be viewed as an N-dimensional data cube

(3-dimensional in our example)
– The entries in the cube are the values for Sales_Amts

Dimension Tables
• The dimensions of the fact table are further
described with dimension tables
• Fact table:
Sales (Market_id, Product_Id, Time_Id, Sales_Amt)
• Dimension Tables:
Market (Market_Id, City, State, Region)
Product (Product_Id, Name, Category, Price)
Time (Time_Id, Week, Month, Quarter)

Star Schema
• The fact and dimension relations can be
displayed in an E-R diagram, which looks
like a star and is called a star schema

• Many OLAP queries involve aggregation of the
data in the fact table
• For example, to find the total sales (over time) of
each product in each market, we might use
SELECT S.Market_Id, S.Product_Id, SUM (S.Sales_Amt)
FROM Sales S
GROUP BY S.Market_Id, S.Product_Id
• The aggregation is over the entire time dimension
and thus produces a two-dimensional view of the
Aggregation over Time
• The output of the previous query
M1 M2 M3 M4
P1 3003 1503 …

P2 6003 2402 …
P3 4503 3 …
P4 7503 7000 …
P5 … … …
Drilling Down and Rolling Up
• Some dimension tables form an aggregation hierarchy
Market_Id  City  State  Region
• Executing a series of queries that moves down a
hierarchy (e.g., from aggregation over regions to that
over states) is called drilling down
– Requires the use of the fact table or information more specific
than the requested aggregation (e.g., cities)
• Executing a series of queries that moves up the hierarchy
(e.g., from states to regions) is called rolling up
– Note: In a rollup, coarser aggregations can be computed using
prior queries for finer aggregations
Drilling Down
• Drilling down on market: from Region to State
Sales (Market_Id, Product_Id, Time_Id, Sales_Amt)
Market (Market_Id, City, State, Region)

1. SELECT S.Product_Id, M.Region, SUM (S.Sales_Amt)

FROM Sales S, Market M
WHERE M.Market_Id = S.Market_Id
GROUP BY S.Product_Id, M.Region

2. SELECT S.Product_Id, M.State, SUM (S.Sales_Amt)

FROM Sales S, Market M
WHERE M.Market_Id = S.Market_Id
GROUP BY S.Product_Id, M.State,
Rolling Up
• Rolling up on market, from State to Region
– If we have already created a table, State_Sales,
State_Sales using

1. SELECT S.Product_Id, M.State, SUM (S.Sales_Amt)

FROM Sales S, Market M
WHERE M.Market_Id = S.Market_Id
GROUP BY S.Product_Id, M.State

then we can roll up from there to:

2. SELECT T.Product_Id, M.Region, SUM (T.Sales_Amt)

FROM State_Sales T, Market M
WHERE M.State = T.State
GROUP BY T.Product_Id, M.Region

• When we view the data as a multi-dimensional
cube and group on a subset of the axes, we are said
to be performing a pivot on those axes
– Pivoting on dimensions D1,…,Dk in a data cube D1,
…,Dk,Dk+1,…,Dn means that we use GROUP BY A1,
…,Ak and aggregate over Ak+1,…An, where Ai is an
attribute of the dimension Di
– Example: Pivoting on Product and Time corresponds to
grouping on Product_id and Quarter and aggregating
Sales_Amt over Market_id:

SELECT S.Product_Id, T.Quarter, SUM (S.Sales_Amt)

FROM Sales S, Time T
WHERE T.Time_Id = S.Time_Id
GROUP BY S.Product_Id, T.Quarter
Pivot 18
Time Hierarchy as a Lattice
• Not all aggregation
hierarchies are linear
– The time hierarchy is a lattice
• Weeks are not contained in
• We can roll up days into weeks
or months, but we can only roll
up weeks into quarters

• When we use WHERE to specify a particular
value for an axis (or several axes), we are
performing a slice
– Slicing the data cube in the Time dimension
(choosing sales only in week 12) then pivoting to
Product_id (aggregating over Market_id)
SELECT S.Product_Id, SUM (Sales_Amt) Slice

FROM Sales S, Time T

WHERE T.Time_Id = S.Time_Id AND T.Week = ‘Wk-12’
GROUP BY S. Product_Id
• Typically slicing and dicing involves several queries to
find the “right slice.”
For instance, change the slice and the axes:
• Slicing on Time and Market dimensions then pivoting to Product_id
and Week (in the time dimension)

SELECT S.Product_Id, T.Quarter, SUM (Sales_Amt)

FROM Sales S, Time T
WHERE T.Time_Id = S.Time_Id Slice
AND T.Quarter = 4
AND S.Market_id = 12345
GROUP BY S.Product_Id, T.Week

Pivot 21
The CUBE Operator
• To construct the following table, would take 3
queries (next slide)
M1 M2 M3 Total
P1 3003 1503 … …

P2 6003 2402 … …
P3 4503 3 … …
P4 7503 7000 … …
Total … … … …
The Three Queries
• For the table entries, without the totals (aggregation on time)
SELECT S.Market_Id, S.Product_Id, SUM
FROM Sales S
GROUP BY S.Market_Id, S.Product_Id
• For the row totals (aggregation on time and supermarkets)
SELECT S.Product_Id, SUM (S.Sales_Amt)
FROM Sales S
GROUP BY S.Product_Id
• For the column totals (aggregation on time and products)
SELECT S.Market_Id, SUM (S.Sales)
FROM Sales S
GROUP BY S.Market_Id
Definition of the CUBE Operator
• Doing these three queries is wasteful
– The first does much of the work of the other two: if
we could save that result and aggregate over
Market_Id and Product_Id, we could compute the
other queries more efficiently
• The CUBE clause is part of SQL:1999
– GROUP BY CUBE (v1, v2, …, vn)
– Equivalent to a collection of GROUP BYs, one for
each of the 2n subsets of v1, v2, …, vn
Example of CUBE Operator
• The following query returns all the information
needed to make the previous products/markets

SELECT S.Market_Id, S.Product_Id, SUM

FROM Sales S
GROUP BY CUBE (S.Market_Id, S.Product_Id)

• ROLLUP is similar to CUBE except that instead
of aggregating over all subsets of the arguments, it
creates subsets moving from right to left
• GROUP BY ROLLUP (A1,A2,…,An) is a series of
these aggregations:
– GROUP BY A1 ,…, An-1 ,An
– GROUP BY A1 ,…, An-1
– ………
• ROLLUP is also in SQL:1999
Example of ROLLUP Operator
SELECT S.Market_Id, S.Product_Id, SUM (S.Sales_Amt)
FROM Sales S
GROUP BY ROLLUP (S.Market_Id, S. Product_Id)
– first aggregates with the finest granularity:
GROUP BY S.Market_Id, S.Product_Id
– then with the next level of granularity:
GROUP BY S.Market_Id
– then the grand total is computed with no GROUP
BY clause

• The same query with CUBE:
- first aggregates with the finest granularity:
GROUP BY S.Market_Id, S.Product_Id
- then with the next level of granularity:
GROUP BY S.Market_Id
GROUP BY S.Product_Id
- then the grand total with no GROUP BY

Materialized Views
The CUBE operator is often used to
precompute aggregations on all dimensions of
a fact table and then save them as a
materialized views to speed up future queries

• Relational OLAP: ROLAP
– OLAP data is stored in a relational database as
previously described. Data cube is a conceptual
view – way to think about a fact table
• Multidimensional OLAP: MOLAP
– Vendor provides an OLAP server that
implements a fact table as a data cube using a
special multi-dimensional (non-relational) data
- No standard query language for MOLAP
- Many MOLAP vendors (and many ROLAP
vendors) provide proprietary visual
languages that allow casual users to make
queries that involve pivots, drilling down,
or rolling up

Implementation Issues
• OLAP applications are characterized by a very
large amount of data that is relatively static, with
infrequent updates
– Thus, various aggregations can be precomputed and
stored in the database
– Star joins, join indices, and bitmap indices can be used
to improve efficiency (recall the methods to compute
star joins in Chapter 14)
– Since updates are infrequent, the inefficiencies
associated with updates are minimized

Data Mining
• An attempt at knowledge discovery
• Searching for patterns and structure in a sea
of data
• Uses techniques from many disciplines,
such as statistical analysis and machine
– These techniques are not our main interest

• An association is a correlation between certain
values in a database (in the same or different
– In a convenience store in the early evening, a large
percentage of customers who bought diapers also
bought beer
• This association can be described using the
Purchase_diapers => Purchase_beer

Confidence and Support
• To determine whether an association exists, the system
computes the confidence and support for that
• Confidence in A => B
– The percentage of transactions (recorded in the database)
that contain B among those that contain A
• Diapers => Beer:
The percentage of customers who bought beer among those who bought
• Support
– The percentage of transactions that contain both items
among all transactions
• 100* (customers who bought both Diapers and Beer)/(all customers)
Ascertain an Association
• To ascertain that an association exists, both
the confidence and the support must be
above a certain threshold
– Confidence states that there is a high
probability, given the data, that someone who
purchased diapers also bought beer
– Support states that the data shows a large
percentage of people who purchased both
diapers and beer (so that the confidence
measure is not an accident)
A Priori Algorithm for Computing Associations

• Based on this observation:

– If the support for A => B is larger than T, then the
support for A and B must separately be larger than T
• Find all items whose support is larger than T
– Requires checking n items
– If there are m items with support > T, find all pairs of
such items whose support is larger than T
– Requires checking m(m-1) pairs
• If there are p pairs with support > T, compute the
confidence for each pair
– Requires checking p pairs

Other Types of Information
• In addition to association rules, data mining is
used to uncover other types of information
– Sequential Patterns
• Associations over time: Is a customer who purchased a
garbage can likely to purchase fillers for that can later?
– Classification Rules
• Associations based on ranges of values: Can ranges of income
be used to classify individuals into groups which predict their
likelihood of defaulting on their mortgage?
– Time Series
• Similarities between sequences: Is the pattern of temperature
fluctuation in the Pacific Ocean similar to the pattern of
climate variation over the west coast of the US?

Another Data Mining Approach
• Machine Learning
– A mortgage broker believes that several factors might
affect whether or not a customer is likely to default on
mortgage, but does now know how to weight these factors
– Use data from past customers to “learn” a set of weights to
be used in the decision for future customers
• Neural networks, a technique studied in the context of Artificial
Intelligence, provides a model for analyzing this problem

Data Warehouse
• Data (often derived from OLTP) for both OLAP
and data mining applications is usually stored in a
special database called a data warehouse
• Data warehouses are generally large and contain
data that has been gathered at different times from
DBMSs provided by different vendors and with
different schemas
• Populating such a data warehouse is not trivial

Issues Involved in Populating a
Data Warehouse

• Transformations
– Syntactic: syntax used in different DMBSs for the same
data might be different
• Attribute names: SSN vs. Ssnum
• Attribute domains: Integer vs. String
– Semantic: semantics might be different
• Summarizing sales on a daily basis vs. summarizing sales on a
monthly basis
• Data Cleaning
– Removing errors and inconsistencies in data
• As with other databases, a warehouse must
include a metadata repository
– Information about physical and logical organization
of data
– Information about the source of each data item and
the dates on which it was loaded and refreshed

Incremental Updates

• The large volume of data in a data warehouse

makes loading and updating a significant task
• For efficiency, updating is usually incremental
– Different parts are updated at different times
• Incremental updates might result in the database
being in an inconsistent state
– Usually not important because queries involve only
statistical summaries of data, which are not greatly
affected by such inconsistencies
Loading Data into A Data


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