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IE354 Slides 10 Chp11

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IEN 251: : Principals of engineering probability

and statistics
Spring 2023-2024

Chapter 11
Simple Linear Regression and Correlation
Dr. Abedallah Al Kader
Simple Linear Regression
and Correlation
11-1 Empirical Models 11-6 Prediction of New
11-2 Simple Linear Regression Observations
11-3 Properties of the Least 11-7 Adequacy of the Regression
Squares Estimators Model
11-4 Hypothesis Test in 11-7.1 Residual analysis
Simple Regression 11-7.2 Coefficient of determination
11-4.1 Use of t-tests (R2)
11-4.2 Analysis of variance 11-8 Correlation
approach to test significance of
11-5 Confidence Intervals
11-5.1 Confidence intervals on the
slope and intercept
11-5.2 Confidence interval on the
mean response
er 11
11-1: Empirical Models
•Many problems in engineering and science
involve exploring the relationships between two or
more variables.
•Regression analysis is a statistical technique
that is very useful for these types of problems.
•For example, in a chemical process, suppose
that the yield of the product is related to the
process- operating temperature.
•Regression analysis can be used to build a
model to predict yield at a given temperature level.

Sec 11-1 Empirical Models

11-2: Simple Linear Regression

11-2: Simple Linear Regression

•The simple linear regression considers a

single regressor or predictor x and a dependent
or response variable Y.

•The expected value of Y at each level of x is

a random variable:

E(Y|x) = 0 + 1x

11-2: Simple Linear Regression

• We assume that each observation, Y, can be

described by the model
Y = 0 + 1 x + 

• Where  is the random error term with

mean 0 and standard deviation σ.

• The random errors corresponding to different

observations are also assumed to be
uncorrelated random variables.

11-2: Simple Linear Regression
• Suppose that we have n pairs of observations (x1, y1),
(x2, y2), …, (xn, yn).
• Figure 11-3 shows a typical scatter plot of observed
data and a candidate for the estimated regression line.
• The estimates of β0 and β1 should result in a line that
is (in some sense) a “best fit” to the data.

11-2: Simple Linear Regression

• The German scientist Karl Gauss (1777–1855) proposed

estimating the parameters β 0 and β 1 in Equation 11-2 to
minimize the sum of the squares of the vertical deviations
in Fig. 11-3.

• We call this criterion for estimating the regression

coefficients the method of least squares.

• Using Equation 11-2, we may express the n observations

in the sample as

11-2: Simple Linear Regression
Least Squares Estimates
The least-squares estimates of the intercept and slope in the simple
linear regression model are

ˆ  y  ˆx (11-1)

 n  n 
  yi   xi 
n   

 yi xi
  i1


 n 
2 (11-2)
ˆ   xi 
n  
 x2   i  1n 

where y  (1/n)  n
y 1
i iand x  (1/n)  n
i1 i
Sec 11-2 Simple Linear Regression i1
i 9
11-2: Simple Linear Regression
The fitted or estimated regression line is therefore

yˆ  ˆ  ˆx

Note that each pair of observations satisfies the relationship

yi  ˆ  ˆxi  ei , i  1, 2,…, n

where ei  y i  yˆ i is called the residual. The residual describes

the error in the fit of the model to the ith observation yi.

Sec 11-2 Simple Linear Regression

11-2: Simple Linear Regression
Notation 2
  n
  xi 
n n  
S xx   xi  x 2
  xi   i1 
 i1
 n  n 
  xi    yi 
n n   
Sx y  
i1 y i xi  x 2  xi yi  
 i1 i1 n i1 

Sec 11-2 Simple Linear Regression

EXAMPLE 11-1 Oxygen Purity

EXAMPLE 11-1 Oxygen Purity
We will fit a simple linear regression model to the oxygen purity data in
Table 11-1. The following quantities may be computed:
20 20
n  20  23.92  1,843.21

i1 xi i
1 yi
x  1.1960 y  92.1605
20 20
 y i
 170,044.5321  x i2  2 9 . 2 8 9 2
i1 i1
 xi yi  2,214.6566

 2 0 x 

S 
 i
 29.2892 

xx 
i1 2   i  12 0  20
 0.68088
and 
 2 0 x   2 0 y 
20    
i i
 i1   i1 
S xy  
i1 xi yi  20

( 2 3 . 9 2 ) (1,843.21)
 2,214.6566  20  10.17744
Sec 11-2 Simple Linear Regression
EXAMPLE 11-1 Oxygen Purity -
Therefore, the least squares estimates of the slope and intercept are

Sxy 10.17744
1   0.68088  14.94748
and ˆ S xx

ˆ0  y  ˆx  92.1605  (14.94748 )1.196  74.28331

The fitted simple linear regression model (with the coefficients reported to
three decimal places) is
yˆ  74.283  14.947x

EXAMPLE 11-1 Oxygen Purity -

yˆ  74.283 

Sec 11-2 Simple Linear Regression

11-2: Simple Linear Regression
Estimating 2
The error sum of squares is

n n
SS E   ei2   yi  yˆ i 2

i1 i1

It can be shown that the expected value of the

error sum of squares is E(SSE) = (n – 2)2.

Sec 11-2 Simple Linear Regression

11-2: Simple Linear Regression
Estimating 2
An unbiased estimator of 2 is

ˆ 2  (11-4)
n  2

where SSE can be easily computed using

SS E  SST  ˆ1Sxy

11-3: Properties of the Least Squares Estimators

• Slope Properties

ˆ  2
E( ˆ 1 )   1 V ( 1 ) 
S xx

• Intercept Properties

E(ˆ 0 )   0 and ˆ
V ( 0 )  2  1 x 2 

  xx
n S
 

Sec 11-3 Properties of the Least Squares Estimators

11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression

• An important part of assessing the adequacy of a

linear regression model is testing statistical
hypotheses about the model parameters and
constructing certain confidence intervals.

• Hypothesis testing in simple linear regression

presents methods for constructing confidence

Sec 11-4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear

Regression 19
11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression

• To test hypotheses about the slope and intercept

of the regression model, we must make the
additional assumption that the error component
in the model, ε , is normally distributed.

• Thus, the complete assumptions are that the

errors are normally and independently distributed
with mean zero and variance σ 2, abbreviated
NID(0, σ 2).

Sec 11-4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear

Regression 20
11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression

11-4.1 Use of t-Tests

Suppose we wish to test

H0: 1 = 1,0
H1: 1  1,0

Where 1,0 is a

An appropriate T0 ˆ  
  1, 0
test statistic ˆ xx
would be 2
Sec 11-4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear
Regression 21
11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression

11-4.1 Use of t-Tests

The test statistic could also be written as:

ˆ1   ˆ
T0  1,0
se( ˆ 1 )
We would reject the null hypothesis if

|t0| > t/2,n - 2

Sec 11-4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear

Regression 22
11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression

11-4.1 Use of t-Tests

Suppose we wish to test

H0: 0 = 0,0
H1: 0  0,0

An appropriate test statistic would be

T0  ˆ 0   0 , 0 ˆ   0 , 0 (11-7)

2 1 x2  se(ˆ 0 )
0  
ˆ 
 n S xx

Sec 11-4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear
Regression 23
11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression

11-4.1 Use of t-Tests

We would reject the null hypothesis if

|t0| > t/2,n - 2

Sec 11-4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear

Regression 24
11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression

11-4.1 Use of t-Tests

An important special case of the hypotheses of
Equation 11-18 is

H0: 1 = 0
H1: 1  0

These hypotheses relate to the significance of

Failure to reject H0 is equivalent to concluding that
there is no linear relationship between x and Y.
Sec 11-4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear
Regression 25
11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression
EXAMPLE 11-2 Oxygen Purity Tests of Coefficients We will test for significance of
regression using the model for the oxygen purity data from Example 11-1. The hypotheses are
H0: 1 = 0
H1: 1  0
and we will use  = 0.01. From Example 11-1 and Table 11-2 we have

ˆ1  14.947 n  20, S xx 

0.68088 , ˆ 2  1.18
t0     11.35
so the t-statistic in Equation 11-6 becomes
ˆ1 1.18/0.68088
ˆˆ xx se( )
Practical Interpretation: Since the reference value of t is t0.005,18 = 2.88, the value of
the test statistic is very far into the critical region, implying that H0: 1 = 0 should be
rejected. There is strong evidence to support this claim. The P-value for this test is
P ~ 1.23 109 . This was obtained manually with a calculator.

Table 11-2 presents the Minitab output for this problem. Notice that the t-statistic
value for the slope is computed as 11.35 and that the reported P-value is P = 0.000.
Minitab also reports the t-statistic for testing the hypothesis H0: 0 = 0. This statistic
is computed from Equation 11-7, with 0,0 = 0, as t0 = 46.62. Clearly, then, the
hypothesis that the intercept is zero is rejected.
11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression

11-4.2 Analysis of Variance Approach to Test

Significance of Regression
The analysis of variance identity is
n n n
i1 y i
  y  i1y i  y 
  i1 y i  yˆ i 
2 2 2


SST = SSR + SSE (11-9)

Sec 11-4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear

Regression 27
11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression

11-4.2 Analysis of Variance Approach to Test

Significance of Regression
If the null hypothesis, H0: 1 = 0 is true, the
S S R /1 MSR

F0  (11-10)
S S E /n  2 MSE

follows the F1,n-2 distribution and we would

reject if f0 > f,1,n-2.

Sec 11-4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear

Regression 28
11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression

11-4.2 Analysis of Variance Approach to Test

Significance of Regression
The quantities, MSR and MSE are called mean
Analysis of variance table:
Source of Sum of Squares Degrees of Mean Square F0
Variation Freedom
Regression SSR  ˆ1Sxy 1 MSR MSR/MSE
Error SS E  SST  ˆ1Sxy n-2 MSE
Total SST n-1
Note that MSE =

ˆ 2
Sec 11-4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear
Regression 29
11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression

EXAMPLE 11-3 Oxygen Purity ANOVA We will use the analysis of

variance approach to test for significance of regression using the oxygen
purity data model from Example 11-1. Recall that SST  173.38, ˆ1  14.947 , Sxy =
10.17744, and n = 20.

Sec 11-4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear

Regression 30
11-4: Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear Regression

EXAMPLE 11-3 Oxygen Purity ANOVA We will use the analysis of

variance approach to test for significance of regression using the oxygen
purity data model from Example 11-1. Recall that SST  173.38, ˆ1  14.947 , Sxy =
10.17744, and n = 20. The regression sum of squares is

SS R  ˆ1Sxy  (14.947)10.17744  152.13

and the error sum of squares is

SSE = SST - SSR = 173.38 - 152.13 = 21.25

The analysis of variance for testing H0: 1 = 0 is summarized in the Minitab

output in Table 11-2. The test statistic is f0 = MSR/MSE = 152.13/1.18 = 128.86,
for which we find that the P-value isP ~ 1.23 109 , so we conclude that 1 is not
There are frequently minor differences in terminology among computer
packages. For example, sometimes the regression sum of squares is called the
“model” sum of squares, and the error sum of squares is called the “residual”
sum of squares.
Sec 11-4 Hypothesis Tests in Simple Linear
Regression 31
11-5: Confidence Intervals
11-5.1 Confidence Intervals on the Slope and Intercept
Under the assumption that the observation are normally and independently
distributed, a 100(1 - )% confidence interval on the slope 1 in simple linear
regression is

ˆ ˆ 2 ˆ ˆ (11-11)
 1  t /2, n  2 S2 xx   1   1  t /2 ,n2 S xx

Similarly, a 100(1 - )% confidence interval on the intercept 0 is

Sec 11-5 Confidence Intervals
11-5: Confidence Intervals
EXAMPLE 11-4 Oxygen Purity Confidence Interval on the Slope We will
find a 95% confidence interval on the slope of the regression line using the data
in Example 11-1. Recall that ˆ1  14.947, S xx  0.68088 , and ˆ 2  1.18 (see Table
11-2). Then, from Equation 11-11 we find

 ˆ 2   1  ˆ ˆ
 t 0.025,18 S2 x x 1  t 0.025,18 S xx
1.18 1.18
14.947  2.101  1  14.947 
0.68088 2.101 0.68088
This simplifies to

12.181  1  17.713

Practical Interpretation: This CI does not include zero, so

there is strong evidence (at  = 0.05) that the slope is not
zero. The CI is reasonably narrow (2.766) because the
error variance is fairly small. 35
11-5: Confidence Intervals
11-5.2 Confidence Interval on the Mean

ˆ Y | 0  ˆ 0 
ˆ 1 x0

Sec 11-5 Confidence Intervals

11-5: Confidence Intervals
11-5.2 Confidence Interval on the Mean

Also, is normally distributed, and

has a t distribution with n - 2 degrees of freedom. This leads to the

following confidence interval definition.
Sec 11-5 Confidence Intervals
11-5: Confidence Intervals
11-5.2 Confidence Interval on the Mean
ˆY |x0  ˆ0  ˆ1 x 0

A 100(1 - )% confidence interval about the mean response at the value of
x  x0, say  Y | x 0 , is given by

ˆ 2  1  x0  x 2 

ˆ Y | x 0  t  / 2 , n S xx 
n2 

 2  1  x0  x  2  (11-13)
  Y | x 0  ˆ Y | x 0  t  / 2 , S xx 
n2 ˆ  n

where ˆY | x 0  ˆ0  ˆ1 x 0 is computed from the fitted regression model.

Sec 11-5 Confidence Intervals

11-5: Confidence Intervals
Example 11-5 Oxygen Purity Confidence Interval on the Mean Response

We will construct a 95% confidence interval about the mean response for the
data in Example 11-1. The fitted model is ˆY |x 0  74.283  14.947 x 0 , and the
95% confidence interval on Y |x0 is found from Equation 11-13 as

 1 (x 0  1.1960) 2 
ˆY |x 0  2.101 1.18   0.68088
 20
Suppose that we are interested in predicting mean oxygen purity when
x0 = 1.00%. Then ˆY |x  74.283  14.947 (1.00) 
and the 95% confidence interval is
89.23  2.101 1.18  1  (1.00  1.1960) 

 2 0 0.68088 
89.23  0.75  
Therefore, the 95% CI on Y|1.00 is
88.48  Y|1.00  89.98
This is a reasonable narrow CI.

Sec 11-5 Confidence Intervals

11-6: Prediction of New Observations
Prediction Interval


Sec 11-6 Prediction of New Observations

11-6: Prediction of New Observations
Prediction Interval
A 100(1 - ) % prediction interval on a future observation Y0 at the value x0
is given by

2 1  x 0  x 2 
yˆ 0 t  / 2 , n  2 ˆ  1   S xx
 n 

 Y0  2  1  x 0  x  2

 t /2,n2 ˆ  1   S xx 
yˆ 0

The value yˆ 0 is computed from the regression model yˆ 0 
ˆ1x0 .

Sec 11-6 Prediction of New Observations

11-6: Prediction of New Observations
EXAMPLE 11-6 Oxygen Purity Prediction Interval

To illustrate the construction of a prediction interval, suppose we use the data in

Example 11-1 and find a 95% prediction interval on the next observation of
oxygen purity x0 = 1.00%. Using Equation 11-14 and recalling from Example 11-5
that yˆ0  89.23 , we find that the prediction interval is

 1  1.00 
1 . 1 9 6 0  2 
89.23  2.101 1.18 1   0.68088
 20 

  1  1.00  1 . 1 9 6 0  2 
 Y0  8 9 .2 3  2.101. 1.18 1   0.68088
 20 

which simplifies to
86.83  y0  91.63

This is a reasonably narrow prediction interval.

Sec 11-6 Prediction of New Observations
11-7: Adequacy of the Regression Model
• Fitting a regression model requires several
1. Errors are uncorrelated random variables
with mean zero;
2. Errors have constant variance; and,
3. Errors be normally distributed.
• The analyst should always consider the validity
of these assumptions to be doubtful and
conduct analyses to examine the adequacy of
the model

Sec 11-7 Adequacy of the Regression

Model 41
11-7: Adequacy of the Regression Model
11-7.1 Residual Analysis
•The residuals from a regression model are ei = yi - ŷi ,
where yi is an actual observation and ŷi is the corresponding
fitted value from the regression model.

•Analysis of the residuals is frequently helpful in

checking the assumption that the errors are approximately
normally distributed with constant variance, and in
determining whether additional terms in the model would
be useful.

Sec 11-7 Adequacy of the Regression

Model 42
11-7: Adequacy of the Regression Model
EXAMPLE 11-7 Oxygen Purity Residuals
The regression model for the oxygen purity data in Example 11-1 is
yˆ  7 4 . 2 8 3  14. 947 x .

Table 11-4 presents the observed and predicted values of y at each value
of x from this data set, along with the corresponding residual. These values
were computed using Minitab and show the number of decimal places
typical of computer output.

A normal probability plot of the residuals is shown in Fig. 11-10. Since the
residuals fall approximately along a straight line in the figure, we conclude
that there is no severe departure from normality.

The residuals are also plotted against the predicted value yˆ i in Fig. 11-
11 and against the hydrocarbon levels xi in Fig. 11-12. These plots do
not indicate any serious model inadequacies.
Sec 11-7 Adequacy of the Regression
Model 43
11-7: Adequacy of the Regression Model
Example 11-7

Sec 11-7 Adequacy of the Regression

Model 44
11-7: Adequacy of the Regression Model
Example 11-7

Figure 11-10 Normal

probability plot of residuals,
Example 11-7.

Sec 11-7 Adequacy of the Regression

Model 45
11-7: Adequacy of the Regression Model
Example 11-7

Figure 11-11 Plot of

residuals versus predicted
oxygen purity, ŷ, Example

Sec 11-7 Adequacy of the Regression

Model 46
11-7: Adequacy of the Regression Model
Example 11-7

Sec 11-7 Adequacy of the Regression

Model 47
11-7: Adequacy of the Regression Model
Example 11-7
• A normal probability plot of the residuals is shown in Fig. 11-
10. Since the residuals fall approximately along a straight line
in the figure, we conclude that there is no severe departure
from normality.
• The residuals are also plotted against the predicted value in Fig.
11-11 and against the hydrocarbon levels xt in Fig. 11-12.
These plots do not indicate any serious model inadequacies.

Sec 11-7 Adequacy of the Regression

Model 48
11-7: Adequacy of the Regression Model
11-7.2 Coefficient of Determination (R2)
• The quantity

R2  SSR 1

is called the coefficient of determination and is

often used to judge the adequacy of a regression
• 0  R2  1;
•We often refer (loosely) to R2 as the amount of
variability in the data explained or accounted for by the
regression model.
Sec 11-7 Adequacy of the Regression
Model 49
11-7: Adequacy of the Regression Model
11-7.2 Coefficient of Determination (R2)
• For the oxygen purity regression model,
= 152.13/173.38
= 0.877
•Thus, the model accounts for 87.7% of
the variability in the data.

Sec 11-7 Adequacy of the Regression

Model 50
11-8: Correlation

Our development of regression

analysis has assumed that x is a
measured variable,
with negligible error, and that Y is a
random variable. Many applications of regression
analysis involve situations in which both X and Y
are random variables. In these situations, it is
usually assumed that the observations (Xi, Yi), i = 1,
2, … , n are jointly distributed random variables
obtained from the distribution f (x, y).
Sec 11-8 Correlation
11-8: Correlation
We assume that the joint distribution of Xi and Yi is the bivariate normal distribution
presented in Chapter 5, and  Y and Y2 are the mean and variance of Y, X and  2X
are the mean and variance X, and  is the correlation coefficient between Y and
X. Recall that the correlation coefficient is defined as
 XY
  (11-15)
 X Y
where XY is the covariance between Y and X.
The conditional distribution of Y for a given value of X = x is

1 2 
| x y
fY  1  y   0   1 x  
2Y e x p   
 
 2   Y |x  


Y (11-17)
0  Y   X 

Y (11-18)
1   

Sec 11-8 Correlation

11-8: Correlation
It is possible to draw inferences about the correlation coefficient  in this model.
The estimator of  is the sample correlation coefficient
Xi  X
 Yi S XY
R  i1 n 1/ 2  (11-19)
 n X  X 2
 i 2  Y  Y   S X X SS T 1/2

Note that
i1 
i1 i

 SS T  (11-20)
ˆ  R
 S XX 
We may also write:
S XXˆ1 S X Y  S S R
R  
2 1ˆ2 
which is just the coefficient of determination. That is, the coefficient of determination
R 2 is just the square of the correlation coefficient between Y and X.
Sec 11-8 Correlation
11-8: Correlation
It is often useful to test the hypotheses

H0:  = 0
H1:   0

The appropriate test statistic for these hypotheses is

R n2
T0  (11-21)
1  R2

Reject H0 if |t0| > t/2,n-2.

Sec 11-8 Correlation
11-8: Correlation
The test procedure for the hypothesis

H0:  = 0
H1:   0

where 0  0 is somewhat more complicated. In

this case, the appropriate test statistic is
Z0 = (arctanh R - arctanh 0)(n - 3)1/2


Reject H0 if |z0| > z/2.

Sec 11-8 Correlation
11-8: Correlation

The approximate 100(1- )% confidence interval is

   
z/2 z/2 (11-23)
tanh arctanh r     tanh arctanh r 
 n  3   n  3 

Sec 11-8 Correlation

11-8: Correlation
EXAMPLE 11-8 Wire Bond Pull Strength In Chapter 1 (Section 1-3) an
application of regression analysis is described in which an engineer at a
semiconductor assembly plant is investigating the relationship between
pull strength of a wire bond and two factors: wire length and die height.
In this example, we will consider only one of the factors, the wire length.
A random sample of 25 units is selected and tested, and the wire bond
pull strength and wire length arc observed for each unit. The data are
shown in Table 1-2. We assume that pull strength and wire length are
jointly normally distributed.

Figure 11-13 shows a scatter diagram of wire bond strength versus wire
length. We have used the Minitab option of displaying box plots of each
individual variable on the scatter diagram. There is evidence of a linear
relationship between the two variables.

The Minitab output for fitting a simple linear regression model to the data
is shown below.
Sec 11-8 Correlation
11-8: Correlation

Figure 11-13 Scatter plot of wire bond strength versus wire length, Example 11-8.

Sec 11-8 Correlation

11-8: Correlation
Minitab Output for Example 11-8
Regression Analysis: Strength versus Length

The regression equation is

Strength = 5.11 + 2.90 Length

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 5.115 1.146 4.46 0.000
Length 2.9027 0.1170 24.80 0.000

S = 3.093 R-Sq = 96.4% R-Sq(adj) = 96.2%

PRESS = 272.144 R-Sq(pred) = 95.54%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 5885.9 5885.9 615.08 0.000
Residual Error 23 220.1 9.6
Total 24 6105.9
Sec 11-8 Correlation
11-8: Correlation
Example 11-8 (continued)

Now Sxx = 698.56 and Sxy = 2027.7132, and the sample correlation coefficient

S xy 2027.7132
r    0.9818
 S x x SS T  1/2
698.5606105.9 1/2

Note that r2 = (0.9818)2 = 0.9640 (which is reported in the Minitab output), or

that approximately 96.40% of the variability in pull strength is explained by the
linear relationship to wire length.

Sec 11-8 Correlation

11-8: Correlation
Example 11-8 (continued)

Now suppose that we wish to test the hypotheses

H0:  = 0
H1:   0

with  = 0.05. We can compute the t-statistic of Equation 11-21 as

t0  r n2 0.9818 23
1  r2
 1  0.9640  24.8

This statistic is also reported in the Minitab output as a test of H0: 1 = 0.

Because t0.025,23 = 2.069, we reject H0 and conclude that the correlation
coefficient   0.

Sec 11-8 Correlation

11-8: Correlation
Example 11-8 (continued)

Finally, we may construct an approximate 95% confidence interval on r from

Equation 11-23. Since arctanh r = arctanh 0.9818 = 2.3452, Equation 11-23

 1.96   1.96 
tanh  2.3452     tanh 2.3452
 22  22 
which reduces to

0.9585    0.9921

Sec 11-8 Correlation

11-9: Transformation and Logistic Regression

We occasionally find that the straight-line regression model

Y = 0 + 1x +  inappropriate because the true regression
function is nonlinear. Sometimes nonlinearity is visually
determined from the scatter diagram, and sometimes, because
of prior experience or underlying theory, we know in advance
that the model is nonlinear.

Occasionally, a scatter diagram will exhibit an apparent

nonlinear relationship between Y and x. In some of these
situations, a nonlinear function can be expressed as a straight
line by using a suitable transformation. Such nonlinear models
are called intrinsically linear.

Sec 11-9 Transformation and Logistic Regression

11-9: Transformation and Logistic Regression
EXAMPLE 11-9 Windmill Power Observation
Number, i
Wind Velocity (mph), xi DC Output, yi

A research engineer is 1
investigating the use of a 3
windmill to generate electricity 5 10.00 2.236
6 9.70 2.386
and has collected data on the 7 9.55 2.294
8 3.05 0.558
DC output from this windmill 9 8.15 2.166

and the corresponding wind 10


velocity. The data are plotted in 12


Figure 11-14 and listed in Table 14

11-5. 16
18 8.80 2.112
19 7.00 1.800
20 5.45 1.501
Table 11-5 Observed Values and 21 9.10 2.303
Regressor Variable for Example 22 10.20 2.310
11-9. 23 4.10 1.194
24 3.95 1.144
25 2.45 0.123
Sec 11-9 Transformation and Logistic Regression
11-9: Transformation and Logistic Regression
Example 11-9 (Continued)

Figure 11-14 Plot of DC output y versus wind Figure 11-15 Plot of residuals ei versus fitted
velocity x for the windmill data. values yˆi for the windmill data.

Sec 11-9 Transformation and Logistic Regression

11-9: Transformation and Logistic Regression
Example 11-9 (Continued)

Figure 11-16 Plot of DC output versus x’ = 1/x for

the windmill data.

Sec 11-9 Transformation and Logistic Regression

11-9: Transformation and Logistic Regression
Example 11-9 (Continued)

Figure 11-17 Plot of residuals versus fitted values Figure 11-18 Normal probability plot of the residuals
yˆi for the transformed model for the windmill data. for the transformed model for the windmill data.

A plot of the residuals from the transformed model versus yˆi is shown in Figure 11-17. This plot does not
reveal any serious problem with inequality of variance. The normal probability plot, shown in Figure 11-18,
gives a mild indication that the errors come from a distribution with heavier tails than the normal (notice
the slight upward and downward curve at the extremes). This normal probability plot has the z-score value
plotted on the horizontal axis. Since there is no strong signal of model inadequacy, we conclude that the
transformed model is satisfactory.
Sec 11-9 Transformation and Logistic Regression
Important Terms & Concepts of Chapter 11
Analysis of variance test in Odds ratio
regression Prediction interval on a future
Confidence interval on observation
mean Regression analysis
Residual plots
Correlation coefficient
Empirical model
Scatter diagram
Confidence intervals
on model Simple linear regression model
parameters standard error
Intrinsically linear model Statistical test on model
Least squares estimation of
regression model Transformations
Logistics regression
Model adequacy checkingChapter 11 Summary 70

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